Return multiple columns with 3 distinct fields in SQL query for Access DB - sql

I am trying to make a query that returns multiple fields, keeping the first 3 as distinct columns and returns values for the last modified date. Some of the variables in the query fields should come from more than one table and one of them has a True/False criterion too. The three 3 distinct fields are needed because the combination of these is associated with the other returning parameters.
The tables look roughly as follows...
Table a:
ID | Sc | Country | TechID | VarA | ... | VarX(T/F) | LastModified
1 | 1 | AA | 1 | x | ... | T | 1-1-2017
2 | 1 | AA | 1 | z | ... | T | 1-1-2017
3 | 1 | AA | 2 | y | ... | T | 1-1-2018
4 | 1 | AB | 1 | u | ... | T | 1-1-2017
5 | 2 | AB | 2 | v | ... | T | 1-1-2018
6 | 3 | AB | 1 | w | ... | F | 1-1-2018
Table b:
TechID | TechName | Categ | Units
1 | Tech1 | Cat1 | M
2 | Tech2 | Cat2 | N
3 | Tech3 | Cat3 | P
The idea is that the query returns something like this (when the T/F criterion is met). Where the combination of Sc-Country-Tech shows up only once, with the last modified having presedence:
Sc' | Country' |TechName'| Units | Cat | VarA... | LastModified |
1 | AA | 1 | ... | ... | ... | 1-1-2018
1 | AB | 2 | ... | ... | ... | 1-1-2017
2 | AB | 1 | ... | ... | ... | 1-1-2018
So far I've tried a few SQL lines to no avail. First, with Select DISTINCT but the option was too "all inclusive".
SELECT DISTINCT a.Sc, a.Country, b.TechName, b.Units, b.Cat, a.VarA,..,a.VarX, Max(a.LastModified) AS MaxOfLastModified
a.TechID) ON b.Cat = a.TechID
GROUP BY a.Sc, a.Country, b.TechName, b.Units, b.Cat, a.VarA,..,a.VarX
HAVING (((a.VarX)=True));
Also tried this but it prompts errors related to aggregate functions:
SELECT a.Sc, a.Country, b.TechID, b.Units, b.Cat, a.VarA,..,a.VarX, Max(a.LastModified) AS MaxOfLastModified
a.TechID) ON b.Cat = a.TechID
GROUP BY a.Sc, a.Country, a.TechID
HAVING (((a.VarX)=True));
Any thoughts/suggestions on how to go about this?? Any pointers to previous related answers are also much appreciated.
Thanks in advance! :)
EDIT (2017.09.29):
This certainly cleared things up a bit!
I managed to get the query going with some of the fields, only when calling fields from a single table with the following:
SELECT a.Sc, a.Country, a.Tech, a.LastModified, a.VarA
FROM a INNER JOIN (SELECT Sc, Country, Tech, max(LastModified) AS lm FROM a GROUP BY Sc, Country, Tech) AS dt ON (dt.lm=a.LastModified) AND (dt.Tech=a.Tech) AND (dt.Country=a.Country) AND (dt.Sc=a.Sc)
GROUP BY a.Sc, a.Country, a.Tech, a.LastModified, a.VarA, a.VarX
HAVING (((a.VarX)=Yes));
I'm still running into a syntax error on JOIN when trying to add fields from a lookup table using the INNER JOIN command as suggested. The code I tried looked something like:
SELECT a.Sc, a.Country, a.Tech, a.LastModified, a.VarA b.TechCategory
FROM a INNER JOIN (SELECT Sc, Country, Tech, max(LastModified) AS lm FROM a GROUP BY Sc, Country, Tech) AS dt ON (dt.lm=a.LastModified) AND (dt.Tech=a.Tech) AND (dt.Country=a.Country) AND (dt.Sc=a.Sc)
INNER JOIN b ON Tech.Category=a.Tech
GROUP BY a.Sc, a.Country, a.Tech, b.TechCategory, a.LastModified, a.VarA, a.VarX
HAVING (((a.VarX)=Yes));
Any additional pointers are much appreciated!

