MSBuild, OutputPath to a lib directory is not honoured - msbuild

I spent hours now but I simply don't get it:
Why is a lib sub directory not honoured by the VS "fast up-to-date check"?
If a lib output dir for libraries is set, the solution is always rebuild - if changes have been made or not does not matter. If \lib sub dir is removed it works. Why?
Here is what I tested so far:
Refer to the next code snippet. That one works perfectly. If several dependent project are asked to build multiple times they actually build only once if no changes have been made. The Visual Studio FastUpToDateCheck kicks in.
But if you change the line
it constantly rebuilds. Any ideas why?
ComponentBuild.props located next to .sln file
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(OutputType)' == 'Library' ">
<!-- To distinguish by \lib\ does not work, a rebuild is triggered since the up-to-date check fails -->
<!-- <OutputPath>$(SolutionDir)bin\$(Configuration)\$(Platform)\lib\</OutputPath> -->
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(OutputType)' == 'Exe' ">
The file is included in csproj files just before Import Microsoft.CSharp.targets:
.csproj file:
<!-- position of include is important, OutputType of project must be defined already -->
<Import Project="$(SolutionDir)ComponentBuild.props" Condition="Exists('$(SolutionDir)ComponentBuild.props')" />
<Import Project="$(MSBuildToolsPath)\Microsoft.CSharp.targets" />
The behaviour becomes more weird, the more I test.
I created two simple library projects A and B. B depends on A. I added above mentioned import and the FastUpToDateCheck works.
After adding lib path to the library outputtype, it works when nothing else is changed. But when lib B project is cleaned, every subsequent builds do rebuild project B.
When adding lib path to the exe outputtype as well. The FastUpToDateCheck works again.
Then I removed the lib path again from output type exe, but the FastUpToDateCheck surprisingly still works - always. Even when cleaning the build, changing a class or deleting all obj and bin folders.
BUT as soon as I removed the lib path from the lib outputtype as well, i.e. I set back all to the original state, it FAILS. It rebuilds every time. The first line of the diagnostic output is
Project 'ClassLibrary1' is not up to date. Missing output file
'c:\Users\hg348\Documents\Visual Studio
It still looks into lib path even though it isn't set any more.
I think there is some nasty caching involved.
Can someone please verify this?

Well, my tests as described above lead to the answer:
It is caching in Visual Studio (VS) which triggers the builds after changing the output path. After making changes to the outputpath and probably outdir as well, Visual Studio still looks in the old directory for its FastUpToDateCheck.
Closing and reopening the Solution helps already to clear the VS cache. In some cases it is necessary to delete the hidden file .suo in hidden folder .vs
This solves all problems stated in the sample file given in the question above.
My final import file looks like this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project xmlns="">
<!-- Note that VS caches settings, to be sure the FastUpToDateCheck works
* reopen the solution after
- changing properties
- after adding a platform config
- after adding references to projects
* close VS and remove the hidden file
<solution folder>\.vs\<solution name>\v14\.suo after changing IntermediateOutputPath,
(You have to enable "how hidden files" in windows file explorer)
* After updating App.config do a random change in any .cs source file too,
otherwise FastUpToDateCheck fails
<!-- if true, don't copy output files of referenced assemblies, since everything builds to the same folder. -->
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(OutputType)' == 'Library' ">
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(OutputType)' == 'Exe' ">
<!-- sets "Copy Local" property of references to false on reopen of solution
don't copy output files of referenced assemblies, since everything builds to the same folder -->


Can't figure out how to include the source code into the nuget package that gets generated

