Restrict TLS mutual authentication to specific TLS certificates - authentication

There is a PKI with a single CA issuing all the x509 certificates in my network.
So on my network all the servers and clients possess a certificate from my CA stored in their corresponding keystore together with the private key. Each server and client has also the CA certificate in a chain file available to validate the trust chain of the peer x509 certificate when TLS mutual authentication is going on. All fine.
Let’s suppose I have now on my network two servers and two clients and I want to make sure Client_A and Server_A succeed with TLS mutual authentication using their x509 certificates, as Client_B and Server_B should do.
At the same time, I want to make sure TLS mutual authentication between Client_A and Server_B will not succeed. (Also valid between Client_B and Server_A).
How can I make the servers and clients in my network not only verifying the trust chain, but also respecting some kind of whitelist?
Maybe this is not feasible on TLS Layer, that is what I want to have clarified.

You can achieve this using any of the below 2 approaches-
Verifying client certificate at TLS layer: Create separate intermediate issuing CA for each client group. For example, for all the clients of Server_A, create a CA named Ca_Client_A. So your chain will look like rootCA -> Ca_Client_A -> client certificates. Import this Ca_Client_A in the trust-store of Server-A. Now Server_A will allow connections to the clients which has issuing ca Ca_Client_A. Similarly, you can create Ca_Client_B intermediate CA for serving client group B by server B.
Verifying client certificate at Application layer: For this, you need to write authentication logic in your application server where you need to put constraints such as allowed client certificate-serial numbers or CN name matching with keyword for successful authentication.
Hope that helps.

There isn't any way (that I know of) to do this at the TLS layer.
Most TLS libraries offer a callback option during the certificate exchange, and that would be the appropriate place to check the certificate against a list. Returning the library-specific version of failure/unacceptable will usually cause a TLS handshake failure, and no data will have been transmitted.

A lot of this depends on the server software you are using, not the TLS standard itself. Some software packages can be configured to trust certificates issued by a particular CA certificate. In your scenario, this would allow ANY certificate issued by your CA to connect to ANY server configured to trust your CA certificate. Other server software can be configured to trust a particular certificate, or certificates with a given subject (distinguished name of the certificate, subjectAltName, etc.) So, it depends on which particular "server" you're trying to connect to. Is this an Apache web server? IIS? Tomcat? The answer varies depending on what server platform we're talking about.


Does TLS client ever require a certificate installation?

In a TLS communication I always thought the server would send the public certificate to the client during the handshake process.
However, I received a request from a provider asking us to manually install a certificate in order to initiate a TLS communication with one of their STunnel server.
I'm a bit confuse by this request. Is there's a situation where TLS server would not be able to send the certificate to the client and therefore required a manuel certificate installation?
There are two cases where a certificate installation is needed on the client side:
The server is using a certificate not issued by a public CA, i.e. self-signed or issued by a private CA. In this case the client must import the certificate or CA up front and install it as trusted.
The server is requiring client authentication based on certificates, i.e. not only the server authenticates to the client with a certificate but also the client to the server (instead or additionally to typical passwords). In this case the client has to get a client certificate and matching key and import so that it can be used for authentication.
It is unclear which of these cases is the one you are dealing with.

Does a TLS client needs to have intermediate CA in the trust store?

When a TLS handshake takes place, the server sends in his ServerHello message, his digital certificate. This digital certificate is digitally signed by a intermediate CA named A and CA A also has a certificate which is signed by CA named root whose certificate is self signed, thus forming a certificate chain. The client then has to establish a trust, validating the server certificate. To perform that validation the client has to validate the entire chain correct?
Must the client have in a truststore all the certificates (A and Root) or the client will download them?
The client usually has only the root CA in the local trust store. The leaf certificate and the intermediate certificate leading to the root CA need to be provided by the server. The intermediate certificates are usually send in addition to the leaf certificate within the TLS handshake.
But it is a typical misconfiguration to only have the leaf certificate send by the server. In this case the certificate validation will fail unless the client has already knowledge of the intermediate certificates or can obtain these somehow. Since often the same intermediate certificates are used, some browsers like Firefox will cache the intermediate certificates they'll got when communicating with server A and fill these in when a broken server B is not sending the required intermediate certificates. Other browsers (like Google Chrome) will try to download the missing intermediate certificates from the internet. Most simpler clients (i.e. apps written in Python, Java ... or curl) will instead just fail with a certificate validation error.

