How to find the largest value in a table using SQL? - sql

I am trying to determine the largest value of any data in an entire table using SQL. Note that I really mean an entire table, not just one column or row. The entire table is type varchar, and the goal is to determine what the largest value is (varchar 255, varchar 100, etc).
Name | ID
John | 1
Jake | 2
James | 3
Should return "James" because it is the largest value in the whole table. I also want the length.

Since all columns are varchar, you could UNPIVOT the table into one column, and then select the TOP 1 value ordered by LEN() DESC.
Note that if the columns have different lengths, you will need to cast them to all have the same length so they can be unpivoted together.

You can get byte size by using
select max(datalength(col0)+datalength(col1)+datalength(col2)...) from table
Be wary this might be an expensive query

You would have to write the query for one particular table:
select top(1) value
select datalength(col1) as len, cast(col1 as varchar(max)) as value from mytable
union all
select datalength(col2) as len, cast(col2 as varchar(max)) as value from mytable
union all
) data
order by len desc;

Look up the internet for data types and how much byte they take For example int = 4 byte.
If you have types like varchar or nvarchar
use max(len(column))+2 the length will give you the byte it's basicly the same


First name should randomly match with other FIRST name

All first name should randomly match with each other and when I tried to run query again the First Name should be match with others name. Not the match with FIRST time match.
For example I have 6 records in one table ...
First name column looks like:
So I want result like
First name1 First name2
Jhon. Harry
The simplest solution is to first randomly sort the records, then calculate the grouping and a sequence number within the group and then finally select out the groups as rows.
You can follow along with the logic in this fiddle:
FirstName varchar(30),
INSERT INTO #Sorted (Id, FirstName)
SELECT Id, FirstName
FROM People
WITH Pairs as
, (RowNum+1)/2 as PairNum
, RowNum % 2 as Ordinal
FROM #Sorted
Person1.FirstName as [First name1], Person2.FirstName as [First name2]
FROM Pairs Person1
LEFT JOIN Pairs Person2 ON Person1.PairNum = Person2.PairNum AND Person2.Ordinal = 1
WHERE Person1.Ordinal = 0
ORDER BY Person1.PairNum
ORDER BY NEWID() is used here to randomly sort the records. Note that it is indeterminate and will return a new value with each execution. It's not very efficient, but is suitable for our requirement.
You can't easily use CTE's for producing lists of randomly sorted records because the result of a CTE is not cached. Each time the CTE is referenced in the subsequent logic can result in re-evaluating the expression. Run this fiddle a few times and watch how it often allocates the names incorrectly:
Due to the volatility of NEWID() this example stores the results in a table valued variable. For a very large list of records a temporary table might be more efficient.
PairNum uses the simple divide by n logic to assign a group number with a length of n
It is necessary to add 1 to the RowNum because the integer math will round down, see this in action in the fiddle.
Ordinal uses the modulo on the RowNumber and is a value we can use to differentiate between Person 1 and Person 2 in the pair. This helps us keep the rest of the logic determinate.
In the final SELECT we select first from the Pairs that have an Ordinal of 0, then we join on the Pairs that have an Ordinal of 1 matching by the PairNum
You can see in the fiddle I added a solution using groups of 3 to show how this can be easily extended to larger groupings.

How to create an integer from a certain string cell in PSQL

I have three certain columns in a table I am trying to query, say ID(char), Amount(bigint) and Reference(char). Here is a sample of a few entries from this table. The first two rows have no entry in the third column.
ID | Amount | Reference
16266| 24000|
16267| -12500|
16268| 25000| abc:185729000003412
16269| 25000| abc:185730000003412
What I am trying to get is a query or a function that will return the ids of the duplicate rows that have the same amount and the same modulus (%100000000) of the number in the string in the reference column.
The only cells in the reference column I am interested in will all have 'abc:' before the whole number, and nothing after the number. I need some way to convert that final field (string) into a int so I can search for the modulus of that number
Here is the script I will run once I get the reference field converted into a number without the 'abc:'
id int,
amount int,
referenceNo bigint)
INSERT INTO tableA (id, amount, referenceNo) SELECT id, net_amount, longnumber%100000000 AS referenceNo FROM deposit_item
SELECT DISTINCT * FROM tableA WHERE referenceNo > 1 AND amount > 1
Basically, how do I convert the reference field (abc:185729000003412) to an integer in PSQL (185729000003412 or 3412)?
Assuming that reference id is always delimited by :
split_part(Reference, ':', 2)::integer
should work.
If you want to match abc: specifically - try this:
WHEN position('abc:' in Reference) > 0
THEN split_part(Reference, 'abc:', 2)::integer
But you should indeed consider storing the xxx: prefix separately.

SQL Server where condition on column with separated values

I have a table with a column that can have values separated by ",".
Example column group:
id column group:
1 10,20,30
2 280
3 20
I want to create a SELECT with where condition on column group where I can search for example 20 ad It should return 1 and 3 rows or search by 20,280 and it should return 1 and 2 rows.
Can you help me please?
As pointed out in comments,storing mutiple values in a single row is not a good idea..
coming to your question,you can use one of the split string functions from here to split comma separated values into a table and then query them..
create table #temp
id int,
columnss varchar(100)
insert into #temp
(2, '280'),
(3, '20')
select *
from #temp
cross apply
select * from dbo.SplitStrings_Numbers(columnss,',')
where item in (20)
id columnss Item
1 10,20,30 20
3 20 20
The short answer is: don't do it.
Instead normalize your tables to at least 3NF. If you don't know what database normalization is, you need to do some reading.
If you absolutely have to do it (e.g. this is a legacy system and you cannot change the table structure), there are several articles on string splitting with TSQL and at least a couple that have done extensive benchmarks on various methods available (e.g. see:
Since you only want to search, you don't really need to split the strings, so you can write something like:
SELECT id, list
WHERE ','+list+',' LIKE '%,'+#searchValue+',%'
Where t(id int, list varchar(max)) is the table to search and #searchValue is the value you are looking for. If you need to search for more than one value you have to add those in a table and use a join or subquery.
E.g. if s(searchValue varchar(max)) is the table of values to search then:
SELECT distinct, t.list
ON ','+t.list+',' LIKE '%,'+s.searchValue+',%'
If you need to pass those search values from ADO.Net consider table parameters.