I have several projects in a solution that i want to be packaged to be used as libraries in other solutions. The goal is to make development and debugging seamless, as if it was all in the same solution.
Specifically, I want to be able to ctrl + click on something from the library and be able to view the original source code and not the decompiled code.
I am using PackageReference to include the libraries to the application. What I have noticed is that when I unzip either the nupkg or snupkg, there is no source files anywhere. On that note, I have searched all over the internet and found conflicting things about where the source files go in the nupkg. I have seen mentions of the following folders in the nupkg: lib, src, content, and contentFiles. Which one should actually contain the source code?
When I unzip the nupkg (or snupkg) the only things I have in it are _rels, lib, package, [Content_Types].xml, and PROJECTNAME.nuspec.
I see that the lib folder contains the dll and the pdb file but no source code.
Furthermore, I noticed that the snupkg file is considerably smaller than the nupkg file which I find to be counter intuitive.
I have tried packaging using
msbuild -t:pack
msbuild -t:pack -IncludeSource=true
nuget pack
nuget pack -IncludeSource=true
and also building with visual studio but to no avail.
Here is my vbproj file
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">
<Import Project="$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props" Condition="Exists('$(MSBuildExtensionsPath)\$(MSBuildToolsVersion)\Microsoft.Common.props')" />
<Configuration Condition=" '$(Configuration)' == '' ">Debug</Configuration>
<Platform Condition=" '$(Platform)' == '' ">AnyCPU</Platform>
<TargetFrameworkProfile />
<PackageReference Include="NuGet.Build.Tasks.Pack" Version="6.4.0">
<IncludeAssets>runtime; build; native; contentfiles; analyzers</IncludeAssets>
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" Version="1.1.1" PrivateAssets="All" />
I have also tried using a nuspec file as well but still no success.
I am using .net framework 4.8
I have spent the last 3 days banging my head against the wall over this and haven't been able to figure it out. I have googling non-stop and have even been using ChatGPT to help me try and trouble shoot and no matter what I try I cant get it to work.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
It sounds like you want to publish nuget packages with SourceLink activated.
SourceLink will add metadata to the packaged assemblies that contains hints about where the original code from which the package was build can be found, e. g. a GIT repository URL and the particular commit SHA. The Visual Studio Debugger during debugging will read the metadata and thus be able to download the source from the repository and show it to you.
This will be the original source like you wanted.
See the docs at
What you have to do is add SourceLink as a package dependency to the project from which the package will be built.
For github and an SDK-style project it looks like this:
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" Version="1.1.1" PrivateAssets="All"/>
<!-- alternatively, using the new GlobalPackageReference element -->
<GlobalPackageReference Include="Microsoft.SourceLink.GitHub" Version="1.1.1" />
Since you seem to be using the old project format, you may need to do it differently. Visual Studio will most likely do the right thing for you when adding the package through the package manager UI.
Note that this is a build-time dependency only and will not add any libraries.
SourceLink by default will only do its job when some MSBuild properties are set. More on that below.
This is a snippet I use (again, SDK-style) to have SourceLink active on every release build:
<!-- ugly workaround because MSBuild apparently cannot set a bool property from the result of an evaluated expression -->
<!-- Abuse "Release" config as trigger for SourceLink, because I don't want to type -p:ContinuousIntegrationBuild every time
This should work as long as we do not locally debug release builds from commits that have not been pushed to github yet -->
<TreatAsOfficialBuild Condition="'$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">true</TreatAsOfficialBuild>
For the debugger to be able to download the source, the package must have been built from a commit that is available on the remote repo.
I trust you already know that you may not be able to debug into that source with breakpoints if the build you are debugging is optimized like in a "Release" build.
If you want to be able to debug through every line of the package's original source, you would have to build that package without optimization (like in a "Debug" build). For SourceLink to be active on debug builds too, you would need to adapt the criteria for the TreatAsOfficialBuild property accordingly.

How are we supposed to execute package build targets in the new world where nuget packages are consumed through msbuild PackageReference?

I am developing a suite of UI tests using Selenium. One of the run-time dependencies of this suite is the chromedriver.exe, which we are expected to consume through the Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver NuGet package.
The old world
When this NuGet package is imported the following lines are injected into the csproj file:
<Target Name="EnsureNuGetPackageBuildImports" BeforeTargets="PrepareForBuild">
<ErrorText>This project references NuGet package(s) that are missing on this computer. Use NuGet Package Restore to download them. For more information, see The missing file is {0}.</ErrorText>
<Error Condition="!Exists('..\packages\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.44.0\build\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.targets')" Text="$([System.String]::Format('$(ErrorText)', '..\packages\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.44.0\build\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.targets'))" />
<Import Project="..\packages\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.44.0\build\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.targets" Condition="Exists('..\packages\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.2.44.0\build\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.targets')" />
And it is automatic by the Visual Studio. This covers our bases, making sure the build targets provided by the Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver package are there at the time of the build and running them as needed. The logic inside the build targets file copies/publishes the chromedriver.exe to the right location.
All is green.
The new world.
I consume the same NuGet package as PackageReference in the csproj file. Cool. However, the build targets of that package are no longer executed. See Apparently, this is by design.
I could import the targets manually, but the problem is that I will have to hard code the location where the package is restored. It is no longer restored in the packages directory in the solution, but under my windows profile. But there is no property pointing to this location and hard coding it sucks.
So, here is the version that works for me and I hate it:
<PackageReference Include="Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver" Version="2.44.0" />
<Target Name="EnsureChromeDriver" AfterTargets="PrepareForRun">
<Error Text="chrome driver is missing!" Condition="!Exists('$(OutDir)chromedriver.exe')" />
<Import Project="$(SeleniumWebDriverChromeDriverTargets)" Condition="Exists('$(SeleniumWebDriverChromeDriverTargets)') And '$(ExcludeRestorePackageImports)' == 'true'" />
Overall, the Sdk style projects are absolutely great, but this whole business of running targets from the packages is totally broken, even if it is by design.
What am I missing?
So, here is the content of the generated obj\UITests.csproj.nuget.g.targets:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" standalone="no"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="14.0" xmlns="">
<ImportGroup Condition=" '$(ExcludeRestorePackageImports)' != 'true' ">
<Import Project="$(NuGetPackageRoot)selenium.webdriver.chromedriver\2.44.0\build\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.targets" Condition="Exists('$(NuGetPackageRoot)selenium.webdriver.chromedriver\2.44.0\build\Selenium.WebDriver.ChromeDriver.targets')" />
Notice the ImportGroup condition is '$(ExcludeRestorePackageImports)' != 'true'. Now, this condition is always false, because ExcludeRestorePackageImports seems to be hard coded to be true in
c:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Enterprise\Common7\IDE\CommonExtensions\Microsoft\NuGet\NuGet.targets
Inspecting binary log confirms this. Plus was closed as WontFix.
Or am I still missing something?
If you are running Restore and other targets during the build, you may get unexpected results due to NuGet modifying xml files on disk or because MSBuild files imported by NuGet packages aren't imported correctly.

