How do I make a RecyclerView horizontal scroll to have page boundaries similar to ViewPager - android-recyclerview

I am having trouble with this. I've been trying to use RecyclerView to have a page boundaries like ViewPager but prove to be difficult to do. Is there a way to overcome this problem?


recyclerview with both vertical and horizontal scrolling use layoutManager

I want to create a table using RecyclerView that scrolls both horizontally and vertically (without using the HorizontalScrollView)
I used this class
But unfortunately it has a bug and has not been updated since 2016.
For example, I want the page to scroll from right to left when opened activity, but it is not possible
Please help me if anyone knows.

Instagram Feeds on React Native

I was researching this since last year from time to time. I always wonder how Instagram handles the feeds screen?
What kind a component they using for it?
I'm sure it's not a ScrollView becouse it's much more performant than a ScrollView.
It is not also a FlatList becouse I know the basics of the FlatList how it renders the rows etc... and I am sure that they don't use it. For example a FlatList renders the items on top of each other like a card stack. In this behavior you cannot achieve the current Pinch Zoom feature that they have.
I thought maybe they use flipkart's RecyclerListView which is based on Java and much more performant than ScrollView and FlatList, but I am not quite sure about that too.
Any ideas about what they using to achieve current functionality on the feeds screen?
I mean, is there a method or specific listing component to achieve same behavior with all the functions like Double Tap to Like, like Pinch Zoom with overlaying everything.
#Quick note about pinch zooming, it's nearly impossible to build a component with current states of ScrollView and FlatList which will be performant and has same functionality.
You can check out my other topic about that here
Long story short, I have tried a lot of methods and 3rd party components to achieve same thing, but still could not do it.
Thanks for your thoughts!

nativescript carousel by javascript

I want to create a horizontal scroll-view with stack-layout similar to 'olx' app. But the problem i am facing is to achieve endless scroll or carousel like scroll.
in the below link, carousel template was already implemented but it was too complicated to understand.
how to build and achieve endless horizontal scroll of the icons in stack-layout like in 'OLX' app. I am not expecting someone to code but just a flowchart of doing things would be very helpful.

RecyclerView with page scrolling (Vertical ViewPager)

I want to open a different row on scrolling RecyclerView vertically and hide previous row completely. Similar to ViewPager but vertically. I have tried the library VerticalViewPager, but it is just a vertical RecyclerView.
Please suggest me.

Tablayout with recyclerview not swipeable on items

I'm using a tablayout with 3 fragments, each fragment has its own recyclerview. When trying to swipe from a fragment on a item the tablayout doesn't change tabs. I probably have to override a certain motionevent, but I don't know how.
I hope someone has the answer to this!
Thanks in advance.
It appears that when you are using a RelativeLayout in the layout that you are inflating the swiping part doesn't work. After changing this to a LinearLayout it solved the problem!