Using tf.train.Saver() on convolutional layers in tensorflow - tensorflow

I'm attempting to use tf.train.Saver() to apply transfer learning between two convolutional neural network graphs in tensorflow and I'd like to validate that my methods are working as expected. Is there a way to inspect the trainable features in a tf.layers.conv2d() layer?
My methods
1. initialize layer
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(inputs=X_reshaped, filters=conv1_fmaps, kernel_size=conv1_ksize,
strides=conv1_stride, padding=conv1_pad,
bias_initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(), trainable=True,
2. {Train the network}
3. Save current graph
tf.train.Saver().save(sess, "./my_model_final.ckpt")
4. Build new graph that includes the same layer, load specified weights with Saver()
reuse_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
reuse_vars_dict = dict([(, var) for var in reuse_vars])
restore_saver = tf.train.Saver(reuse_vars_dict)
restore_saver.restore(sess, "./my_model_final.ckpt")
5. {Train and evaluate the new graph}
My Question:
1) My code works 'as expected' and without error, but I'm not 100% confident it's working like I think it is. Is there a way to print the trainable features from a layer to ensure that I'm loading and saving weights correctly? Is there a "better" way to save/load parameters with the tf.layers API? I noticed a request on GitHub related to this. Ideally, I'd like to check these values on the first graph a) after initialization b) after training and on the new graph i) after loading the weights ii) after training/evaluation.

Is there a way to print the trainable features from a layer to ensure that I'm loading and saving weights correctly?
Yes, you first need to get a handle on the layer's variables. There are several ways to do that, but arguably the simplest is using the get_collection() function:
conv1_vars = tf.get_collection(tf.GraphKeys.GLOBAL_VARIABLES,
Note that the scope here is treated as a regular expression, so you can write things like conv[123] if you want all variables from scopes conv1, conv2 and conv3.
If you just want trainable variables, you can replace GLOBAL_VARIABLES with TRAINABLE_VARIABLES.
If you just want to check a single variable, such as the layer's kernel, then you can use get_tensor_by_name() like this:
graph = tf.get_default_graph()
kernel_var = graph.get_tensor_by_name("conv1/kernel:0")
Yet another option is to just iterate on all variables and filter based on their names:
conv1_vars = [var for var in tf.global_variables()
Once you have a handle on these variables, you can just evaluate them at different points, e.g. just after initialization, just after restoring the graph, just after training, and so on, and compare the values. For example, this is how you would get the values just after initialization:
with tf.Session() as sess:
conv1_var_values_after_init =
Then once you have captured the variable values at the various points that you are interested in, you can check whether or not they are equal (or close enough, taking into account tiny floating point imprecisions) like so:
same = np.allclose(conv1_var_values_after_training,
Is there a "better" way to save/load parameters with the tf.layers API?
Not that I'm aware of. The feature request you point to is not really about saving/loading the parameters to disk, but rather to be able to easily get a handle on a layer's variables, and to easily create an assignment node to set their values.
For example, it will be possible (in TF 1.4) to get a handle on a layer's kernel and get its value very simply, like this:
conv1_kernel_value = conv1.kernel.eval()
Of course, you can use this to get/set a variable's value and load/save it to disk, like this:
conv1 = tf.layers.conv2d(...)
new_kernel = tf.placeholder(...)
assign_kernel = conv1.kernel.assign(new_kernel)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
with tf.Session() as sess:
loaded_kernel = my_function_to_load_kernel_value_from_disk(...){new_kernel: loaded_kernel})
It's not pretty. It might be useful if you want to load/save to a database (instead of a flat file), but in general I would recommend using a Saver.
I hope this helps.


Is it possible to recover parts of values of any layer in Tensorflow?

