How to pass parameters from one feature to another for form field? - karate

I have a feature A with:
* form field username = ''
* form field password = 'usergire'
And another one with:
* def token = call read ('A.feature') here I would like to send username and password.
I followed examples in Calling other *.feature files but it doesn't work? Is it possible to do this in Karate? Because I need to call A.feature in other features and send 2 paremeters. thanks

Read the doc carefully: Calling other Feature files. In feature A:
* form field username = email
* form field password = password
And call this:
* call read('A.feature') { email: '', password: 'usergire' }


get the params value from a variable

i have one feature file as
Feature: Getting the Token
header Content-Type 'application/json'
def CookieGenerator = Java.type('com.ade.Helpers.CookiesGenerator');
def endpoints read('classpath: src/test/java/com/ade/resources/endpoints.json')
Given url endpoints.token
Scenario: To check the Schema of the response
Given cookies (new CookieGenerator().getCookieValue())
When method GET
Then status 200
def txnToken = response
#print token
from above code i am getting Token's value as something like this "gdjsgjshjhsjfhsg646"
now i have another feature file where i have to use above Token's value in my query parameter value as
Feature: Testing datent Name and Client
header Content-Type 'application/json""
def endpoints read('classpath:src/test/java/com/ade/resources/endpoints.json") def CookieGenerator Java.type('com.ade.Helpers.CookiesGenerator");
call read('Token.feature')
Given url baseUrl+endpoints.dit.Client.path
Scenario: To check the Schema of the response
Given def head read('classpath:src/test/java/com/ade/resources/reqpay.json") =
def req[1]
And cookies (new CookieGenerator().getCookieValue())
And request req
And param {txntoken = txnToken}
When method post
Then status 200
from above my endpoint should be like'gdjsgjshjhsjfhsg646'
but i am getting as'gdjsgjshjhsjfhsg646'
Your post is hard to read, as #peter-thomas said, please try formatting it better in the future, or edit the post if I haven't answered your question.
I believe what you're looking for is described in the documentation here
* def signIn = call read('classpath:my-signin.feature') { username: 'john', password: 'secret' }
* def authToken = signIn.authToken
you can see how information can be passed
I also asked a similar question fairly recently here
relevant bit here:
* def key ='ReadRoundUpSubscription.feature');
* def keyvalue = key.acckey
i prefer to call features like this, and not defining things in the reusable feature.

Ktor Login Session cookie

I am working on a login project using ktor. I am currently using the old method with session
install(Sessions) {
cookie.path = "/"
cookie.extensions["SameSite"] = "lax"
val secretSignKey = hex("000102030405060708090a0b0c0d0e0f")
This code is the final one,so if i remove the sessionmanager and secretsignkey, it will show in plain text it's value
The rest is simple, i am routing a get /login to show the form, and a post /validate to validate the data entered by user, then if all is ok i just set the session. The problem is that i can see the session value using inspect element -> application->cookie and i can change it's value being able to login as any user , by just knowing it's id (in the session i am storing the user id). And on the expire column it does not say sesssion. What am I doing wrong?
P.S: I've read the docs for authentication feature but I want to keep this simple idea with sessions.
Use a Ktor session transformer to transform (authenticate or encrypt) the cookie contents.
// REMEMBER! Change ALL the digits in those hex numbers and store them safely
val secretEncryptKey = hex("00112233445566778899aabbccddeeff")
val secretAuthKey = hex("02030405060708090a0b0c")
cookie<TestUserSession>(cookieName) {
transform(SessionTransportTransformerEncrypt(secretEncryptKey, secretAuthKey))

