PlaceHolderView - how insert a Listview or Recyclerview - android-recyclerview

Has anyone used a PlaceHolderView lib?
has anyone ever come across the problem of putting a ListView or RecyclerView book inside the PlaceHolderView custom item?
need to insert a listview or recyclerview in the blank space in the image below
Exemple layout


How to make a recyclerview that shows one item and shows another item when it is swiped horizontally?

For example the recyclerview should show one image at the same time and other image should be shown when the recyclerview is swiped horizontally.(
I use Linear Layout as horizontally to show images.
I've found a solution. I wanted to show just one item or image at the same time in a recylerview and when the recyclerview is swiped next item would be shown to the user. That work is just basic as adding that piece of code in the below after making the configuration of your recylerview.

recyclerview with both vertical and horizontal scrolling use layoutManager

I want to create a table using RecyclerView that scrolls both horizontally and vertically (without using the HorizontalScrollView)
I used this class
But unfortunately it has a bug and has not been updated since 2016.
For example, I want the page to scroll from right to left when opened activity, but it is not possible
Please help me if anyone knows.

RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager inside of ViewPager2

I found a bug when using ViewPager2 (horizontal orientation), which the fragment contains a RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager (vertical orientation),
The RecyclerView with GridLayoutManager always jump-scrolls to top (1st item) when I scroll it vertically,
this issue does not exist when I change it to LinearLayoutManager
I suspect that this has something to do with bubbling onTouch event from nested recycler view, (AFAIK viewpager2 use RecyclerView)
Need help
Update: after doing research, it is may be caused by SwipeRefreshLayout wrapping my RecycleView, seems I need to extend it to something like "NestedScroll Swipe Refresh Layout"

RecyclerView with page scrolling (Vertical ViewPager)

I want to open a different row on scrolling RecyclerView vertically and hide previous row completely. Similar to ViewPager but vertically. I have tried the library VerticalViewPager, but it is just a vertical RecyclerView.
Please suggest me.

How do I make a RecyclerView horizontal scroll to have page boundaries similar to ViewPager

I am having trouble with this. I've been trying to use RecyclerView to have a page boundaries like ViewPager but prove to be difficult to do. Is there a way to overcome this problem?