Create an app in from zip -

I'm trying to build a sample app in Wit.AI, with a lot of entity values and expressions. Thus, to create that app manually is not an option.
I've tried their "import" feature, but it seems it doesn't work very well or it might be very capricious about the zip. The things I've done and nothing gave a result:
Download a zip from another app in my account
Change the zip command in order to work for the new app
The changed files are expressions.json and a single file in the entities folder, describing an user-defined entity.
Zip the whole folder in order to preserve the structure of the ZIP
Nevertheless how many approaches I've tried (format the JSON and etc.) nothing worked! The server returns 400 Bad Request response.
Further, I've tried with their Web API, but to no avail again. When I'm updating the values of an entity the server responses with Success, the response doesn't contain the new values...
I've checked this article Error importing app from backup on and many others as well as some issues on GitHub, but again...nothing helped ;)
So, if anyone could help on that...He/she gets a beer! :)

When you create a new app, you can simply upload the the zip file in Import your app from a backup, and create the new app.
To be sure to not include any redundant files in the app zip file, it is important to use the following to zip app files:
zip AppName/app.json AppName/entities/*.json AppName/expressions.json
and upload
Note that, the name of new app, zip file, and app name in app.json file, all should be the same (here AppName).


Custom Spartacus site

i had created new wcms custom site along with content and product catalogs by creating similar extension as electronicstore, my extension name is dastore. for this site i want to create new spartacus site similar to electronics-spa.
in spartacussampledataaddon, i had followed impex files of electronics store and created all the necessary folders and files. Modified to consider my custom site also for import.
after build and startup, ran an update by selecting "dastore" and "spartacussampledataaddon".
But still my impex files were not considered for execution.
Please help.
We need to run update including dastore, spartacussampledataaddon, addonsupport(if you have impex on any of your addon, you need to include this, then your addon impex will be part of sample data and core data events)

Office 365 MyFiles API - How to get the direct children in the root of the One Drive folder

I'm trying to work with the new summer release of the Office 365 API tool for Visual Studio 2013 (update 3). It works fine except one problem I've encountered which can be called also a missing functionality.
I found no reasonable way to retrieve the direct children of the root folder from my One Drive for business Document Library using the newly added SharePointClient library.
The API call of SharePointClient.Files will retrieve all the files and folders from the whole document library including sub-folders. So in order to get only the direct children I have to page through all the documents and folders and analyze their URL. This is not acceptable for my application scenario. For a sub-folder I can get the direct children like this: SharePointClient.Files["<folder_id>"].ToFolder().Children This is what I need but it can't be applied to the root folder.
I've tried to use the REST API directly and similarly the request GET ../_api/files will retrieve all files and folders in the default document library and I found no simple way to list only the direct children of the root. Also there is no convenient way to get the path or GUID of the default document library which the SharePointClient.Files automatically uses.
Parsing the result XMLs of the REST API calls I may get the GUID of the default document library, that will let me use a different REST API to list files and folders separately for the root folder, but these calls results in a different XML schema from that used by SharePointClient. This means that to get only the direct children of the root I would have to re-implement the whole SharePointClient library.
If anybody has some good advice I'll be very thankful.
I just ran into the same issue - hopefully this will be remedied before the release version of the api tools. Here is what I've done to get only the root folder content:
[Create your spClient = SharePointClient]
var allFiles = await spClient.Files.ExecuteAsync();
var rootFiles = allFiles.CurrentPage.Where(i => !i.Id.Contains("/"));
You lose the IPagedCollection wrapper and you may need to get more than the 'CurrentPage' to see all files but this is the best workaround I've found. I'm then able to you the 'ToFolder()' method you mentioned above to list content of sub-folders.

Dropbox Webhooks API

I want to fetch the events related to my dropbox like I can see here , means I want to get when a particular file is added, changed, moved, deleted or renamed and by which user.
I have looked into the Webhooks docs. The webhook docs states the the response it sends to the callback url contails the userids, with which I can update the directory listing based on the webhook response for the user by calling the /delta.
But with it I cannot tell if there is an operation made for a file like a particular file has been renamed or deleted as since if I rename a file fro abc to xyz. If I get a response then I will look for the changes related to the file xyz which I will not find in my existing database so logically I will be making the events as deleted abc and added xyz, where as the reality is renamed abc to xyz.
It will be really grateful if you can help me regarding this.
There's no real way to detect a rename (versus a delete and an add) via the Dropbox API. You can use heuristics (like whether the new file has the same contents as the old file and was created around the same time as the old file was deleted), but those are just going to be guesses with varying levels of accuracy.
Also, there's currently no way via the API to see which user modified a file in a shared folder.
UPDATE: The Core API now includes (in beta) the ability to see who last modified a file in a shared folder. See
A file rename is reported as DeletedMetadata followed by a FileMetadata for the file.
What is annoying is that DeletedMetadata do not contain the file .id attribute, only .name and .path, while FileMetadata include all attributes (.id same as before any deletions/renames, updated .name and .path).
So you should have a local mapping connecting names/paths and IDs in order to know which file got deleted (when only DeletedMetadata is received) or renamed (when both DeletedMetadata and FileMetadata are received).

Hybris hMC login configuration

Forgive me here if this is a complete newbie question. At work, they are (as I am as well) trying to onboard me into using Hybris. While the documentation on the wiki.hybris site is not well placed, most of the information is there. I am however having some trouble finding how to change default HMC logins credential?
When I rebuilt the server, it forced me to reinitialize the database, and thus changed all of the logins. I managed to find the cms login, but I am curious as to where the HMC admin login is stored at?, as it appears to be changed, and I need to find it. I know that it heavily leverages Spring, and I searched the .xml files for a password, but I am not finding what I need.
Any help would be greatly appreciated!
they are exist in different location in .impex files (importer files) , that you initialize the store for the first time , those .impex files got imported to your database
example of one location :
as there are multiple starter stores that comes with hybris (accelerator, telcoaccelerator, and powershop b2b) I suggest you to search as text for username or password in all files extention = .impex then change for files that belong to your store .
i did a quick search , not only in .impex file , the hmc admin/nimda seems to changes from
# Login and password for the automatic logging into the hMC
hope that helped you .
When searching for Out Of The Box impex files, search against ".impex" & ".csv" as many of the impex scripts are written as csv as well. In rare case, you may also find *.txt also catering to impex scripts.
You will not be able to find an impex file where "admin" user credentials are maintained. It is "nimda" by default and may be changed via impex file or simply by HMC under users.
Any property file will have no impact on the user credentials, the mentioned property file just defaults the jsp page with filled in values in the login form. This has nothing to do with the current/changed credentials.

Runtime xml/json generation of directory content

For an ios app I try to develop, I need to get a listing of the content of an online directory. (My app works with local directories but I'm trying to edit it so it works with an online directory)
I've been looking into this a lot but I can't manage to find the best solution to do this. (I learned you can't read the contents of an online directory and subdirectories with objective-c and print them to an array to display them in, for example, a tableview).
I did learn how to create a connection and output the html of a certain page (or an xml file). That's why I was wondering... Is there a way (webservice?) to generate an xml/JSON/html file that prints the content of a directory (if possible also subdirectories)? The generation of this xml/JSON/html has to be done at runtime, the moment my app asks for the file, since people will be able to add files (pdf's, video's,...) to the directory via FTP. (editing the xml/JSON file everytime is not an option).
Any help would be very much appreciated.
You could create a simple webservice in many ways. For example, with PHP you could write something like this:
$dir = '/myDir';
$files = scandir($dir);
echo json_encode($files);
Then just point your app to get the contents of that page and parse the JSON.