is it possible to overwrite parameters in a called feature file, which have been defined in background or scenario?
The link above contains an example of calling a feature file in order to reuse the code. The feature file which is reused is called with the inputs
* configure headers = read('classpath:my-headers.js')
* def signIn = call read('classpath:my-signin.feature') { username:'john', password: 'secret' }
* def authToken = signIn.authToken
The called my-signin.feature:
Given url loginUrlBase
And request { userId: '#(username)', userPass: '#(password)' }
When method post
Then status 200
And def authToken = response
In this example the my-signin.feature must be run with the inputs username and password. I know that if you had the following:
* def username = "foo"
* def password = "secret"
at the top of the my-signing.feature file, the parameters input by the feature attempting to reuse the feature file would be overwritten.
My question is:
If reuse is the main interest of being able to call other feature files, is there a way to have the calling feature file overwrite the username and password parameters if they had been defined in the background?
It seems to me that having the background overwrite the input parameters instead of vice versa makes it harder to reuse *.feature files. I know I found it a little frustrating on my project not being able to reuse tests I had already written without refactoring out the reusable code into another file.
Any called feature in karate will have a magic variable __arg, you can check for this before assigning values to your variables in your called script.
* def username = (__arg == null) ? "foo" : __arg.username
* def password = (__arg == null)? "secret" : __arg.password
this will check for values passed,
if none passed it will assign default
* def signIn = call read('classpath:my-signin.feature')
if passed with arguments passed arguments will be assigned
* def signIn = call read('classpath:my-signin.feature') { username: 'notfoo', password: 'notsecret' }
For simplicity don't have anyother parameters that need to passed other than this.

Get Sitefinitys Generated Password Reset URL

I am trying to get the URL from the password reset which I receive via email of the sitefinity frontend login.
I need to send the URL with the username which is enterd in the form to a server to send the email.
I already tried to override the SendResetPasswordEmail of the LoginFormModel but that only gives me the URL where the reset is located at. (localhost/login/resetpassword)
It looks like the URL is generated in the method SendRecoveryPasswordMail of the Telerik.Sitefinity.Security.UserManager which is not overridable.
Is there a way to get the generated recovery URL to use it in a custom method?
Thanks in advance
Since you already have the URL of the reset password page, I guess your issue is getting the proper query string to pass to that page.
Looking at the source code with JustDecompile, the query string is made up of this:
The cp=pr seems to be hardcoded, so we leave it as is, the question is how the userValidationKeyEncoded is made.
Again, looking in the code, it is this line:
string userValidationKeyEncoded = UserManager.GetUserValidationKeyEncoded(userByEmail);
And finally:
private static string GetUserValidationKeyEncoded(User user)
object[] providerName = new object[] { user.ProviderName, ',', user.Id, ',', DateTime.UtcNow };
string str = string.Format("{0}{1}{2}{3}{4}", providerName);
return SecurityManager.EncryptData(str).UrlEncode();
You can use the above code to manually generate the validationKey.

Auth0 Get userId in response payload?

When a user logins using the Auth0 lock on my client side, I get an idToken, but also an idTokenPayload which looks like this:
idTokenPayload = {
audience: "AUTH0CLIENTID",
exp: 1494190538,
iat: 1494154538,
Would it be possible to return the userId in Auth0's database instead of the username in the sub field?
The reason I want to do this is that I want to keep Auth0's db for users, and I have on my server-side some Profile, Post, Comment etc entities which have a userId column. Right now before each request on my entities I need to populate the user by doing an extra request: let id = Profile.find("... where username === auth0.sub").getId(); (pseudo-code of course).
With the C# lock sdk, you get back an Auth0User after the call to the LoginAsync method in the Auth0 client. Let's call this variable auth0User. If I look at auth0User.Profile, a JObject (it's a JSON object if you're not using C#), it contains a JSON array named "identities". My identities variable initialization looks like:
var identities = (JArray)auth0User.Profile["identities"];
This array contains all the identity providers associated with the user. If like me you haven't attached any other sign in besides Auth0, there will be just 1 entry here. Each object in this JSON array will contain a "provider" string and a "user_id" string. If the provider says "auth0" then it's from Auth0. Since I don't use FB or other account types I'm not exactly sure what they say. Here's my C# code to get the UserID:
var identities = (JArray)auth0User.Profile["identities"];
if (identities != null)
foreach (var identity in identities)
var provider = (string)identity["provider"];
if (string.Equals(provider, "auth0"))
UserID = (string)identity["user_id"];
I believe that this should all be provided standard without needing to add any rules or webhooks. This article should explain in more detail and also gives examples in javascript: auth0 normalized user profile