SSL/TLS handshake between Websphere MQ Server and Client

I'm debugging SSL errors between Websphere MQ Server and Client using T.Rob's suggestions and need help understanding the SSL handshake (SSL connect to MQ using .net mq client SSLV3?).
My WMQ 7.5 client application is C code and uses a keystore (.kdb). Utilizing a CHLTAB provided by the WebSphere admin. The WMQ server is running Java and the channel is defined with mutual authentication.
The article states that in the SSL/TLS handshake, the server always sends its public certificate in response to a connections request. The client then must validate that certificate by first checking the signature and validity date, then looking in its trust store for the thing that signed the certificate.
Here's my confusion: Since my keystore on the client side has only the application personal cert, how does the client validate the public certificate sent by the server? I have provided the Common Name of my application cert to the WebSphere server admin but nothing more than that.
Thanks in advance for the clarification!
The bit about "my keystore on the client side has only the application personal cert" is troubling. That won't work. The client KDB must have the server's public key. If the MQ server has SSLCAUTH(OPTIONAL) the the server's public cert is all that's required in the KDB for the connection to succeed.
The first part of the TLS handshake is where the client validates the server's certificate. The use of public/private key pairs is how the authenticity of the thing on the other side is assured. In order for that to happen the server must have its own personal certificate and the client must have the public key of the root of the signer chain. In the case of self-signed certificates the public portion of the personal cert must be trusted by the client. In the case of CA-signed certs the CA Root must be trusted by the client. Whichever one it is, the client must trust something used to sign the server's personal cert or that cert can't be validated.
The TLS handshake is symmetrical so the second part works exactly the same as the first but the roles are reversed. Therefore, in cases where mutual authentication is enabled the client must have its own personal cert (because that contains the private key) and the server must trust whatever signed the client's matching public key. If the client cert is self-signed the QMgr has to trust it. If the client's cert is CA-signed, the QMgr must trust the signer. Either way, the QMgr has to have a cert to validate the client in its KDB.
Following this logic, for anonymous client connections the required parts are the personal certificate in the QMgr's keystore (because it contains the QMgr's private key), and the matching trusted certificate in the client's KDB or for Java the Trust Store. Neither of these is optional.
If the client is to be authenticated you still need the same two certs as for anonymous clients because that part of the handshake has to complete before the client is authenticated. In addition, now you also need the client to have its own personal certificate (because it contains the client's private key) and the QMgr now needs to trust whatever signed the client's certificate - the client cert if self-signed or the signer root if CA-signed.
As a side note, There is also some confusion in the post because it says that "My WMQ 7.5 client application is C code and the WMQ server is running Java." There is nothing in the queue manager that uses Java on the server side. There are Java components installed to do things like manage JNDI objects and run the sample code. In modern MQ versions Java runs the Web Console. But there are no Java components in the QMgr itself and no Java components in the path of the incoming channel connection request. That's all habdled by the QMgr's listener, agent, and other internal processes. So I'm not at all sure what is being referred to there other than that the notion of Java running on the MQ server side and participating in the TLS handshake might be a source of some of the confusion mentioned in the post. ;-)

SSL approach for private software

What is the proper way of using SSL certificates for private applications? By private I mean that I am the only user, and software is running on my computers.
I want to have a encrypted communication between two of my programs. I want to send passwords between them, so I need to be sure that remote program is not fake/hacked.
As far as I understand I don't need to get paid SSL certificate from the CA, if there is no third party involved.
Is the following correct?
Server has a private key and self-signed SSL certificate.
Client has a copy of server's self-signed certificate (it needs to be well protected).
During the handshake server sends the certificate to client.
client checks if the certificates are the same.
client can start encrypted transmission.
Is there other way?
Server has a private key and self-signed SSL certificate.
Client has a copy of server's self-signed certificate (it needs to be well protected).
The client has either a copy of the certificate or the certificates public key or the fingerprint of these. Since the certificate is public these information do not need to be protected. Only the private key of the server (residing only in the server side) needs to be protected because using this key one could prove ownership of the certificate.
During the handshake server sends the certificate to client.
client checks if the certificates are the same.
Kind of. It might check the certificate or the public key or the fingerprints.
client can start encrypted transmission.
I would recommend that you read the OWASP article about certificate and public key pinning. It also contains sample code for various environments.
Client has a copy of server's self-signed certificate (it needs to be well protected).
Clients do not have copy of the server certificate. They get it in SSL handshake
client checks if the certificates are the same.
NO! Clients will have the public certificate of the Certificate Authorities who would have signed the server certificate. They will validate the server cert with the CA cert including things like certificate expiry, CRLs. Not compare for 'sameness'
In your case you are using the self-signed certificates. The clients should be made to ignore the self signed certificate and proceed with SSL handshake.
I would recommend you read through SSL handshake sequence again.

