how to create workspace in oracle XE - ora-08177

how to create workspace in oracle XE

Try to login at http://localhost:8080/apex/apex_admin , put your credentials there and you will be able to access the web page to create a workspace.
Take into account that the default username is ADMIN, and the password is the one you entered when you installed the software. The system will ask you to change it again.


Removing Azure SQL Managed Instance admin user

I would like to change the Azure SQL Managed Instance admin (this is not for the Active Directory Admin). I do not see any way to do this directly. I am guessing that if I create another sysadmin user, and then delete the current Managed Instance admin user which is also a sysadmin. This might force the backend to fall back and look for any sysadmin available to fill the vacated Managed Instance admin. I have not tried this because the current Azure SQL Managed Instance is in use. I am afraid the Azure SQL Managed Instance might blow up if it loses its Managed Instance admin.
What will occur if one deletes the Managed Instance admin user?
Connect to the instance name from Azure Data Studio and create a new admin user:
Go to the master db and run the create login script
CREATE LOGIN newusername WITH PASSWORD = 'password123'
Go to your database and run
use databasename
Create user [newusername] from login [newusername]
exec sp_addrolemember 'db_owner', 'newusername';
Remove your old user admin

How to reset locked user in SAP ITS server?

We have this ITS SAP server hosted in Windows Server 2003 and our support on this already left us without transitioning the application. Now we got Name or password is incorrect/ locked out see below picture. We already unlock the user / reset the password in SAP but it is not reflecting to the web application. I need to what file where the user name and password is located so I can change it with the new SAP username and password.
Below are the current location of SAP in our server.
C:\Program Files\SAP\ITS\6.20
Please help thanks!
We now fixed the problem.
Below are the steps:
1. Reset the password in SAP
2. Stop ITS SAP Service
3. Open and change global and zvwi in ITS Web Studio
4. Copy and paste the updated files to the production ITS PRD services folder
5. Restart the ITS SAP Service
You may have reset the password, but clearly it's not unlocked. Unlock the user, then login using SAP GUI before you try the ITS service again.

Forgot Apache OFBIZ admin password

I've forgotten my password for the apache of biz admin account , I've asked for an email to be sent however I don't know which account is associated with the ofbiz server so I can't view the email which changed the password , does anyone have any tips?
if you can access database, you can make the change directly on the UserLogin table.
Otherwise if you have a remote access to the server, you can use the ant or gradle target - depending of your OFBiz revision - to create another admin acount :
gradlew loadAdminUserLogin -PuserLoginId=myadmin
ant create-admin-user-login
Also a possible solution in such case is to use the (eg) lmtadmin if you have access to it. This is what I do on the demo when someone screws the main admin pwd

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio dbcreator permission

RE: Permissions
Program - Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio v.17.1
When attempting to create a new database through Object Explorer, I get the following error:
Screenshot #1
To fix this, I did the following and got another error:
Screenshot #2
I have searched the internet and all posts and articles say that I need to log in as administrator or SA. I am logged in as administrator and still can not gain permission to create a database.
How do I assign permission to the SA account to create a new database?
Problem here is that you are logged in with the local Windows Administrator account. You have two logins for your SQL Server instance as can be seen in your Image #2. One is SA (SQL Admin). The other is BUILTIN\USERS. That is a default group which every user that logs into the machine will be a part of. But unless you give that group permissions, or create other logins (I recommend this), you will be very limited to what you can do.
As you have found, that user group cannot modify permissions, especially for the SA user. The SA user is special, you cannot modify SA permissions at all. This is why you are receiving errors (partly because you don't have permissions to change them with the user you are logged in as, and partly because SA permissions cannot be modified).
The resolution to your issue is to login with the SA account. You will need to choose "SQL Login" at the login screen, as opposed to Windows login. SSMS will prompt you for a password. This password was configured by the person who installed the SQL instance. If the person who installed SQL Server did not specify a password, it will be most likely be a blank password or "Password123".
Once you are logged into the SA account, you can create new SQL or Windows Authentication logins and and provision them permissions as needed.

Can't login to Oracle SQL Command Line

I tried to find answer to this question but I didn't find any.
I just installed Oracle 11g XE2 on Windows 8.1 PC.
then, I could login to Application express at with username: ADMIN and password given at time of installation.
But when I try to use same username/password to login to SQL command line through start menu (from same local computer) it gives me
ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied
Failed attempts
So, I created a new workspace. while creating workspace it let me create new schema and administrator user for schema.
Then, I again tried to login to SQL command line using following command and new user credentials but still can't login.
CONNECT username/password
I tried to create new user form Application express home->workspace Task->create user with Account privileges as
Workspace INTERNAL
Default Schema APEX_040000
User is an administrator: No
User is a developer: Yes
Application Builder Access Yes
SQL Workshop Access Yes
Team Development Access Yes
Account Availability Unlocked
but I still can't login to sql command line with new user and same command
CONNECT username/password
this is the first time I am trying to install a database. Please help me.