I'm using deeplab V3 structure for an image task, but I make a slight change that add a channel at input. So that the first CNN layer becomes [7,7,4,64] instead of [7,7,3,64].
I plan to do transfer learning, so I hope to recover all parameters except for the fourth channel of this first CNN layer, but these four channels are mastered by one tf.Variable so that I don't know how to recover them by tf.train.Saver. (tf.train.Saver can control which tf.Variable should be recovered but not some values of any tf.Variable I think)
Any idea?
Some codes related are shown below:
Load function
def load(saver, sess, ckpt_path):
saver.restore(sess, ckpt_path)
Part of main function
# All variables need to be restored
restore = [v for v in tf.global_variables()]
# Set up tf session and initialize variables
config = tf.ConfigProto()
config.gpu_options.allow_growth = True
sess = tf.Session(config = config)
init = tf.global_variables_initializer()
# Load Variables
loader = tf.train.Saver(var_list = restore)
load(loader, sess, args.restore_from)
In main function, we can see that recovered variables are controlled by 'restore'. In this case, the first entry of 'restore' is:
<tf.Variable shape=(7,7,4,64) dtype=float32_ref>
But what I only hope to recover is the first three channels from another model, which is with size (7,7,3,64). And initialize the last channel with a zero initializer.
Any function can help with this?
A possible quick hack could be, instead of creating a variable with the new shape and trying to convert parts of it over, just creating a variable with the part that's missing (so shape=[7,7,1,64]) and concatenating it with your variable and using that as the convolution kernel.
For transfer learning to work properly, this should be zero-inited instead of random variables (which should be fine because the other values break the symmetry), or initialized with values that are very small compared to the pretrained ones (assuming the new channel has the same range of values), otherwise the later layers won't see the distributions they expect.

Using tf.cond() to feed my graph for training and validation

In my TensorFlow code I want my network to take inputs from one of the two StagingArea objects depending upon whether I want to do training or testing.
A part of the graph construction code I wrote is as follows :
with tf.device("/gpu:0"):
for i in range(numgpus):
with tf.variable_scope(tf.get_variable_scope(), reuse=i>0) as vscope:
with tf.device('/gpu:{}'.format(i)):
with tf.name_scope('GPU-Tower-{}'.format(i)) as scope:
phase = tf.get_variable("phase", [], initializer=tf.zeros_initializer(),dtype=tf.uint8, trainable=False)
phaseassigntest = phase.assign(1)
phaseassigntrain = phase.assign(0)
phasetest = tf.equal(phase, 0)
is_training = tf.cond(phasetest, lambda: tf.constant(True), lambda: tf.constant(False))
trainstagingarea = tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea([tf.float32, tf.int32], shapes=[[trainbatchsize, 3, 221, 221], [trainbatchsize]], capacity=20)
putoptrain = trainstagingarea.put(train_iterator.get_next())
getoptrain = trainstagingarea.get()
trainclearop = trainstagingarea.clear()
trainsizeop = trainstagingarea.size()
valstagingarea = tf.contrib.staging.StagingArea([tf.float32, tf.int32], shapes=[[valbatchsize, 3, 221, 221], [valbatchsize]], capacity=20)
putopval = valstagingarea.put(val_iterator.get_next())
getopval = valstagingarea.get()
valclearop = valstagingarea.clear()
valsizeop = valstagingarea.size()
#elem = valgetop[i]
elem = tf.cond(is_training,lambda: traingetop[i],lambda: valgetop[i])
img = elem[0]
label = elem[1]
labelonehot = tf.one_hot(label, depth=numclasses)
net, networksummaries = overfeataccurate(img,numclasses=numclasses, phase=is_training)
I have used tf.cond to make sure that the network is fed by one of the two StagingArea objects. One is meant for training and the other one is meant for validation.
Now, when I try to execute the graph as follows, I do not get any result and infact the code just hangs and I have to kill the process.
with tf.Session(graph=g,config=config) as sess:
for i in range(20):
writer = tf.summary.FileWriter('.', graph=tf.get_default_graph())
epoch = 0
