SQL - Selecting rows by timestamp and ID - sql

I'm working with a list of engagement scores for each company.
SELECT pel.companyProfileID, pel.engagementScore, pel.createTimestamp
FROM partnerEngagementLog pel
A snippet of results for one company:
I'm trying to produce a cohort analysis table with:
A single row for each companyProfileID.
Columns for each engagementScore by latest, second latest, etc.
The issue is that time between timestamps varies and I'm having trouble figuring out how to select properly. Put another way, what I need is columns for "last score per companyID", "second-to-last", "third-to-last", etc. that are based on absolute row positioning and not date range.
Any help would be greatly appreciated, still learning SQL on the side as I develop my business.


Time gap calculation in MS Access

I have a table (Access 2016) tbl_b with date/time registrations
b_customer (num)
b_date (date)
b_start (date/time)
b_end (date/time)
I want to make a chart of all time registrations per day in a selected month and the gaps between those times. For this I need a query or table showing all times as source for the chart. I’m a bit lost how to approach this.
I assume the chart source needs consecutive records with all date and time registrations to do this. My approach would be create a temporary table (tmp) calculating all time periods where the customer is null. The next step would be a union query to combine the tbl_b and tmp table.
The tbl_b does not have records for every day, so I use a query generating all days in the selected month which shall be used in the chart (found this solution here: [Create a List of Dates in Access Query)
The disadvantage of using a tmp table for the “time gaps” is that it is not updating real time, where a query would provide this opportunity. I have about 20 queries to perform the end result, but MS Access keeps giving (expected) errors that the queries are too difficult.
Every query looks for difference between the in the previous query found end time and the next start time. On the other hand this approach has a weaknes as well, I thought 15 steps would be enough (no more than 15 gaps expected), but this is not sure.
Can anyone give me a head start how this can be accomplished by an easier (and actual working) method? Maybe VBA?

Power pivot ytd calculation

Ok, I have watched many videos and read all sorts and I think I am nearly there, but must be missing something. In the data model I am trying to add the ytd calc to my product_table. I don't have unique dates in the product_table in column a and also they are weekly dates. I have all data for 2018 for each week of this year in set rows of 20, incrementing by one week every 20 rows. E.g. rows 1-20 are 01/01/2018, rows 21-40 are 07/01/2018, and so on.
Whilst I say they are in set rows of 20, this is an example. Some weeks there are more or less than 20 so I can't use the row count function-
Between columns c and h I have a bunch of other categories such as customer age, country etc. so there isn't a unique identifier. Do I need one for this to work? Column i is the sales column with the numbers. What I would like is a new column which gives me a ytd number for each row of data which all has unique criteria between a and h. Week 1 ytd is not going to be any different. For the next 20 rows I want it to add week1 sales to week2 sales, effectively giving me the ytd.
I could sumproduct this easily in the data set but I don't want do that. I want to use dax to save space etc..
I have a date_table which does have unique dates in the main_date column. All my date columns are formatted as date in the data model.
I have tried:
This simply replicates the numbers in the sales column, not giving me an ytd as required. I also tried
=calculate(sum(products[sales]) ,datesytd(date_table[main_date]))
I don't know if what I am trying to do is possible. All the youtube clips don't seem to have the same issues I am having but I think they have unique dates in their data sets.
Id love to upload the data but its work stuff on a work computer so cant really. Hope I've painted the picture quite clearly.
Resolved, after googling sumif dax, mike honey had a response that i have adapted to get what i need. I needed to add the filter and earlier functions to my equarion and it ended up like this
Calculate (sum(products[sales]),
filter (sales, sales[we_date] <=earlier(sales[we_date]),
filter (sales, sales[year] =earlier(sales[year]),
filter (sales, sales[customer] =earlier(sales[customer]))
There are three other filter sections i had to add, but this now gives me the ytd i needed.
Hope this helps anyone else

Query to find average stock ... with a twist

We are trying to calculate average stock from a movements table in a single sql sentence.
As far as we are, no problem with what we thought was a standard approach, instead of adding up the daily stock and divide by the number of days, as we don’t have daily stock, we simply add (movements*remaining days) :
select sum(quantity*(END_DATE-move_date))/(END_DATE-START_DATE)
from move_table
where move_date<=END_DATE
This is a simplified example, in real life we already take care of the initial stock at the starting date. Let’s say there are no movements prior to start_date.
Quantity sign depends on move type (sale, purchase, inventory, etc).
Of course this is done grouping by product, warehouse, ... but you get the idea.
It works as expected and the calculus is fine.
But (there is always a “but”), our customer doesn’t like accounting days when there is no stock (all stock sold out). So, he doesnt like
Sum of (daily_stock) / number_of_days (which is what we calculate using a diferent math)
Instead, he would like
Sum of (daily stock) / number_of_days_in_which_stock_is_not_zero
For sure we can do this in any programming language without much effort, but I was wondering how to do it using plain sql ... and wasn’t able to come up with a solution.
Any suggestion?
Consider creating a new table called something like Stock_EndOfDay_History that has the following columns.
This table would get a new row for each stock item at the start of a new day for the prior day. Rows could then be purged from this table once the applicable date value went outside the date window of interest.
To get the "number_of_days_in_which_stock_is_not_zero", use this.
SELECT COUNT(*) AS 'Not_Zero_Stock_Days' FROM Stock_EndOfDay_History
WHERE stock# = <stock#_value>
AND <date_window_clause>
Other approaches might attempt to just add a new column to the existing stock table to maintain a cumulative sum of the " number_of_days_in_which_stock_is_not_zero". But inevitably, questions will be asked as to how did the non-zero stock days count get calculated? Using this new table approach will address those questions better than the new column approach.

SQL GROUPING SETS averages with multiple many-to-many dimensions

I have a table of data with the following:
I want to do a GROUPING SETS (Platform,Dt,(Platform,Dt),()) aggregation to be able to find for each combination of Platform and Dt the following:
Total Purchases
Total Unique Users
Average Purchases per User per Day
The first two are simple as these can be achieved via a sum(Total_Purchases) and count(distinct user) respectively.
The problem I have is with the last metric. The result set should look like this but I don't know how to get the last column to be calculated correctly:
For the first ten rows we see that getting the Average purchase per user per day is a simple division of the first two columns as the dimension in these rows represent a single date only. But when we look at the final 3 rows we see that the division is not the way to achieve the desired result. This is because it needs to take an average for each day in turn to get the overall per day amount.
If this isn't clear please let me know and I'll be happy to explain better. This is my first post on this site!

Sql Queries for finding the sales trend

Suppose ,I have a table which has all the billing records. Now I want to see the sales trend for a user given time duration group by each 3 days ...what should be the sql query regarding this?
please help,Otherwise I am gone ...
I can only give a vague suggestion as per the question, however you may want to have a derived column with a standardised date (as per MS date format, just a number per day) that you could then use a modulus (3) on so that days are equal per 3 day period. You can then group and aggregate over this column to get the values for a 3 day period. Obviously to display the date nicely you would have to multiply back and convert your column as well.
Again I'm not sure of the specifics, but I think this general idea could be achieved to get a result (may well not be the best way so it would help to add more to the question...)