Use an aggregate query to get the maximum date for each combination of Sc, Country, and TechID, then use this as a subquery and join it back to tables a and b to get the data in your final query. Something like this:
a.Sc, a.Country, b.TechName,
b.Units, b.Category, b.Units, a.VarA, a.LastModified
(Table_a as a
inner join (
select Sc, Country, TechID, max(LastModified) as lm
from Table_a
group by Sc, Country, TechID
) as dt on dt.Sc=a.Sc and dt.Country=a.Country and dt.TechID=a.TechID and dt.lm=a.LastModified)
inner join Table_b as b on b.TechID=a.TechID


What's the best way to create empty/default rows for missing aggregations

I have a table I want to group over two levels. As the output, I need all the grouping value combinations, such that I end up with zeros where non existant combinations occur. For example, say I have this table:
| user | page |
| a | 1 |
| a | 1 |
| a | 2 |
| b | 2 |
| b | 3 |
I'm after output like this:
| user | page | visits |
| a | 1 | 2 |
| a | 2 | 1 |
| a | 3 | 0 |
| b | 1 | 0 |
| b | 2 | 1 |
| b | 3 | 1 |
I can achieve this with the following query, but it seems rather heavy handed:
users AS (SELECT distinct(user) FROM sometable),
pages AS (SELECT distinct(page) FROM sometable),
users_pages_empty AS (SELECT * FROM users CROSS JOIN pages),
users_pages_full AS (SELECT user, page, count(*) as visits FROM sometable GROUP BY user, page)
SELECT e.user,, coalesce(f.visits, 0) as visits
FROM users_pages_empty e
LEFT JOIN users_pages_full f ON e.user=f.user AND
I happen to be using AWS Athena, but I think this is more a generic SQL question than an Athena question.
The performance of this query is fine, it's more the readability/complexity I'm not happy with.
Use a cross join to generate the rows and a left join to bring in the existing rows and aggregate:
select u.user,, count(s.user)
from (select distinct user from sometable) u cross join
(select distinct page from sometable) p left join
sometable s
on s.user = u.user and =
group by u.user,
order by u.user,;

select query joining two tables on a range

I have two tables:
Table A with columns
name | tag | price | ref
and Table B with columns:
id | time | min_ref | max_ref
I want to make the following query, take all columns from table A and columns id and time from Table B, combining rows in such a way that particular row from A is merged with a row from B if value ref from A is in the range (min_ref, max_ref). Example:
name | tag | price | ref
A | aaa | 78 | 456
B | bbb | 19 | 123
C | ccc | 5 | 789
id | time | min_ref | max_ref
0 | 26-01-2019 | 100 | 150
1 | 27-01-2019 | 450 | 525
2 | 25-01-2019 | 785 | 800
the query should return:
name | tag | price | ref | id | time
A | aaa | 78 | 456 | 1 | 27-01-2019
B | bbb | 19 | 123 | 0 | 26-01-2019
C | ccc | 5 | 789 | 2 | 25-01-2019
The notation (min_ref, max_ref) for ranges signifies exclusive bounds. Would be [min_ref, max_ref] for inclusive.
select a.*,, b.time
from a
join b on a.ref > b.min_ref
and a.ref < b.max_ref;
The BETWEEN predicate treats all bounds as inclusive.
I think this is just a join:
select a.*,, b.time
from a join
on a.ref between b.min_ref and b.max_ref;
You want a JOIN which combines rows from the two tables with an appropriate criteria. For instance:
SELECT, a.tag, a.price, a.ref,, bi.time
INNER JOIN b ON b.min_ref <= a.ref AND b.max_ref >= a.ref
The INNER JOIN finds matching rows from the two tables, ON a specified criteria. In this case, the criteria is that a.ref is between b.min_ref and b.max_ref.
You can also use the sql BETWEEN operator to simplify the conditionals:
INNER JOIN b ON a.ref BETWEEN b.min_ref AND b.max_ref