mTLS ( mutual TLS) details

I know that for MTLS , both parties , Client and server exchange certificates. These certificates should be signed by a CA that both parties can trust in order to validate the certificate.
My question is , does MTLS also means in addition to verifying the certificate (if CA is trusted, leaf certificate is trusted) , either side (Server or client) can also do some additional checks like Hostname check or Whether the client connecting to the server is in the list of approved trusted entities?
Can anyone point me to the mTLS specification and what are the overheads in mTLS?
Besides what EJP has said about "MTLS" term, the TLS 1.2 specification doesn't have strict requirements regarding what information is to be checked and in which way.
It's up to the receiving party to decide if the presented certificate is to be trusted or not. This means that for example it's ok for the server to accept only certificates issued by the CA that belongs to the company that owns the server. This is how client-bank access systems often work - they accept only certificates issued by the bank and the common name of such certificate must correspond to the username provided in a web form.
Both parties are free to check any information in the certificate including direct comparison of public key hash (thus only particular keypairs will work no matter what is contained in other certificate properties).
The most up todate RFC regarding this subject is:
this is an extension to OAuth 2.0
The purpose of this document is to define a mechanism how TLS certificate is used in a context of replacing Client ID and Secret (aka, Client Credentials)
The standard establishes two mechanisms how a TLS Certificate is used as a client credential, and the associated token flows, and attributes.
The general summary of this is:
(a) Authorization Server: checks the certificate either according to PKI (signed by a valid root) The RFC does not define the options, but they are pretty self-explanatory and depend on the use case. But it can be (1) certificate is signed by a trusted root and, is not revoked, (2) individually recognize each certificate based on some logic.
(b) Resource server checks the token and client certificate (client credential, or CC), and used in the underlying TLS session. Please note that there are no validation checks concerning the certificate or its origin at TLS layer, all checks are performed at an Application layer. The resource server should, therefore, configure the TLS stack in a way that it does not verify whether the certificate presented by the client during the handshake is signed by a trusted CA certificate.
This mechanism becomes particularly interesting in some GDPR context, as it makes it impossible to share tokens between client and the server.
Overall a great feature for privacy, and improved security.
mTLS can be implemented by issuing all parties a CA certificate and adding these to all communicating parties, which is a sort of an access control list. Whoever has their CA certificate in your app's trust store is able to connect.
The trust system however is the same as with TLS in the case of a https connection - you can issue several certificates from the same CA and add the root CA certificate to the trust store of your app. It will trust all certificates issued from the same root. This is arguably easier to set up as you only have to add the app's own certificate and the CA root. However, if you want to revoke a certificate, it becomes a little more complicated.
I wrote a guide to generate certificates here:
Both server and client certificates have to be built with the same CA certificate and key
see :
So you have to store the CA certificate on both sides :
On the server side : you can allow (this is optional) a client that provides client cert built with the same CA than its own certificate. (see rejectUnauthorized: true)
https: {
requestCert: true,
rejectUnauthorized: true,
key: fs.readFileSync("./certificates/server/serverKey.pem"),
cert: fs.readFileSync("./certificates/server/serverCrt.pem") ,
ca: [fs.readFileSync("./certificates/ca/caCrt.pem")]
(exemple for a fastify nodejs https self-signed certificate server)
On the client side : you can allow (this is optional too) a server that provides (or not) the same CA certificate as the client knows
curl -k --cert ./certificates/client/clientCrt.pem --key ./certificates/client/clientKey.pem https://localhost:3000/
(parameter -k : do not verify the server certificate based upon a CA authority)
curl --cacert ./certificates/ca/caCrt.pem --cert ./certificates/client/clientCrt.pem --key ./certificates/client/clientKey.pem https://localhost:3000/
if you want the client to match the correct CA cert used by the server
There is no 'MTLS Specification', for the very good reason that there is no such thing as 'MTLS'. You just made it up. The TLS specification, including mutual authentication, is to be found in RFC 2246 as amended.
The TLS APIs should make the peer certificate chain available to the application, so it can do any additional checking it likes.
'MTLS', insofar as it exists at all, refers to an Internet Draft for multiplexed TLS.