using AssemblySearchPaths in csproj files

I am trying to set up my csproj files to search for dependencies in a parent directory by adding:
..\Dependencies\VS2012TestAssemblies\; $(AssemblySearchPaths)
I added this as the last PropertyGroup element right before the first ItemGroup which has all of the Reference declarations.
Unfortunately this is causing all of the other references to fail to resolve, for example:
Primary reference "Microsoft.CSharp".
9>C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319\Microsoft.Common.targets(1578,5): warning MSB3245: Could not resolve this reference. Could not locate the assembly "Microsoft.CSharp". Check to make sure the assembly exists on disk. If this reference is required by your code, you may get compilation errors.
For SearchPath "..\Dependencies\VS2012TestAssemblies\".
Considered "..\Dependencies\VS2012TestAssemblies\Microsoft.CSharp.winmd", but it didn't exist.
Considered "..\Dependencies\VS2012TestAssemblies\Microsoft.CSharp.dll", but it didn't exist.
Considered "..\Dependencies\VS2012TestAssemblies\Microsoft.CSharp.exe", but it didn't exist.
Is there a simple way for me to tell msbuild to where to search for my project's dependencies? I realize I can use /p:ReferencePath, however I prefer to have compilation logic in the csproj files themselves rather than have TFS Team Builds dictate where to look, not to mention that I'd like this to be able to be compiled on other developers machines.
I did try moving $(AssemblySearchPaths) to be first in list, but that did not help.
Can you change the value of the "AssemblySearchPaths" property within the Target "BeforeResolveReferences" and see if that solves your issue?
<Target Name="BeforeResolveReferences">
<Output TaskParameter="Value"
PropertyName="AssemblySearchPaths" />
Seems like there was a fix recently Thus this works as well:
This makes the assemblies in that folder to also show up in the "Add References..." window :)
And since you also might not want the assemblies to be copied into the output-folder, here an example on how to achieve this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="15.0" xmlns="">
<!-- ... -->
<!-- Add paths to ReferencePath. E.g. here it is Unity. -->
<ReferencePath>C:\Program Files\Unity\Hub\Editor\$(UNITY_VERSION)\Editor\Data\Managed\UnityEngine;$(ReferencePath)</ReferencePath>
<Target Name="DontCopyReferencePath" AfterTargets="ResolveAssemblyReferences">
<!-- Don't copy files indirectly referenced by ReferencePath -->
<!-- Collect paths to allow for batching -->
<ReferencePaths_ Include="$(ReferencePath)" />
<!-- Use batching to remove all files which should not be copied. -->
<ReferenceCopyLocalPaths Remove="#(ReferencePaths_ -> '%(Identity)\*.*')" />
<!-- ... -->