Access Queries comparing two tables

I have two tables in Access, Table A and Table B:
Table MasterLockInsNew:
| ID | Value | Date |
| 1 | 123 | 12/02/13 |
| 2 | 1231 | 11/02/13 |
| 4 | 1265 | 16/02/13 |
Table InitialPolData:
| ID | Value | Date |Type
| 1 | 123 | 12/02/13 | x |
| 2 | 1231 | 11/02/13 | x |
| 3 | 1238 | 10/02/13 | y |
| 4 | 1265 | 16/02/13 | a |
| 7 | 7649 | 18/02/13 | z |
All I want are the rows from table B for IDs not contained in A. My current code looks like this:
SELECT Distinct InitialPolData.*
FROM InitialPolData
WHERE InitialPolData.ID NOT IN (SELECT Distinct InitialPolData.ID
from InitialPolData INNER JOIN
ON InitialPolData.ID=MasterLockInsNew.ID);
But whenever I run this in Access it crashes!! The tables are fairly large but I don't think this is the reason.
Can anyone help?
or try a left outer join:
FROM InitialPolData b left outer join
MasterLockInsNew a on =
where is null
Simple subquery will do.
select * from InitialPolData
where id not in (
select id from MasterLockInsNew
Try using NOT EXISTS:
SELECT Distinct i.*
FROM InitialPolData AS i
FROM MasterLockInsNew AS m
WHERE m.ID = i.ID)

Use COUNT and JOIN in a same query SQL

My tables:
| Name | ID |
| Phu | 12 |
| Nam | 23 |
| Mit | 33 |
| ID | Order |
| 12 | Laptop |
| 12 | Mouse |
| 33 | Smartphone |
| 23 | Keyboard |
| 33 | Computer |
I want to get output like this:
| Name | Orders |
| Phu | 2 |
| Mit | 2 |
I use this query but this doesn't work:
COUNT(*) AS 'Orders'
Orders a
Customers b ON a.ID = b.ID
COUNT(*) > 1;
It has the error like this:
Column 'Customers.Name' is invalid in the select list because it is not contained in either an aggregate function or the GROUP BY clause.
Any help is really appreciated. Thank you.
SELECT c.Name, COUNT(o.ID) AS Orders
FROM Customers c INNER JOIN Orders o ON c.ID = o.ID
HAVING Orders > 1
Working Sqlfiddle:!2/869790/4
As mentioned in my comment every column in the select statement has to be in the group by clause.
SELECT Name, COUNT(*) AS 'Orders'
FROM Orders a
INNER JOIN Customers b
ON a.ID = b.ID

Issue with SQL involving JOINS

I have 2 tables with similar layout, involving INCOME and EXPENSES.
The id column is a customer ID.
I need a result of customer TOTAL AMOUNT, summing up income and expenses.
Table: Income
| id | amountIN|
| 1 | a |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d |
Table: Expenses
| id | amountOUT|
| 1 | -x |
| 4 | -z |
My problem is that some customers only have expenses and others just income... so cannot know in advance id I need to do a LEFT or RIGHT JOIN.
In the example above an RIGHT JOIN could do the trick, but if the situation is inverted (more customers on the Expenses table) it doesn't work.
Expected Result
| id | TotalAmount|
| 1 | a - x |
| 2 | b |
| 3 | c |
| 4 | d - z |
Any help?
select id, SUM(Amount)
select id, amountin as Amount
from Income
union all
select id, amountout as Amount
from Expense
) a
group by id
I believe a full join will solve your problem.
I would approach this as a union. Do that in your subquery then sum on it.
For instance:
select id, sum(amt) from
select, i.amountIN as amt from Income i
union all
select, e.amountOUT as amt from Expenses e
group by id
You should really have another table like client :
Table: Client
| id |
| 1 |
| 2 |
| 3 |
| 4 |
So you could do something like that
SELECT Client.ID, COALESCE(Income.AmountIN, 0) - COALESCE(Expenses.AmountOUT, 0)
FROM Client c
LEFT JOIN Income i ON i.ID = c.ID
LEFT JOIN Expense e ON e.ID = c.ID
Will be less complicated and i'm sure it will come handy another time :)