Hive table creation with a default value - hive

I have a table in RDBMS like so:
create table test (sno number, entry_date date default sysdate).
Now I want to create a table in hive with a structure as adding a default value to a column.

Hive currently doesn't support the feature of adding default value to any column while creating a table.
As a workaround load data into a temporary table and use the insert overwrite table statement to add the current date and time into the main table.
Create a temporary table:
create table test (sno number);
Load data into the table:
Create final table:
create table final_table (sno number, createDate string);
Finally load the data from temp test table to the final table:
insert overwrite table final_table select sno, FROM_UNIXTIME( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'dd/MM/YYYY' ) from test;

Hive doesn't support DEFAULT fields
Doesn't mean you can't do it, though. Just a two step process of creating one "staging" table, then inserting into a second table and selecting that "default" value.
Adding a default value to a column while creating table in hive
Since you mention,
I've table in RDBMS
You could also use your existing table, and use Sqoop to import the data into Hive.


Drop and overwrite external table in hive

I need to create an external table in hiveql with the output from a SELECT clause. Every time when the HiveQL is ran the table should be dropped and recreated . When we drop an external table only the table structure is getting dropped but not the data files from HDFS location. How to achieve this?
Create Table As Select (CTAS) has restrictions. One of them is that target table cannot be External.
You have these options:
Create external table once, then INSERT OVERWRITE
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tablename1 [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...) select_statement1 FROM from_statement;
Use managed table, then you can DROP TABLE, then CREATE TABLE ... as SELECT
See also answer about skipTrash and auto.purge property.

Split Hive table on subtables by field value

I have a Hive table foo. There are several fields in this table. One of them is some_id. Number of unique values in this fields in range 5,000-10,000. For each value (in example it 10385) I need to perform CTAS queries like
SELECT * FROM foo WHERE some_id=10385 AND other_id=10385;
What is the best way to perform this bunch of queries?
You can store all these tables in the single partitioned one. This approach will allow you to load all the data in single query. Query performance will not be compromised.
Create table T (
... --columns here
partitioned by (id int); --new calculated partition key
Load data using one query, it will read source table only once:
insert overwrite table T partition(id)
select ..., --columns
case when some_id=10385 AND other_id=10385 then 10385
when some_id=10386 AND other_id=10386 then 10386
--and so on
else 0 --default partition for records not attributed
end as id --partition column
from foo
where some_id in (10385,10386) AND other_id in (10385,10386) --filter
Then you can use this table in queries specifying partition:
select from T where id = 10385; --you can create a view named bar_10385, it will act the same as your table. Partition pruning works fast

Add partitions on existing hive table

I'm processing a big hive's table (more than 500 billion records).
The processing is too slow and I would like to make it faster.
I think that by adding partitions, the process could be more efficient.
Can anybody tell me how I can do that?
Note that my table already exists.
My table :
create table T(
nom string,
prenom string,
date string)
Partitioning on date field.
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition = true;
SET hive.exec.dynamic.partition.mode = nonstrict;
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE table_name PARTITION(Date) select date from table_name;
Note :
In the insert statement for a partitioned table make sure that you are specifying the partition columns at the last in select clause.
You have to restructure the table. Here are the steps:
Make sure no other process is writing to the table.
Create new external table using partitioning
Insert into new table by selecting from the old table
Drop the new table (external), only table will be dropped but data will be there
Drop the old table
Create the table with original name by pointing to the location under step 2
You can run repair command to fix all the metadata.
Alternative 4, 5, 6 and 7
Create the table with original name by running show create table on new table and replace with original table name
Run LOAD DATA INPATH command to move files under partitions to new partitions of new table
Drop the external table created
Both the approaches will achieve restructuring with one insert/map reduce job.

Create hive table from another existing table without defining schema

I have table Employee in hive which is partitioned.
Now i want to copy all the contents from Employee to another table without defining any schema like:
My first table is like:
create table Employee(Id String,FirstName String,Lastname String);
But i don't want to define the same schema for the NewEmployee table:
create table Newemployee(Id String,FirstName String,LastName String);
Since, you have not mentioned any partitioning details so I am assuming that it does not have any significance. Please correct me, if I am wrong.
The query that you are looking for would be like this:
create table Newemployee as select * from Employee;
You can also use below code:
Create table dbname.tablename LIKE existing_table_or_Viewname LOCATION hdfs-path
[STORED AS] Format
Rules while create table as create
1. The target table cannot be a partitioned table.
2. The target table cannot be an external table.
3. The target table cannot be a list bucketing table.

CREATE TABLE AS select * from partitioned table

I want to create a table using CTAS of partitioned table.
New table must have all the data and partitions, subpartitions of old table.
How to do this?
You need to first create the new table with all the partitions, there is no way you can add partition definitions to a CTAS. Once the table is created you can populate it using insert into .. select.
You can use dbms_metadata.get_ddl to get the definition of the old table.
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', 'NAME_OF_EXISTING_TABLE')
from dual;
Save the output of that into a script, do a search and replace to adjust the table name, then run the create table and then run the insert into ... select ...