How to select 10 rows below the result returned by the SQL query?

Here is the SQL table:
13b | Jeffrey | 23.5
F48 | Jonas | 18.2
2G8 | Debby | 21.1
Now, if I type:
FROM table
I will get the first row.
What I need to accomplish is to get the first and the next two rows below. Is there a way to do it?
Columns are not sorted and WHERE condition doesn't participate in the selection of the rows, except for the first one. I just need the two additional rows below the returned one - the ones that were entered after the one which has been returned by the SELECT query.
Without a date column or an auto-increment column, you can't reliably determine the order the records were entered.
The physical order with which rows are stored in the table is non-deterministic.
You need to define an order to the results to do this. There is no guaranteed order to the data otherwise.
If by "the next 2 rows after" you mean "the next 2 records that were inserted into the table AFTER that particular row", you will need to use an auto incrementing field or a "date create" timestamp field to do this.
If each row has an ID column that is unique and auto incrementing, you could do something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE id > (SELECT id FROM table WHERE value = 23.5)
If I understand correctly, you're looking for something like:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE value <> 23.5
You can obviously write a program to do that but i am assuming you want a query. What about using a Union. You would also have to create a new column called value_id or something in those lines which is incremented sequentially (probably use a sequence). The idea is that value_id will be incremented for every insert and using that you can write a where clause to return the remaining two values you want.
For example:
Select * from table where value = 23.5
Select * from table where value_id > 2 limit 2;
Limit 2 because you already got the first value in the first query
You need an order if you want to be able to think in terms of "before" and "after".
Assuming you have one you can use ROW_NUMBER() (see more here and do something like:
With MyTable
(select row_number() over (order by key) as n, key, name, value
from table)
select key, name, value
from MyTable
where n >= (select n from MyTable where value = 23.5)

Query mySql with LIKE %...% and not pull false records

I have a database that contains two fields that collect multiple values. For instance, one is colors, where one row might be "red, blue, navyblue, lightblue, orange". The other field uses numbers, we'll call it colorID, where one row might be "1, 10, 23, 110, 239."
Now, let's say I want to SELECT * FROM my_table WHERE 'colors' LIKE %blue%; That query will give me all the rows with "blue," but also rows with "navyblue" or "lightblue" that may or may not contain "blue." Likewise, with colorID, a query for WHERE 'colorID' LIKE %1% will pull up a lot more rows than I want.
What's the correct syntax to properly query the database and only return correct results? FWIW, the fields are both set as TEXT (due to the commas). Is there a better way to store the data that would make searching easier and more accurate?
you really should look at changing your db schema. One option would be to create a table that holds colours with an INT as the primary key. You could then create a pivot table to link my_table to colours
CREATE TABLE `colours` (
`colour` VARCHAR( 255 ) NOT NULL ,
PRIMARY KEY ( `id` )
CREATE TABLE `mytable_to_colours` (
`mytable_id` INT NOT NULL ,
`colour_id` INT NOT NULL ,
so your query could look like this - where '1' is the value of blue (and more likely how you would be referencing it)
FROM my_table
JOIN mytable_to_colours ON ( = mytable_to_colours.mytable_id)
WHERE colour_id = '1'
If you want to search in your existing table you can use the following query:
FROM my_table
WHERE colors LIKE 'blue,%'
OR colors LIKE '%,blue'
OR colors LIKE '%,blue,%'
OR colors = 'blue'
However it is much better than when you create table colors and numbers and create many to many relationships.
EDITED: Just like #seengee has written.
MySQL has a REGEXP function that will allow you to match something like "[^a-z]blue|^blue". But you should really consider not doing it this way at all. A single table containing one row for each color (with multiple rows groupable by a common ID) would be far more scalable.
The standard answer would be to normalize the data by putting a colorSelID (or whatever) in this table, then having another table with two columns, mapping from 'colorSelID' to the individual colorIDs, so your data above would turn into something like:
other colums | colorSelId
other data | 1
Then in the colors table, you'd have:
colorSelId | ColorId
1 | 1
1 | 10
1 | 23
1 | 110
1 | 239
Then, when you want to find all the items that match colorID 10, you just search on colorID, and join that ColorSelId back to your main table to get all the items with a colorID of 10:
select *
main_table join color_table
color_table.colorId = 10
Edit: note that this will also probably speed up your searches a lot, at least assuming you index on ColorId in the color table, and ColorSelId in the main table. A search on '%x%' will (almost?) always do a full table scan, whereas this will use the index.
Perhaps this will help to you:
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column REGEXP "[X]"; // where X is a number. returns all rows containg X in your column
SELECT * FROM table WHERE column REGEXP "^[X]"; // where X is a number. returns all rows containg X as first number in your column
Good luck!
None of the solutions suggested so far seem likely to work, assuming I understand your question. Short of splitting the comma-delimited string into a table and joining, you can do this (using 'blue' as an example):
WHERE ', ' + myTable.ValueList + ',' LIKE '%, blue,%'
If you aren't meticulous about spaces after commas, you would need to replace spaces in ValueList with empty strings as part of this code (and remove the space in ', ').