MsBuild not generating PDB files in Release configuration

<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)" Targets="_WPPCopyWebApplication;"
Properties="OutDir=..\publish;Configuration=Release;Platform=AnyCPU" />
I am using above script to publish Asp.Net project. In the project settings, I have absolutely made sure debug symbols are generated in release mode. Still MsBuild is not generating the pdb files in the output.
<PropertyGroup Condition=" '$(Configuration)|$(Platform)' == 'Release|AnyCPU' ">
After looking at the Microsoft.Web.Publishing.targets source, I have found a variable (ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol) being set to True in Release mode. From the comments, it looks like they wanted to exclude symbols from WebSite project, but the condition is not properly set for WebApplication project.
So, I have decided to override my build scrip from the caller arguments and it worked like a charm. I have not yet ascertained any side affects it may cause or using the undocumented property for future stability, but it works for now.
From the file
<!--For website we will always exclude debug symbols from publishing unless it is set explicitly by user in website publish profile-->
<ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol Condition="'$(ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol)'=='' And '$(_WebProjectType)' == 'WebSite'">True</ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol>
<ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol Condition="'$(ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol)'=='' And '$(Configuration)' == 'Release'">True</ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol>
<ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol Condition="'$(ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol)'==''">False</ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol>
I have updated my script as follows.
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjectFile)" Targets="_WPPCopyWebApplication;"
Properties="OutDir=..\publish;Configuration=Release;Platform=AnyCPU"; ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol=false />
You could also updated your publish profile (.pubxml) file to include that property value. I had to do this today with the new build bits in TFS Build 2015 to have the web publishing include the .pdb files. See example contents of file with property added to bottom.
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
This file is used by the publish/package process of your Web project. You can customize the behavior of this process
by editing this MSBuild file. In order to learn more about this please visit
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" xmlns="">
<SiteUrlToLaunchAfterPublish />
<LastUsedPlatform>Any CPU</LastUsedPlatform>
You can put this directly in your *.csproj file, as the last property group section (right before the Import elements):
<ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol Condition="$(DebugSymbols) == true">false</ExcludeGeneratedDebugSymbol>

MSBuild doesn't respect PublishUrl property for my ClickOnce app

I'm trying to make a batch file to publish the few ClickOnce application we have in one click. I'm using msbuild for that, and as an example the below command line shows how I'm doing it:
/v:normal > Log.txt
(wrapped for easier reading)
when I run the above command it builds and publish the application in the release directory, i.e. bin\release! Any idea why msbuild doesn't respect PublishUrl property in my example above?
PS: I tried also different combinations including remove 'Configuration', use 'Rebuild' and 'PublishOnly' as targets, and remove the the quotation marks but without any success.
You are setting the wrong property. Try PublishDir instead.
You can pass it into MSBuild as you are or you can set it in the project file (or maybe the sln file too, not sure I always use the project file.) like this
I've just done a few blog posts on MsBuild and ClickOnce stuff, check it out you 'should' find them useful...
Some features are done by Visual-Studio and not by the MSBuild-script. So the click-once-deployment behaves differently when it's executed from the command-line.
The ApplicationRevision isn't increased with every build. This works only when is exectued from Visual Studio
In in somecases, the PublishUrl isn't used. Quote from MSDN:
For example, you could set the PublishURL to an FTP path and set the InstallURL to a Web URL. In this case, the PublishURL is only used in the IDE to transfer the files, but not used in the command-line builds. Finally, you can use UpdateUrl if you want to publish a ClickOnce application that updates itself from a separate location from which it is installed.
I've created a special MSBuild-file which does this things. It runs the publish-target and copies then the files to the right location.
An example of the build-file, as requested by alhambraeidos. It basically runs the regular VisualStudio-build and then copies the click-once data to the real release folder. Note that removed some project-specific stuff, so it's maybe broken. Furthermore it doesn't increase the build-number. Thats done by our Continues-Build-Server:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Project ToolsVersion="4.0" DefaultTargets="Publish" xmlns="">
<!-- the folder of the project to build -->
<!-- This is the web-folder, which provides the artefacts for click-once. After this
build the project is actually deployed on the server -->
<Target Name="Publish" DependsOnTargets="Clean">
<Message Text="Publish-Build started for build no $(ApplicationRevision)" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjLocation)/YourProject.csproj" Properties="Configuration=Release" Targets="Publish"/>
<SchoolPlannerSetupFiles Include="$(ProjPublishLocation)\*.*"/>
<SchoolPlannerUpdateFiles Include="$(ProjPublishLocation)\Application Files\**\*.*"/>
DestinationFolder="$(DeploymentFolder)\Application Files\%(RecursiveDir)"
<CallTarget Targets="RestoreLog"/>
<Target Name="Clean">
<Message Text="Clean project:" />
<MSBuild Projects="$(ProjLocation)/YourProject.csproj" Properties="Configuration=Release" Targets="Clean"/>
I'll put in my 2 cents, this syntax seems to work (right or wrong):
For me, the soultion was to escape the path.
Instead of: