What is the URL for interacting with the Google API Interactive Console to test out queries and get JSON results? - api

I am trying to find something from Google Cloud that is similar to the Interactive Spotify API Web Console. Does anyone have any ideas that requires a sign into the Google account associated with the Google Cloud? Thanks!

This is available through the API reference pages: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/apis
On every method page, there's a form you can use on the right to test it out from the browser using your Google account.
For example, take a look at this page to list your Cloud SQL instances: https://cloud.google.com/sql/docs/mysql/admin-api/v1beta4/instances/list


authenticating google analytics api

I am using query explorer to get the API constructed in google analytics, but this comes with token. I don't know how can I get a token or authenticate so it never expires.
I am not using any app, just want when I hit browser with API I get JSON results that's it.
Please someone please help me to authenticate the API I get from query explorer in GA.
The query explorer is only a tryout platform and DOES NOT produce tokens for indefinite use.
There is a step by step setup for this:

How to check which errors I have in my Google API project?

I'd like to use this plugin with my Jekyll site to show page views for each post/ page. So I installed the plugin and set up a service account for Google data API. The site is generating but I get no data from Google Analytics for my page views (it shows 0). On the projects overview page in Google Developer Console I see that I'm getting errors. But I can't figure out how to check these errors?
Is there any way to see what these errors are?
How can I check if Google API is working at all on my site?
The problem was with permissions when you add a new user to Google Analytics account. I had only Read & Analyze, and it should be all four (Manage Users, Edit, etc.).

Scope of Google Logs API?

Is the Google Logs (Java) API only for querying logs of the GAE application where it is called from or can it be used more broadly for querying logs for all GAE applications that belong to the same account?
And it the second is not possible, does Google provide an API for retrieving status information (e.g. logs) about all applications under one account?
What I'd like to do is call such an API at regular intervals to ask e.g. if any recent HTTP requests resulted in errors: this would give a quick dashboard summary based on a subset of information (also) presented in the Google Developers Console.
As far as I know this isn't possible. But, you can download logs using appcfg (for any app) - maybe that is an option?

How can I get hold of a Google Calendar API?

I'm trying to integrate my Google Calendar with a plugin I installed on my page.
To do so I need the ID and the API of the calendar.
I managed to find the ID following Google's support page, but it's hours now that I've been trying to get hold of the API.
Firstly this and more can be answered here: http://amazewebs.com ...the home to 1-to-1 google api help with lots of videos, guides, examples, templates and code submissions.
see demo: http://amazewebs.com/demo
To get a Google API you need to setup an API script to call the Google servers.
This can be achieved with OAuth Authentication with either:
a Client Account or...
a Service Account
Head to here to setup your API's & Auth:
Head here for official documentation:

Google PHP API - (403) Access Not Configured

Im using the Google PHP API Client http://code.google.com/p/google-api-php-client/ to retrieve data from the google API.
Logging in thru OAuth2 and fetch user information works like a charm, but when I'm attempting to access the goole analytics api i get this 403 code error every time. Hundreds of users with the same problem forgot to activate the Google Analytics API in the service settings, or simply provided incorrect credentials (client_id & client_secret). I've tried to enable/disable the Google Analytics multiple times, and logging in/out from my google accounts, but no result.
Anyone that has any pointers for me?
(Remember, the OAuth procedure works, since I'm getting both an access_token and refresh_token)
I'm using the simple.php example in the class examples folder...
I'm working on Drive myself and understand the issue. I've been having some troubles understanding Google and their PHP api somewhat. I've finally got it to work with some clarification of examples found around the internet.
Your problem sounds like you didn't set your scope to Google analytics but, please be clear in the steps you've taken as well as the code you've tried using.
The error could be as simple as forgetting this line in your oAuth callback file:
To something complex as understanding if you need a full paid account to access information from Google about your Analytics (not included as free like Google+ and Google drive).