I am a newbie to endeca. When I try to run the CAS service from the bin directory of CAS/3.0.2 . Then I can't access CAS wsdl at the url http://localhost:8500/cas/wsdl? . I don't know at which port it is running. Or It is taking too much time to start up? Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
You are using the wrong URL.
The wsdl is available on http://localhost:8500/cas/?wsdl. If you still can't access it check in your <CAS_HOME>\workspace\logs\cas-service.log if it started up correctly.
Some info, specifically for your version, is available here
I have a ASP.NET Core with Blazor website and I want to deploy it to Arvixe host. The website is very simple and contains only UI elements no database required. I published the website to a local file system and uploaded it using FTP to the Plesk.
When I am visiting the website, I receive this error:
500 - Internal server error. There is a problem with the resource you
are looking for, and it cannot be displayed.
I have tried to run it on the IIS and I received more details:
Configuration The configuration file cannot be read due to
insufficient permissions.
I tried to add IIS_IUSRS to the group and users for web.config but I am not able to find it because I am using a windows 10 connected to active directory.
Besides, I still don't know how to solve this problem at Arvixe. Does anyone know tips might help?
500 internal error is generic issue. Please kindly check the error message on the server and paste it here. Make sure that your provider has installed .net core bundled on their server and here are tutorial about publsih .net core using plesk https://windowswebhostingreview.com/how-to-publish-using-web-deploy-with-plesk-control-panel/. It should be working fine.
You need to give Full Trust permission (Read-Write-Execute) to your application folder and also to Application Pool and also check if the Runtime version supported by Arvixe matches with your Asp.net Core version.
Also enable the logs in web.config file by setting stdoutLogEnabled="true" to get detailed error so that you can investigate more about the error.
I've run into a strange problem that a simple API request doesn't work. I tried to call http://demo.ckan.org/api/3/action/package_list and, and both resulted in the error: "No such file or directory".
When I run http, I get "result": []
If I browse CKAN through it's user interface, I can see the datasets.
Before running this command, I activated the virtual environment and started up CKAN server.
Do anyone know what might be the problem??
p.s. this same command worked before, but it doesn't work anymore today.. and I've tried to restart the virtual machine.. since I'm pretty new to development, it could also be that I missed some pre-conditions. Any advice would be very much appreciated!
Thanks a lot in advance!
I'm using RStudio on a server that is behind my company's firewall. I referred to the link here and did the same changes in my RProfile script:
I'm trying to access an API (Omniture a.k.a. api.omniture.com) using the package RSiteCatalyst and even though I mentioned the proxy, I'm unable to bypass the firewall. Below is what I do:
SCAuth('username','shared-secret') # Authentication
And the error that I get
Error in function (type, msg, asError = TRUE) :
Could not resolve host: api.omniture.com
Before going to IT I came here for the StackOverflow gods to help out. Would greatly appreciate it. Thanks.
I think that article has a typo. Can you put the http_proxy lines in your .Renviron rather than your .Rprofile, then restart RStudio? (If that does the job, we'll update the article!)
We've got an instance of Magento developed (two, in fact, since we tested both 1.6 and 1.7), and we are unable to have stamps.com hit its API. I've checked all the logs in our reverse proxy as well as Apache, and the connection is made, is successful, and it closes OK — so nothing's getting blocked. However, the API call times out, and we get this error when it hits the ShippingZmagento.php:
<Description>Please, make sure that you use right URL. Url is case sensitive</Description>
The FQDN is correct, and I'm about to hit the WSDL directly just fine as well — so it seems like a bad address translation might be happening at the API level or something.
We've tried it out in the DMZ with a couple of test domains (both with domains and subdomains), to no avail.
Any thoughts any of you might be able to shine on this would be most appreciated. Thanks in advance!
Open up stamps.com's php files and search for wsdl references they will need to updated to work on 1.7 magento:
What is SOAP V2 url on Magento
So I have my web.config connection string pointing to my SQL Server on appharbor - from local (running Visual Studios) I can login and the memberships works. However from the build that is on the hosting side I get sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
This is strange because I made a new user from local and check with SQL Server Management Studio whether or not the data has been added to the hosting server and it WORKS.
From my latest build I get the error:
Sorry, an error occurred while processing your request.
which is weird because they both point to the same server...
Anyone have an idea of what I am doing incorrectly?
ASP.NET MVC project has the "HandleErrorAttribute" on by default. You should remove it from FilterConfig.cs in App_Start Folder to see the actual error rather than the handled response.
It's located in the RegisterGlobalFilters method where filters.Add(new HandleErrorAttribute()); should be removed.
AppHarbor has a FAQ to help you troubleshoot deployment errors like these. In particular, you should inspect the "Errors" interface on AppHarbor and disable customErrors. Please elaborate the question if the FAQ doesn't help you solve the problem.