Computing result over batches while caching an expensive operation - tensorflow

I'm interested in running the same computational graph for many different batches, passed using a feed_dict. However, the graph contains a single very expensive operation, which remains constant for all batches. I would like to find a solution that does not require recomputing this expensive operation.
Currently, I have only found suggestions involving Session.partial_run(). However, it seems that you cannot pass re-run the same sub-graph for different feed_dicts. This is discussed here, where the code follows pretty much exactly what I want to do.
Is there any way of re-running for multiple batches, without re-computing an unchanging and expensive part of the graph?


Reproducibility, Controlling Randomness, Operator-level Randomness in TFF

I have a TFF code that takes a slightly different optimization path while training across different runs, despite having set all the operator-level seeds, numpy seeds for sampling clients in each round, etc. The FAQ section on TFF website does talk about randomness and expectation in TFF, but I found the answer slightly confusing. Is it the case that some aspects of the randomness can't be directly controlled even after setting all the operator-level seeds that one could; because one can't control the way sub-sessions are started and ended?
To be more specific, these are all the operator-level seeds that my code already sets: dataset.shuffle, create_tf_dataset_from_all_clients, keras.initializers and np.random.seed for per-round client sampling (which uses numpy). I have verified that the initial model state is the same across runs, but as soon as training starts, the model states start diverging across different runs. The divergence is gradual/slow in most cases, but not always.
The code is quite complex, so not adding it here.
There is one more source of non-determinism that would be very hard to control -- summation of float32 numbers is not commutative.
When you simulate a number of clients in a round, the TFF executor does not have a way to control the order in which the model updates are added together. As a result, there could be some differences at the bottom of the float32 range. While this may sound negligible, it can add up over a number of rounds (I have seen hundreds, but could be also less), and eventually cause different loss/accuracy/model weights trajectories, as the gradients will start to be computed at slightly different points.
BTW, this tutorial has more info on best practices in controlling randomness in TFF.

How do I handle variability of output in Anylogic?

I have been working on a simulation model for battery swapping in Anylogic. So far I have developed the simulation model, optimization experiment and parameters variation experiment.
There are no errors in the model but the output values are unsatisfactory. Small changes such as changing the step size of the decision variables results in a drastic change in the best value obtained after every experiment. Though the objective does not change much but I am concerned about the other variables that are changing with each run. Even with multiple optimization runs it is difficult to come to a conclusion.
For reference I am posting an output of parameters variation experiment here. I ran the experiment with an optimized value but I was getting feasible results (percentile > 95%) far off the expected input values. Although, the overall result is correct (decreasing percentile with increasing charging time) but it is difficult to understand the variability.
Can anyone help?enter image description here
When building a model, this is a common problem you will have when looking at high level overall outputs. You could have a model bug, but it is just as likely (if not more likely) that there is some dynamic to your system that was not clear in simple Excel spreadsheets or mental models. The DES may be telling us something truly interesting about the system behavior, but without additional outputs, there is no way to understand what that is.
A few suggestions:
Run this as a simple single scenario, where you manually update inputs. When you run this with the low range of input values and then the high range of input values, what do you see on the animation or additional outputs that is different than you expected or could explain the overall output trend? Try running several intermediate points.
Add additional output metrics. If you look at queue sizes, resource utilizations, turn-around-times, etc; do you see anything at that level that is different than expected?
Add a "replication" log. When you run a set of inputs for multiple scenarios, does any single replication stand out as an outlier? If so, re-run the scenario with that set of inputs and that random seed.
There is no substitute for understanding underlying system behavior, and without understanding those dynamics, looking at overall correlation with optimization or parameter variation experiments will often lead companies to make the wrong policies decisions.

Hyperloglog for Tinkerpop, .count() approximation

Is there a solution similar to Hyperloglog for graph databases like Tinkerpop. .count() step takes forever on large dataset, however approximation would be sufficient
For TinkerPop-enabled graph systems, the solution for "counting" is typically handled by Gremlin OLAP (typically with Spark). Some graphs may optimize for things like counts - as a very simple example TinkerGraph detects something like g.V().count() and bypasses the process of iterating all vertices to count them up. Also, some graphs may also provide their own APIs for providing "counts" so it is worth learning a bit about the graph you are using to determine if such capabilities exist.

