Visual Studio 2015 locks IIS when debugging -

I am developing an ASP.NET MVC4 application in Visual Studio 2015. For debugging I run it on the IIS server (v7) installed on my development machine.
Recently, when I change something in the source code and go to debug it Visual Studio says 'Trying to Contact the Web Server' then times out. When this happens the start menu (I am running Windows 7) becomes unresponsive (it opens but you cannot select an item or type anything in). I ultimately have to restart my machine, which is very time consuming.
I have tried running iisreset from the command prompt, but it doesn't fix the issue. It takes a long time to restart IIS.
Does anyone have any suggestions as to what may be causing this?


Visual Studio 2022 Debugger thinks I changed code and wants to hot reload

EDIT: Good information provided below to diagnose, but the issue was I was running Visual Studio 2022 17.3. Version 17.4 is required for .NET 7, and I had just installed that. Once I installed the latest version of VS, all my problems went away. Install with Visual Studio
Suddenly today, debugging my ASP.NET Core 6 and 7 apps suddenly has stopped working. I hit F5 to debug, it stops on my breakpoint, but as soon as I continue or step into, I'm shown this dialog:
I haven't made any changes to code, I'm simply trying to continue after I've stopped at a breakpoint. This just started happening today and I can't figure out what I did.
I haven't made any changes to code, I'm simply trying to continue
after I've stopped at a breakpoint. This just started happening today
and I can't figure out what I did.
Well, if your visual studio stop working for debugging all type of application, please check following configuration:
1. Tools > Options > Debugging > .NET/C++ Hot Reload
2. Tools > Options > Projects and Solutions > ASP.NET Core >
Furthermore, If you select the Always rebuild option in the dialog box, you won't see the dialog box again in the current Visual Studio session, and Visual Studio will automatically rebuild and reload instead of showing the dialog box.
In addition, as you can see above in the first release of Visual Studio (version 17.0) the standard Edit and Continue dialog is still shown when using Hot Reload with the debugger. This was a bug and has been resolved starting with 17.1 Preview 2 release.
If you still need more details about the issue you are having with, I would higly recommend you to check our official document here.
If issue still perist:
After checking above configuration, if your issue still persists and if you are not using Visual Studio (version 17.0) then you still reset your unknown setting in visual studio as following:
Go to Tools > Import and Export Settings.
Then No, just reset settings
Finally, restart Visual studio.
You can get more details here.

VS2015 RC delay notification

Since some time i got some issue with my Visual Studio 2015 Community edition. When i am trying to debug my windows form application it's stack and when i click on visual studio window i see message
"Delay notification"
and i have to option either
"Switch To"
"Continue waiting"
. And it's never come back to work again i have to restart my computer to work again for some time again and then again. I am using windows 10. Do you have any clue why it happens?
Run Visual Studio's setup and click Repair. It's a long process, but works. Also, check if you have updated the Microsoft ASP.NET and Web Tools extension to the latest version.

Visual Studio Crashes when trying to connect to SQL Database

I've been developing an application In for the past few months using Visual Studio 2013 Pro and Azure Cloud Services. Thursday when I went to run / debug the application I got an exception vshost32.exe has stopped working. After hours of research, trial and error I was unable to fix it. I uninstalled VS and re-installed it. No Luck :(
I was then frustrated to the point that I wiped my computer, Formatted the hard drives and Installed a clean version of Windows 7 Ultimate and VS Pro 2013. My application still does the same thing.. any idea what the heck is going on here? I have changed the debugger to x86 followed hundreds of solutions online with no luck.
I have now started another application but when I connect to my Azure Files then try to connect to the DB in SQL Server Explorer within VS it literally just crashes Visual Studio goes into debug mode then restarts. I have tried disabling my Firewall and Virus Protection. Can anyone point me in the right direction, I'm bummed right out as it seems I have an application which was nearing completion that is now unusable...
Thanks in advance to Everyone for your help and replies!
Do you encounter the problem when you debug it? I had the same problem when I was debugging it by pressing F11 key when the debugger point is at the sql statement. If you have the same problem, then try debugging it with F10 key.
I also have the problem to connect remote database a month ago. Each time I connect to the remote database, the application (VisualStudio/SSMS) crashed. After reserching, I found the solution for my case.
The source of my problem are:
Visual Studio 2013 or .NET Framework 4.5.1 installed
Some network anaylyzing / detecting tools installed
I don't know whether you are the same case. You can check the link for details.

