Getting status as "Time trigger not satisfied" when preview scheduled endeca content - endeca

I am facing an issue when previewing the scheduled content in endeca XM, When i am clicking on the audit button on preview page it shows me a table where i can see the status of the scheduled content as "Time trigger not satisfied". And so i am not able see the scheduled content.
Any idea what is going wrong here. Appreciate your help.

I am able to resolve the issue, this issue was related EndecaPreview layer component not in effect.


How do I permanently dismiss the ..."Powered by Data Catalogue" pop-up in BQ

Recently (last month or two) I've been noticing a popup that keeps showing up when I open BigQuery. It says:
Try search and autocomplete powered by Data Catalogue
When I hit "Dismiss" on this pop-up it goes away for a while but as soon as I come back to the BQ query editor it just comes back again. It's infuriating!
Does anyone know how to get rid of this advertising permanently without enabling it?
The issue has been reported on issuetracker platform, which says that:
The Prompt will not be visible by default once BigQuery UI's 'V2 Beta'
version is launched in November.
I will recommend you to subscribing the issue by starring it. When you star an issue, you receive email notifications about any upcoming chnages. Additionally, keep track of the latest BigQuery releases here.

ALM Workflow - Script Editor - Update custom field on Refresh of Execution Grid

In HP ALM, using the Script Editor in Workflow, I created some code to count the number of fails for a selected test in the Test Execution grid. This calculation updates in the TestSetTests_MoveTo module. Not the most elegant solution since the user has to click every line to update, but it works.
My lead wants to have all of the values update on using the ALM Refresh button on the same page. I am looking through all of the different modules, but I don't see anywhere that I can add an update on refresh. Any ideas on how to accomplish this?
I figured out how to add functionality to the refresh button. I created a message box that showed the Action being performed when it was clicked. It's ExecutionGrid.RefeshAllExecGrid Then I added an if statement on ActionName to call my update code and it worked. Hopefully, this helps someone else.
**The misspelling is correct, unfortunately.

Unable to manually trigger pipeline - Trigger button grayed out

The trigger button is grayed out and disabled. I cannot select it.
Pipeline has been published and zero errors on validation.
Pipeline is running on a schedule with no errors, but want to run manually as needed.
Tried Edge and Chrome
Didn't repro on my side. Which browser do you use? Could you share a screenshot of the disabled trigger button?
It seems like a bug, here is a workaround:
on top of the trigger button, right click and then left click inspect
find the trigger tag and remove disable
What's your factory version? If it's preview (2018-07-01-preview), then publish/debug/trigger are all blocked. Please refresh the page and go to overview page, you will see a prompt dialog suggesting you move to GA version.

Flutter Outline View - "Nothing to show"

Hi has anyone already tried the new "Flutter Outline"-View?
I only see "Nothing to show" what I do wrong? Has anyone an idea?
Click to red restart dart analysis server button. It works for me.
Edit: the below was the solution for the time. It seems this started to happen again recently and the solution is different. Please check the highly voted answer below for this.
As I can tell from the Gitter chat, you are under the alpha channel, because you probably installed Flutter SDK through the IntelliJ plugin (this is a bug).
Open a terminal/command window and type flutter channel. You'll see that you are in the alpha channel, which is actually abandoned. You need to be in the dev channel, but for some reason switching from alpha to dev does not work. Do this:
flutter channel master
flutter doctor
flutter channel dev
flutter doctor
flutter channel
This should tell you that you are in dev channel. Now restart IntelliJ and try again.
If it still won't work, maybe you are on Windows like me? I filed a bug report about that.
From my experience, hold Ctrl/Command and click on that widget to activate your FLutter Outline.
right click in the file and select 'reformat code with dartfmt' it will format your code and then left click in the file and select dart outline.
just run
flutter pub upgrade
it works for me
Hover mouse pointer over any class/property, then press Alt + Enter on the keyboard.
You can see all of the items in the Flutter Outline.
This happened to me too. What I did is just went to the 'main.dart' file, the outline for the main file appeared, and then switch back to the current file and the outline worked. I do this every time and it solves the issue.
To fix this issue, open Dart Analysis from the bottom tab and then click on Restart Dart Analysis Server icon (the red refresh icon). Now, reopen the Flutter Outline. This should fix the issue.
Screenshot of Dart Analysis

BigQuery Views cannot be edited, only deleted and re-saved

This is more of a bug report than a question, but Stack Overflow is the official support channel for BigQuery so I'm not sure where else to post this.
Right now if I have a view in BigQuery, when I try to edit it by clicking on "Details", editing the SQL, then clicking "Save View", I get the "View Saved" popup, but when I query the view again nothing has actually changed. The only way to change the view is to delete it and save a new one with the same name, which is pretty annoying every time I want to edit a view. This seems like a bug. Is it already known? Is there a timeline for it to be fixed? Is there somewhere else I should be reporting this? Thanks.
This is a UI-specific bug that we began pushing earlier in the week. The issue was exactly as your described: updating an existing view would report success, but not actually change the SQL query. We pushed a fix to production yesterday and the issue should now be resolved. You will need to refresh your BigQuery UI to pick up the new version and again be able to update views as expected.
Thanks for the bug report, and sorry for any inconvenience! Just FYI, another channel for bug reports (which Stack Overflow sometimes isn't a huge fan of) is our external issue tracker.