Create hive table from another existing table without defining schema - hive

I have table Employee in hive which is partitioned.
Now i want to copy all the contents from Employee to another table without defining any schema like:
My first table is like:
create table Employee(Id String,FirstName String,Lastname String);
But i don't want to define the same schema for the NewEmployee table:
create table Newemployee(Id String,FirstName String,LastName String);

Since, you have not mentioned any partitioning details so I am assuming that it does not have any significance. Please correct me, if I am wrong.
The query that you are looking for would be like this:
create table Newemployee as select * from Employee;

You can also use below code:
Create table dbname.tablename LIKE existing_table_or_Viewname LOCATION hdfs-path

[STORED AS] Format
Rules while create table as create
1. The target table cannot be a partitioned table.
2. The target table cannot be an external table.
3. The target table cannot be a list bucketing table.


Drop and overwrite external table in hive

I need to create an external table in hiveql with the output from a SELECT clause. Every time when the HiveQL is ran the table should be dropped and recreated . When we drop an external table only the table structure is getting dropped but not the data files from HDFS location. How to achieve this?
Create Table As Select (CTAS) has restrictions. One of them is that target table cannot be External.
You have these options:
Create external table once, then INSERT OVERWRITE
INSERT OVERWRITE TABLE tablename1 [PARTITION (partcol1=val1, partcol2=val2 ...) select_statement1 FROM from_statement;
Use managed table, then you can DROP TABLE, then CREATE TABLE ... as SELECT
See also answer about skipTrash and auto.purge property.

Hive table creation with a default value

I have a table in RDBMS like so:
create table test (sno number, entry_date date default sysdate).
Now I want to create a table in hive with a structure as adding a default value to a column.
Hive currently doesn't support the feature of adding default value to any column while creating a table.
As a workaround load data into a temporary table and use the insert overwrite table statement to add the current date and time into the main table.
Create a temporary table:
create table test (sno number);
Load data into the table:
Create final table:
create table final_table (sno number, createDate string);
Finally load the data from temp test table to the final table:
insert overwrite table final_table select sno, FROM_UNIXTIME( UNIX_TIMESTAMP(), 'dd/MM/YYYY' ) from test;
Hive doesn't support DEFAULT fields
Doesn't mean you can't do it, though. Just a two step process of creating one "staging" table, then inserting into a second table and selecting that "default" value.
Adding a default value to a column while creating table in hive
Since you mention,
I've table in RDBMS
You could also use your existing table, and use Sqoop to import the data into Hive.

How to copy table by spark-sql

Actually, I want to move one table to another database.
But spark don't permit this.
Then, how to copy table by spark-sql?
I already tried this.
INTO table1 IN new_database
FROM old_database.table1
But it was not working.
maybe try:
CREATE TABLE new_db.new_table AS
FROM old_db.old_table;
To preserve partitioning and storage format do the following-
Get the complete schema of the existing table by running-
show create table db.old_table
The above query will output the table schema which you can just execute after changing the path name and table name.
Then insert all the rows into the new blank table using-
insert into db.new_table select * from db.old_table
The following snippet will create a new table while preserving the definition of the "old" table.
CREATE TABLE db.new_table LIKE db.old_table;
For more info, check the doc's CREATE TABLE.

CREATE TABLE AS select * from partitioned table

I want to create a table using CTAS of partitioned table.
New table must have all the data and partitions, subpartitions of old table.
How to do this?
You need to first create the new table with all the partitions, there is no way you can add partition definitions to a CTAS. Once the table is created you can populate it using insert into .. select.
You can use dbms_metadata.get_ddl to get the definition of the old table.
select dbms_metadata.get_ddl('TABLE', 'NAME_OF_EXISTING_TABLE')
from dual;
Save the output of that into a script, do a search and replace to adjust the table name, then run the create table and then run the insert into ... select ...

Create a replica of a sql table

I need a query to create a table which is the exact replica but with different table name and without any data from the source table using a sql query!
You can try this
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
where 1=2
It will create a empty table with the same structure.
SQL Server Management Studio
Object Explorer
Connect -> Your server
Databases -> Choose Database
Right Click Your Table
Script Table as -> Create To -> New Query Editor Window
Jonathan has it (upvoted), and you should probably go with that because it's more portable. I normally use something similar:
SELECT TOP 0 * INTO [New_Table] FROM [Old_Table]
I think this better expresses what you're doing, but I like Jonathan's because 'TOP 0' is SQL Server specific, and so his is more portable.
For MySQL, you can call SHOW CREATE TABLE table_name;
It will display a CREATE TABLE query. Simply change the table name in that query and you're good to go.
If you use Postgresql:
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
where 1=2
This worked very well, when i tried to create a replica of the table without any data's.
SELECT * INTO Table_Copy
FROM Table
This will create a replica with the data's too.
This can help you:
Read more here
select * into newtablename from sourcetablename
truncate newtablename
That will result in an exact copy but it also copies the data at first which you remove with the truncate statement.
create table <new table name> as select * from <old tale name from which you would like to extract data>
It will create a new table with a different name but will copy all existing data from the old table to new table.
in postgres you can use INHERITS or LIKE keyword to make replica of a table(only copies structure of the table)
CREATE TABLE client_new (LIKE client);
CREATE TABLE client_new () INHERITS (client)
Use of INHERITS creates a persistent relationship between the new child table and its parent table(s). Schema modifications to the parent(s) normally propagate to children as well, and by default the data of the child table is included in scans of the parent(s).
LIKE clause specifies a table from which the new table automatically copies all column names, their data types, and their not-null constraints.Unlike INHERITS, the new table and original table are completely decoupled after creation is complete. Changes to the original table will not be applied to the new table, and it is not possible to include data of the new table in scans of the original table.