Implement data generator in federated training

(I have posted the question on and maybe also here!)
I have customized my own data and model to federated interfaces and the training converged. But I am confused about an issue that in an images classification task, the whole dataset is extreme large and it can't be stored in a single federated_train_data nor be imported to memory for one time. So I need to load the dataset from the hard disk in batches to memory real-timely and use Keras model.fit_generator instead of during training, the approach people use to deal with large data.
I suppose in iterative_process shown in image classification tutorial, the model is fitted on a fixed set of data. Is there any way to adjust the code to let it fit to a data generator?I have looked into the source codes but still quite confused. Would be incredibly grateful for any hints.
Generally, TFF considers the feeding of data to be part of the "Python driver loop", which is a helpful distinction to make when writing TFF code.
In fact, when writing TFF, there are generally three levels at which one may be writing:
TensorFlow defining local processing (IE, processing that will happen on the clients, or on the server, or in the aggregators, or at any other placement one may want, but only a single placement.
Native TFF defining the way data is communicated across placements. For example, writing tff.federated_sum inside of a tff.federated_computation decorator; writing this line declares "this data is moved from clients to server, and aggregated via the sum operator".
Python "driving" the TFF loop, e.g. running a single round. It is the job of this final level to do what a "real" federated learning runtime would do; one example here would be selecting the clients for a given round.
If this breakdown is kept in mind, using a generator or some other lazy-evaluation-style construct to feed data in to a federated computation becomes relatively simple; it is just done at the Python level.
One way this could be done is via the create_tf_dataset_for_client method on the ClientData object; as you loop over rounds, your Python code can select from the list of client_ids, then you can instantiate a new list of pass them in as your new set of client data. An example of this relatively simple usage would be here, and a more advanced usage (involving defining a custom client_datasets_fn which takes client_id as a parameter, and passing it to a separately-defined training loop would be here, in the code associated to this paper.
One final note: instantiating a does not actually load the dataset into memory; the dataset is only loaded in when it is iterated over. One helpful tip I have received from the lead author of is to think of more as a "dataset recipe" than a literal instantiation of the dataset itself. It has been suggested that perhaps a better name would have been DataSource for this construct; hopefully that may help the mental model on what is actually happening. Similarly, using the tff.simulation.ClientData object generally shouldn't really load anything into memory until it is iterated over in training on the clients; this should make some nuances around managing dataset memory simpler.

Scalable, Efficient Hierarchical Softmax in Tensorflow?

I'm interested in implementing a hierarchical softmax model that can handle large vocabularies, say on the order of 10M classes. What is the best way to do this to both be scalable to large class counts and efficient? For instance, at least one paper has shown that HS can achieve a ~25x speedup for large vocabs when using a 2-level tree where each node sqrt(N) classes. I'm interested also in a more general version for an arbitrary depth tree with an arbitrary branching factor.
There are a few options that I see here:
1) Run tf.gather for every batch, where we gather the indices and splits. This creates problems with large batch sizes and fat trees where now the coefficients are being duplicated a lot, leading to OOM errors.
2) Similar to #1, we could use tf.embedding_lookup which would keep help with OOM errors but now keeps everything on the CPU and slows things down quite a bit.
3) Use tf.map_fn with parallel_iterations=1 to process each sample separately and go back to using gather. This is much more scalable but does not really get close to the 25x speedup due to the serialization.
Is there a better way to implement HS? Are there different ways for deep and narrow vs. short and wide trees?
You mention that you want GPU-class performance:
but now keeps everything on the CPU and slows things down quite a bit
and wish to use 300-unit hidden size and 10M-word dictionaries.
This means that (assuming float32), you'll need 4 * 300 * 10M * 2 bytes = 24 GB just to store the parameters and the gradient for the output layer.
Hierarchical Softmax (HSM) doesn't reduce the memory requirements - it just speeds up the training.
Realistically, you'll need a lot more GPU memory, because you'll also need to store:
other parameters and their gradients
optimizer data, e.g. velocities in momentum training
activations and backpropagated temporary data
framework-specific overhead
Therefore, if you want to do all computation on GPUs, you'll have no choice but to distribute this layer across multiple high-memory GPUs.
However, you now have another problem:
To make this concrete, let's suppose you have a 2-level HSM with 3K classes, with 3K words per class (9M words in total). You distribute the 3K classes across 8 GPUs, so that each hosts 384 classes.
What if all target words in a batch are from the same 384 classes, i.e. they belong to the same GPU? One GPU will be doing all the work, while the other 7 wait for it.
The problem is that even if the target words in a batch belong to different GPUs, you'll still have the same performance as in the worst-case scenario, if you want to do this computation in TensorFlow (This is because TensorFlow is a "specify-and-run" framework -- the computational graph is the same for the best case and the worst case)
What is the best way to do this to both be scalable to large class counts and efficient?
The above inefficiency of model parallelism (each GPU must process the whole batch) suggests that one should try to keep everything in one place.
Let us suppose that you are either implementing everything on the host, or on 1 humongous GPU.
If you are not modeling sequences, or if you are, but there is only one output for the whole sequence, then the memory overhead from copying the parameters, to which you referred, is negligible compared to the memory requirements described above:
400 == batch size << number of classes == 3K
In this case, you could simply use gather or embedding_lookup (Although the copying is inefficient)
However, if you do model sequences of length, say, 100, with output at every time step, then the parameter copying becomes a big issue.
In this case, I think you'll need to drop down to C++ / CUDA C and implement this whole layer and its gradient as a custom op.