Letter spacing issue, two letters stick together despite adding letter spacing - letter-spacing

I am running into weird issue. I have attached screenshot of letter spacing issue. Initially I noticed that letters Fi aren't rendering properly. So I tried adding letter spacing but these two letters don't want to separate from each other. I have never noticed such behavior.
In screenshot I am using Lato font, but I notice same behavior with Open Sans. Other random fonts that I tried render properly. The issue is only happening in Chrome and Firefox, while IE renders font correctly.
Any guesses what could be causing it and how it be fixed? Any suggestions will be great. Thanks.

Solved. It is ligarature issue. Found this article with following css as solution.
-webkit-font-feature-settings: "liga" 0, "clig" 0;
-moz-font-feature-settings: "liga" 0, "clig" 0;
font-feature-settings: "liga" 0, "clig" 0;


cefpython3 (cefwx example2) iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile

How do i fix or ignore this warning popup? The example works fine, but this warning popup keeps showing. I looked around for a solution and image magic seems to be the fix. However, there are no images causing this problem in the sample code. I'm assuming it is what is being loaded by the browser. Can someone help me solve this problem please?
I can confirm this issue with wx.version= msw (classic) and cefpython 31.2. The navigation bar in this example loads three buttons (back, forward, reload) from this directory: c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\cefpython3\wx\images:
Arrow Left.png
Arrow Right.png
Button Load.png
These cause the "iCCP: known incorrect sRGB profile" error.
Solution: In the c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\cefpython3\examples\wx\ directory there are three images (back.png, forward.png, reload_page.png). Replace the problematic images with these by renaming them (back.png to Arrow Left.png etc) and copying to the c:\Python27\Lib\site-packages\cefpython3\wx\images directory.
Created Issue #221 to fix this.
If using wx 2.9/3.x you might also encounter text input issue. The cefpython 31.2 release was tested with wx 2.8 only.

Finding element using Xpath worked in IE9 but not in IE11

Attached is the HTML SS I am trying to click a button in my application. The button text is " Reassign". Please note that there is a space before the text. The space is visible when looking in developer tool in IE9. But not in IE11. I am unable to find the element in IE11. Whereas a simple
Driver.findelement(By.xpath(".//button[text()=' Reassign']")).click()
Worked in IE9. Same statement is not working in IE11.
Instead of
Driver.findelement(By.xpath(".//button[text()=' Reassign']")).click()
you could try
This will ignore any leading or trailing whitespaces.
Maybe using By.linkText() could help, as Microsoft may have implemented it different than By.xpath().
Try both By.linkText('Reassign') and By.linkText(' Reassign'). If neither works, try By.partialLinkText('Reassign'). This is of course not as specific, but, depending on your page, could do.
Check if the below xpath works
//div[#class='divbuttonholder margin-left-none margin- top1']/table/tbody/tr/td/button[#type='button'][#data-bind='click:$root.Reassign']

Removing the blue resolution selector bar

This might sound a bit silly but I can't remove the bottom bar that allows you to select the device the website is being displayed on.
I understand i need to remove the unordered list from the index.html file and make the iframe that contains the store be the main focus, but even though i can indeed remove the list, the space that it occupied will still be there, just fully white. I'm using VirtoCommerce 1.13
Anyone got any ideas? Thank you!
Fixed it:
Comment the unordered list from the index.html that contains the screen size options.
Edit lines 5 and 8 in the main.js file that's under responsive>js to remove the '-47'.
That should do it.

dojo.dnd.move node rendering issue

Dojo has a basic issue, amongst other things... with its dojo.dnd.move class. The issue which you can see here:
Is that when you click on a node, and start dragging, the node itself jumps. It actually moves its position. This is extremely problematic and I was wondering if anyone has seen this happen before.
I am creating an application that requires the moving of nodes but it needs to be precise and thus can't have the initial jump.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
This is caused by the following highlighted code in Mover.js:
The odd thing is, based on the comments, it seems like this code is causing the very problem it aims to prevent.
That said, if your body has padding: 0 applied to its style, this code shouldn't affect you. (You can test it on that test page by running document.body.style.padding = "0" in the console before dragging.)
You might want to enter a ticket on the Dojo bug tracker at http://bugs.dojotoolkit.org (or maybe search and see if one has already been entered for it).

When using pdfpages in LaTeX, how to avoid page breaks before the first page ?

I am creating a large LaTeX document, and my appendix has reproductions of several booklets that I have as PDFs. I am trying to create a section header and then include the pages at a slightly lower scale. For example:
\section{Booklet about Yada Yada Yada}
\includepdf[pages={-}, frame=true, scale=0.8]{booklet_yadayada.pdf}
However, pdfpagex does two annoying things. First, it devotes one output document page for included document page. I can live with that as I am using 80% scale. The main problem, however, is that the first page is also a new page, so I have a page with just a section title, and then a separate page with the booklet.
Is there some way to get pdfpages to be a little smarter here?
\includepdf uses \includegraphics internally, so something like
would include the page without starting a new one, although it only does one page at a time.
For me the following worked just fine:
\includepdf[pages=1,pagecommand=\section{Section Heading}]{testpdf}
I tried this solution too, but \includepdf keeps the advantage of outputting the file over the margin (the output is centered from the edges of the page).
So I openned pdfpages.sty, and I searched for \newpage command. I deleted the first occurance (line 326), just to try, and after saving then compiling again, there were no page break anymore.
Use the minipage environement :
\chapter*{Sujet du stage}
It doesn't add any extra page and it works with includepdf.
Thanks for all the answers - I couldn't for the life of me figure out what logic \includepdf uses to insert blank pages; the trick with including the first page via \includegraphics solved most (but not all) of those problems; so here are some notes:
First, out of curiosity, I have also tried to use only \includepdf, but split in two parts:
... unfortunately, this has the same problem as the question in OP.
Since #WASE's answer, there are now multiple \newpages in the source (pdfpages.sty). I tried reading the source, but I found it quite difficult; so I tried temporarily setting \newpage to \relax only for \includepdf - and that puts all pages in the document on top of each other; so probably not a good idea to get rid of \newpage blindly.
Just \includegraphics[page=1,scale=0.8]{foo.pdf} works - but (as #WASE also note) it is aligned at the top-left corner of the page body, which is to say inside the margins; for a full page we'd want the pdf inclusion overlaid over the whole page, margins included.
This page: graphics - How do I add an image in the upper, left-hand corner using TikZ and graphicx - TeX - LaTeX points to several possibilities for positioning on page over the margins; but for me, the best solution for a full page PDF inclusion is to use package tikz to center it to the page:
\begin{tikzpicture}[remember picture,overlay]
\node at (current page.center) {\includegraphics[page=1]{MYINCLDOC.pdf}};
After this is done, as a bonus, I have also experienced:
Proper targets of PDF bookmarks (going to the right page when clicked)
If you use package pax, the data seems to be included also for the \includegraphics standalone first page, so no difference there
If you have a twoside document - pdfpages, with the above split of the first page in \includegraphics, will now (seemingly) correctly insert the equivalent of \cleardoublepages between pdfs that are included back to back (so I don't have to insert such a command manually).
Hope this helps someone,
I'm a little late, but the following solution worked for me:
\includepdf[pages={-},angle=90, scale=0.7]{lorem-ipsum.pdf}
All pages are imported, scaled and rotated by 90 degrees.
Works with Texmaker 5.0.4