Unable to start debugging - Visual Studio 2012

"Unable to start debugging 'C:\Windows\System32\WWAHost.exe'. The Microsoft Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (MSVSMON.EXE) does not appear to be running on the remote computer. This may be because a firewall is preventing communication to the remote computer. Please see Help for assistance on configuring remote debugging."
Searched for similar posts, but didn't found one. If duplicate just inform.
I am not trying to connect to any remote machine. Just testing on my local machine.
Is there any way to solve this issue. (I'm using Windows 8 Enterprise 64-bit, just a javascript project)
Problem solved. Installed Remote tools update from here and working fine. Thanks for responding. Closing the topic.
I had the same problem. I fixed it by changing properties/compile/target platform to x86 instead of Any CPU. It solved the problem in my case. Hope it helps.
This happened to me just now when I had a website set up in IIS for, and set my project's start up url (Local IIS) to, and then launched the project before remembering to add a record in the host files for the domain:
This got me for a good hour before I remembered I never set the record. Adding the record fixed it right away.
Windows 7 x64, VS 2012
In my case, the Remote Debugging Monitor component was installed and the app was clearly configured to debug locally in settings. This was a WinForms app upgraded from VS 2008, .NET 3.5.
Turns out it was the Windows Firewall. By directly running:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe
A firewall dialog appeared where I could allow msvsmon.exe to run. After a VS 2012 re-start, debugging (locally) was fine!
Ensure you have Local Machine selected in this drop-down menu:
Windows 7 x64, VS 2012, VB.NET
I fixed it like this:-
Create a shortcut on your desktop to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\Remote Debugger\x64\msvsmon.exe".
Right-click shortcut and select "Properties" from the dropdown menu. Select the "Compatibity" tab, tick "Run this program as administrator" and click OK
Create a shortcut on your desktop to "C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio 11.0\Common7\IDE\devenv.exe".
Right-click shortcut and select "Properties" from the dropdown menu. Select the "Compatibity" tab, tick "Run this program as administrator" and click OK.
To start VS2012:-
Double-click the msvsmon shortcut icon (that you created above, to launch msvsmon). Wait for the "Visual Studio Remote Debugging Monitor (Administrator)" window to display before continuing ...
Double-click the "Visual Studio 2012 Professional" shortcut icon (that you created above, to launch VS2012)
In VS2012, ensure standard toolbar is visible.
In VS2012, ensure "Solution Platforms" dropdown (on standard toolbar) is visible and set to "x86".
and debug now works (for me anyway) ...
However after 15 minutes or so, debug may stop working and you may get the msvsmon error again. If that happens, simply close VS2012 and msvsmon and then start again (from "To start VS2012:-" above) ...
Myself and several other developers have been trying to look for a solution for this problem for about 3/4 hours as Visual Studio crashed then this error would occur (twice in 2 days). I then suddenly (after a lot of debugging and trying other suggestions and headbanging) I somehow realised that the file which was highlighted had changed and when I was trying to debug was not the MVC app project, once I changed it to my project's one it then worked.
Hope this helps and saves people from hours of pain!
I also got this error, I usually run sites under a named user (which is also a database user) and forgot to set the Application Pool. (parliament's answer also helped me)
For me this worked in VS2013:
Save your work, close Visual Studio then reopen your project
I encountered this error as well.
The cause of mine was that I had accidentally emptied out the following property
Changing it to:
inherit from parent or project defaults
Solved the issue.
If you are using Microsoft's Azure, try attaching manually the debugger:
I have outlined the steps in the following answer:

Running .EXE file made in visual studio 2005 failure

I would like to run a .exe file made with visual studio 2003 but I get an error every time I run it on a windows 7 machine, vista machine, and xp machine. The error on Windows 7 and vista says "application has stopped working" and then makes me close the error box.
In windows xp it's a little different error, "the application failed to operate (0xc0000135) Click on OK to terminate the application."
That error code seems to indicate the application failed to initialize correctly.
It is possible that the anticipated .NET version is not present.
As far as I know, VS 2003 by default compiles against the .NET 1.1 library. There is no straightforward way of installing this on a Windows 7 or Vista box. Do you need to compile it against the .NET 1.1 library, or can you load it in VS2005, change the output .net version to 2.0 or higher, and recompile the application?
If you have the source code to the application, try running the application in debug mode and stepping through line by line until you find the exception. If you do not have the source code, possibly try running the application in a couple different compatibility modes. Another option to try is to check the windows event log for anything more specific.
If you want to get really deep into it, you can use SysInternals ProcMon.exe and filter on the failing exe to view the WinAPI calls that are happening during the failure.
Also, a basic search of forums shows that error is usually accompanied with framework issues. Either recompile the application or check out what your required framework is in the VS2003 project settings.