iter = 0
print("Performing Validation")
saver = tf.train.Saver()
time_init = time.time()
while True:
[val_accu, _, summaries] =[towervalidation, towervalidationupdateop,validation_summary_op])
when instead of tf.cond() I directly assign elem = valgetop[i], the code works just fine.
Am I missing something over here ?
What is the right way to feed my network based on whether I want to do training or testing ?
NOTE The error does not go away even if I set numgpus to 1.
Your problem
What you think tf.cond does
Based on the flag, execute what is required to put either traingetop[i] or valgetop[i] into your elem tensor.
What tf.cond actually does
Executes what is required to get both traingetop[i] and valgetop[i], then passes one of them into your elem tensor.
The reason it is hanging forever is because it's waiting for an element to be added to your training staging area (so that it can get that element and discard it). You're forgiven for not realising this is what it's doing; it's actually very counter-intuitive. The documentation is awfully unclear on how to deal with this.
Recommended Solution (by Tensorflow documentation)
If you really need the queues to be in the same graph, then you need to make two copies of your ENTIRE graph, one that is fed by your training staging area, and one that is fed by your validation staging area. Then you just use the relevant tensor in your call. I recommend creating a function that takes a queue output tensor, and returns a model_output tensor. Now you have a train_time_output tensor and a validation_time_output tensor, and you can choose which one you want to execute in your
You need to make sure that you aren't actually creating new variables to go along with these new ops. To do that take a look at the latest documentation on variables. It looks like they've simplified it from v0.12, and it essentially boils down to using tf.get_variable instead of tf.Variable to create your variables.
My preferred work around
Although that is the recommended solution (AFAIK), it is extremely unsatisfying to me; you're creating a whole other set of operations on the graph that just happen to use the same weights. It seems like there's a lot of potential for programmer error by abusing the separation between train time and test/validation time (resulting in the model acting unexpectedly different at these times). Worse; it doesn't solve the problem of tf.cond demanding the values for inputs to both branches, it just forces you to copy your whole graph, which is not always possible.
I prefer to just not have my queues in the graph like that, and treat the model as a function which can be fed an example without caring where it's from. That is, I would instantiate the model with a tf.placeholder as the input, and at execution time I would use feed_dict to actually provide the value. It would function something like this
#inside main training loop
if time_to_train:
example =
example =
result =, {input_placeholder: example})
It's very useful to note that you can use the feed_dict to feed any value for any tensor anywhere in your model. So, you can change any model definition that, due to tf.cond would always require an input, like:
a = tf.constant(some_value)
b = tf.placeholder(tf.float32)
flag = tf.placeholder(tf.bool, [])
one_of_them = tf.cond(flag, a, b)
model_output = build_graph(one_of_them)
Into a definition that doesn't, like:
a = tf.constant(some_value)
model_output = build_graph(a)
Remembering that you can always overwrite what a is at execution time:
# In main training loop,, {a: some_other_value})
This essentially pushes the conditional into native python land. In your code you might end up with something like:
if condition_satisfied:, {a:some_other_value})
Performance concerns
If you are using tensorflow on a single machine, then there is practically no performance cost to this solution, as the numpy array/s put into the example python variable are actually still stored on the GPU.
If you are using tensorflow in a distributed fashion, then this solution would kill your performance; it would require sending the example from whatever machine it's on to the master so that it can send it back.

