ERD for Payroll [closed] - sql

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Closed 1 year ago.
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I am attempting to build a database for a company's payroll system. I have worked on an ERD and my main concerns revolve around the loops, reimbursement table and possible weak entities.
I haven't done much of these and could use your help.
Link to ERD: ERD for Payroll

I would probably change the user to user_login. and remove loan_payment and reimbursement and just simply have a payment table. This could hold similar values but also include a payment type that would include its values like 'reimbursement' or 'work payment' because like you said reimbursement doesn't need to be its own table.


Amazon API that would allow bulk order without manually entering all information [closed]

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Closed 2 days ago.
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I have hundreds of employees that I would like to gift them with items purchased on Amazon. It would be convenient for me to place orders for those gifts directly from my CRM without manually entering the information just using an API.
Would be thankful for a lead.
I did some websearch but not much to be found out there

(Quickbooks Online) Triggering Fields to Autopopulate via the API [closed]

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Closed 3 years ago.
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I'm creating invoice records via the Quickbooks API, which is working fine. But, certain fields that autopopulate in the UI, are not populating when creating via the API (For instance the Invoice # / DocNumber). Any thoughts on how to force those fields to autopopulate when using the API?
Note: Someone marked this question as unclear. No idea how an exact question can be made any clearer.
Partially figured this one out. The DocNumber needs the AutoDocNumber field set to true. Still a few other fields that are not auto populating, though.
The other fields I just decided to pull from the customer record, since they exist there as well.

SQL - best practices [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I am about to develop a small cms\forum. Multiple customers are going to have there own access where the customers can communicate white them.
What is best practices- to make separate SQL db to each customer's cms data or one big to contain all the customers data?
As I cannot comment, so I can only type here.
It is strange that you would like to have separate database for each customer and it seems impossible to manage multiple db for just one purpose or function. For example, how could you identify which db belong to which customer? Also, do you expect to have many resource to allocate to each customer? a db simply waste if the customer is not active.
So, I suggest you to use one db to manage all the customers data which is normal solution.

Inventory Management System Application in VB.Net [closed]

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Closed 6 years ago.
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I need your help(s). I am currently working on my thesis topic proposal and I am planning to propose an inventory management system with analytics. I am asked by my thesis adviser to think what any other features can I add to my topic?In short , what's new with the inventory system I am going to develop? Any Suggestion? Thanks a lot!!!
Look at existing inventory management solutions:
Microsoft Dynamics:
These are both industry leading stock management and inventory solutions. Research these and it will give you an idea of what feautres to include.
Examples of features could be:
Multiple warehouses
Stock transfer quantity
Stock knock off
The next obvious thing would be to link the inventory to the sales and purchases so you can see what items have been sold historically and what items you need to reorder.

Client\Supplier Contact Details [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I was wondering what would be the best way to store contact details of supplier and clients.
What I was thinking was that there would be
GUID, ParentGUID,Type,TypeDesc,Details
The type would be a integer,typedesc would be for cases such as others and the details would obviously be the data.
the problem that I am finding is how to have this all linked.
This being that A client -> Contact(Title, Name,Middle,Surname) -> Phone -> Alias
This could be a hierarchy case.
As of now Supplier and Client tables cannot be joined due to backward compatibility. But will be done in the future.
Also due to certain client limitations MSSQL 2005 must be assumed as otherwise there wouldn't be a problem as this was solved in 2008 with getroot() and other useful functions.
I would have probably many cases where I would search on one of the fields. And require to know the client or supplier.
I eventually used recursive CTE for retrieving the data