SPARQL: Exclude datatype uri from query result [duplicate] - sparql

This question already has an answer here:
SPARQL Query: How I get only a literal or string as result?
(1 answer)
Closed 5 years ago.
I am trying to learn SPARQL queries on Protege and I have added some individuals to query on the Movie ontology found at :
Movie Ontology
I have following simple sparql query:
Query 1: Get all movies and actors having rating more than 7.0
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX dbo: <>
PREFIX mov: <>
SELECT ?subject ?actors ?rating
?subject a mov:Movie;
mov:hasActor ?actors;
mov:imdbrating ?rating.
Filter(?rating > "7.0"^^xsd:double)
And I am getting the result as expected:
The problem is that I dont need the ^^xsd:double uri in the rating column !!
How do I get rid of the uri " ^^ ".
Thanks in advance !

Use str to get the lexical part
SELECT ?subject ?actors (str(?rating) AS ?r)


SPARQL query: show result for individuals without some attributes, and sum two of the attributes

I have to make this SPARQL query on protege:
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX sw:<>
SELECT ?Name ?Surname ?test ?written ?oral ?Course
?Candidates sw:take_parts ?Course;
sw:Name ?Name;
sw:Surname ?Surname;
sw:test ?test;
sw:written ?written;
sw:oral ?oral;
Now I have some candidates that took only the test without taking written and oral so when I execute the query they does not show. How can I make everyone visible?
And then how could i sum the values from written and oral? I tried with BIND(?written+?oral AS ?total) but it doesn't seem to work

Display by ObjectProperty in SPARQL

I have a problem in displaying the result using SPARQL in protege.
I have two classes Panne and Solution and an ObjectProperty hasSolution .
I want to display the Panne that has A Solution ex: GODEX hasSolution SOLGODEX.
I tried
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX panne:<>
SELECT ?Panne ?Solution
?Panne panne:hasSolution ?Solution}
Without knowing your specific ontology structure, the following will likely need some adaptations.
Currently your query selects all subjects and objects involved in a tuple using panne:hasSolution.
If you want to filter down to only those of a specific solution, you have to include that in the query:
?Panne panne:hasSolution ex:SOLGODEX .
If you want all pairs of panne:Panne and panne:Solution, add the respective patterns to select only members ot those classes:
SELECT ?Panne ?Solution
?Panne a panne:Panne .
?Solution a panne:Solution .
?Panne panne:hasSolution ?Solution .

How to get specific type of individuals in SPARQL?

I am new to SPARQL. I am creating a movie ontology in which actors and actress names are given as individuals with the object property Acted_In. When I write a query to get the names of actress, i get all actors and actress names. How can i specify the type to actress to see only actress names. Here is my query
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX Film: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
SELECT ?Actress ?Movie WHERE
?Actress Film:Acted_In ?Movie.
Also how can i see the datatype properties, e.g., year for these movies?
The result is as follows:

SPARQL query against DBPedia to get all property-value of the item

I am a novice in Semantic Web and I would like to retrieve all property-value pairs of "apple" from DBPedia using SPARQL query. Below I have written the query in editor, but it returns no any results.Could you tell me where I make a mistake, please?
PREFIX rdfs: <>
PREFIX rdf: <>
prefix dbo: <>
prefix owl: <>
prefix prov: <>
prefix foaf: <>
prefix dbp: <>
prefix dct: <>
select * where {<http://> ?property ?value}
You wrote http:// twice. Also, the correct URI for the query is /resource/, not /page/.
Working query:
select * where {<> ?property ?value}
Keep in mind this will give you information about the fruit, not the company.
I am giving you the query which will give you information about Apple Company rather than apple Fruit.
PREFIX dbprop: <>
PREFIX db: <>
SELECT ?property, ?value WHERE {db:Apple_Inc ?property ?value}

Protege Equivalent to query

Please help to list all Mealcourse from the wine Ontology or happy to receive useful links like this one :Sparql query on restriction list (Equivalent To) in protégé
and (hasFood value Pizza)
and(hasDrink value Wine)
Thank you
This is a bit complicated, but if you look into the ontology everything that is defined as a :MealCourse is an owl:equivalentClass, so you need to first find all owl:equivalentClass and then if you look into the result you will see that they are made of owl:intersectionOf parts. Then you need to break this intersection and filter so that you will only get objects that have :MealCourse as part of the intersection.
PREFIX rdf: <>
PREFIX owl: <>
PREFIX xsd: <>
PREFIX rdfs: <>
SELECT distinct *
WHERE { ?subject owl:equivalentClass ?object.
?object (owl:intersectionOf | owl:unionOf) ?node.
?node rdf:rest*/rdf:first ?eq.
Filter ( ?eq in (:MealCourse ) )
orderBy ?subject