Tensorflow save/restore batch norm

I trained a model with batch norm in Tensorflow. I would like to save the model and restore it for further using. The batch norm is done by
def batch_norm(input, phase):
return tf.layers.batch_normalization(input, training=phase)
where the phase is True during training and False during testing.
It seems like simply calling
saver = tf.train.Saver(), savedir + "ckpt")
would not work well because when I restore the model it first says restored successfully. It also says Attempting to use uninitialized value batch_normalization_585/beta if I just run one node in the graph. Is this related to not saving the model properly or something else that I've missed?
I also had the "Attempting to use uninitialized value batch_normalization_585/beta" error. This comes from the fact that by declaring the saver with the empty brackets like this:
saver = tf.train.Saver()
The saver will save the variables contained in tf.trainable_variables() which do not contain the moving average of the batch normalization. To include this variables into the saved ckpt you need to do:
saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.global_variables())
Which saves ALL the variables, so it is very memory consuming. Or you must identify the variables that have moving avg or variance and save them by declaring them like:
saver = tf.train.Saver(tf.trainable_variables() + list_of_extra_variables)
Not sure if this needs to be explained, but just in case (and for other potential viewers).
Whenever you create an operation in TensorFlow, a new node is added to the graph. No two nodes in a graph can have the same name. You can define the name of any node you create, but if you don't give a name, TensorFlow will pick one for you in a deterministic way (that is, not randomly, but instead always with the same sequence). If you add two numbers, it will probably be Add, but if you do another addition, since no two nodes can have the same name, it may be something like Add_2. Once a node is created in a graph its name cannot be changed. Many functions create several subnodes in turn; for example, tf.layers.batch_normalization creates some internal variables beta and gamma.
Saving and restoring works in the following way:
You create a graph representing the model that you want. This graph contains the variables that will be saved by the saver.
You initialize, train or do whatever you want with that graph, and the variables in the model get assigned some values.
You call save on the saver to, well, save the values of the variables to a file.
Now you recreate the model in a different graph (it can be a different Python session altogether or just another graph coexisting with the first one). The model must be created in exactly the same way the first one was.
You call restore on the saver to retrieve the values of the variables.
In order for this to work, the names of the variables in the first and the second graph must be exactly the same.
In your example, TensorFlow is complaining about the variable batch_normalization_585/beta. It seems that you have called tf.layers.batch_normalization nearly 600 times in the same graph, so you have that many beta variables hanging around. I doubt that you actually need that many, so I guess you are just experimenting with the API and ended up with that many copies.
Here's a draft of something that should work:
import tensorflow as tf
def make_model():
input = tf.placeholder(...)
phase = tf.placeholder(...)
input_norm = tf.layers.batch_normalization(input, training=phase))
# Do some operations with input_norm
output = ...
saver = tf.train.Saver()
return input, output, phase, saver
# We work with one graph first
g1 = tf.Graph()
with g1.as_default():
input, output, phase, saver = make_model()
with tf.Session() as sess:
# Do your training or whatever..., savedir + "ckpt")
# We work with a second different graph now
g2 = tf.Graph()
with g2.as_default():
input, output, phase, saver = make_model()
with tf.Session() as sess:
saver.restore(sess, savedir + "ckpt")
# Continue using your model...
Again, the typical case is not to have two graphs side by side, but rather have one graph and then recreate it in another Python session later, but in the end both things are the same. The important part is that the model is created in the same way (and therefore with the same node names) in both cases.

Reusing part of a tensorflow trained graph

So, I trained a tensorflow model with a few layers, more or less like this:
with tf.variable_scope('model1') as scope:
inputs = tf.placeholder(tf.int32, [None, num_time_steps])
embeddings = tf.get_variable('embeddings', (vocab_size, embedding_size))
lstm = tf.nn.rnn_cell.LSTMCell(lstm_units)
embedded = tf.nn.embedding_lookup(embeddings, inputs)
_, state = tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(lstm, embedded, dtype=tf.float32, scope=scope)
# more stuff on the state
Now, I wanted to reuse the embedding matrix and the lstm weights in another model, which is very different from this one except for these two components.
As far as I know, if I load them with a tf.Saver object, it will look for
variables with the exact same names, but I'm using different variable_scopes in the two graphs.
In this answer, it is suggested to create the graph where the LSTM is trained as a superset of the other one, but I don't think it is possible in my case, given the differences in the two models. Anyway, I don't think it is a good idea to make one graph dependent on the other, if they do independent things.
I thought about changing the variable scope of the LSTM weights and embeddings in the serialized graph. I mean, where it originally read model1/Weights:0 or something, it would be another_scope/Weights:0. Is it possible and feasible?
Of course, if there is a better solution, it is also welcome.
I found out that the Saver can be initialized with a dictionary mapping variable names (without the trailing :0) in the serialized file to the variable objects I want to restore in the graph. For example:
varmap = {'model1/some_scope/weights': variable_in_model2,
'model1/another_scope/weights': another_variable_in_model2}
saver = tf.train.Saver(varmap)
saver.restore(sess, path_to_saved_file)

Tensorflow RNN weight matrices initialization

I'm using bidirectional_rnn with GRUCell but this is a general question regarding the RNN in Tensorflow.
I couldn't find how to initialize the weight matrices (input to hidden, hidden to hidden). Are they initialized randomly? to zeros? are they initialized differently for each LSTM I create?
EDIT: Another motivation for this question is in pre-training some LSTMs and using their weights in a subsequent model. I don't currently know how to do that currently without saving all the states and restoring the entire model.
How to initialize weight matrices for RNN?
I believe people are using random normal initialization for weight matrices for RNN. Check out the example in TensorFlow GitHub Repo. As the notebook is a bit long, they have a simple LSTM model where they use tf.truncated_normal to initialize weights and tf.zeros to initialize biases (although I have tried using tf.ones to initialize biases before, seem to also work). I believe that the standard deviation is a hyperparameter you could tune yourself. Sometimes weights initialization is important to the gradient flow. Although as far as I know, LSTM itself is designed to handle gradient vanishing problem (and gradient clipping is for helping gradient exploding problem), so perhaps you don't need to be super careful with the setup of std_dev in LSTM? I've read papers recommending Xavier initialization (TF API doc for Xavier initializer) in Convolution Neural Network context. I don't know if people use that in RNN, but I imagine you can even try those in RNN if you want to see if it helps.
Now to follow up with #Allen's answer and your follow up question left in the comments.
How to control initialization with variable scope?
Using the simple LSTM model in the TensorFlow GitHub python notebook that I linked to as an example.
Specifically, if I want to re-factorize the LSTM part of the code in above picture using variable scope control, I may code something as following...
import tensorflow as tf
def initialize_LSTMcell(vocabulary_size, num_nodes, initializer):
'''initialize LSTMcell weights and biases, set variables to reuse mode'''
gates = ['input_gate', 'forget_gate', 'memory_cell', 'output_gate']
with tf.variable_scope('LSTMcell') as scope:
for gate in gates:
with tf.variable_scope(gate) as gate_scope:
wx = tf.get_variable("wx", [vocabulary_size, num_nodes], initializer)
wt = tf.get_variable("wt", [num_nodes, num_nodes], initializer)
bi = tf.get_variable("bi", [1, num_nodes, tf.constant_initializer(0.0)])
gate_scope.reuse_variables() #this line can probably be omitted, b.z. by setting 'LSTMcell' scope variables to 'reuse' as the next line, it'll turn on the reuse mode for all its child scope variables
def get_scope_variables(scope_name, variable_names):
'''a helper function to fetch variable based on scope_name and variable_name'''
vars = {}
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=True):
for var_name in variable_names
var = tf.get_variable(var_name)
vars[var_name] = var
return vars
def LSTMcell(i, o, state):
'''a function for performing LSTMcell computation'''
gates = ['input_gate', 'forget_gate', 'memory_cell', 'output_gate']
var_names = ['wx', 'wt', 'bi']
gate_comp = {}
with tf.variable_scope('LSTMcell', reuse=True):
for gate in gates:
vars = get_scope_variables(gate, var_names)
gate_comp[gate] = tf.matmul(i, vars['wx']) + tf.matmul(o, vars['wt']) + vars['bi']
state = tf.sigmoid(gate_comp['forget_gate']) * state + tf.sigmoid(gate_comp['input_gate']) * tf.tanh(gate_comp['memory_cell'])
output = tf.sigmoid(gate_comp['output_gate']) * tf.tanh(state)
return output, state
The usage of the re-factorized code would be something like following...
initialize_LSTMcell(volcabulary_size, num_nodes, tf.truncated_normal_initializer(mean=-0.1, stddev=.01))
#...Doing some computation...
LSTMcell(input_tensor, output_tensor, state)
Even though the refactorized code may look less straightforward, but using scope variable control ensures scope encapsulation and allows flexible variable controls (in my opinion at least).
In pre-training some LSTMs and using their weights in a subsequent model. How to do that without saving all the states and restoring the entire model.
Assuming you have a pre-trained model froze and loaded in, if you wanna use their frozen 'wx', 'wt' and 'bi', you can simply find their parent scope names and variable names, then fetch the variables using similar structure in get_scope_variables func.
with tf.variable_scope(scope_name, reuse=True):
var = tf.get_variable(var_name)
Here is a link to understanding variable scope and sharing variables. I hope this is helpful.
The RNN models will create their variables with get_variable, and you can control the initialization by wrapping the code which creates those variables with a variable_scope and passing a default initializer to it. Unless the RNN specifies one explicitly (looking at the code, it doesn't), uniform_unit_scaling_initializer is used.
You should also be able to share model weights by declaring the second model and passing reuse=True to its variable_scope. As long as the namespaces match up, the new model will get the same variables as the first model.
A simple way to initialize all kernel weights with certain initializer is to leave the initializer in tf.variable_scope(). For example:
with tf.variable_scope('rnn', initializer=tf.variance_scaling_initializer()):
basic_cell= tf.contrib.rnn.BasicRNNCell(num_units=n_neurons)
outputs, state= tf.nn.dynamic_rnn(basic_cell, X, dtype=tf.float32)