Calling functions of master DB from other DB on the same Azure SQL Server - sql

I have Azure SQL DB Server + one Azure SQL database on it. Within this DB I have functions which call some functions of master DB as a part of their logic.
CREATE FUNCTION [dbo].[EncryptByKey]
#EncryptionKeyId nvarchar(1024),
#ValueToEncrypt varchar(MAX)
RETURN master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(ENCRYPTBYKEY(Key_GUID(#EncryptionKeyId), #ValueToEncrypt))
Gives me an error:
Cannot find either column "master" or the user-defined function or
aggregate "master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr", or the name is ambiguous.
If instead I try:
exec master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr(123)
The error I get is:
Reference to database and/or server name in
'master.dbo.fn_varbintohexstr' is not supported in this version of SQL
Are there any solutions on how to use master DB functions from user's DBs on Azure SQL server?

You cannot use distributed database queries using three or four part names on SQL Azure.
For queries that span multiple databases in SQL Azure, you need to use elastic queries. For more information, please visit this article.


How to copy one table data to another one between two Azure databases on the same server

I want to copy data from one database table into another database table on the same server in Azure SQL. I have done all of the Azure SQL Cross Database Query' steps that are written here still get the same error whenever I execute a query
'Reference to database and/or server name in 'db name' is not supported in this version of SQL Server.'
Can you pls help to figure out this?
Azure SQL database doesn't support across query directly.
We can not use USE statements and it not supported. That's why you get the error. We can not run statements like select * from [other_database].[schema].[table].
In Azure SQL database, only elastic query overview (preview) can achieve cross database query:
The elastic query feature (in preview) enables you to run a
Transact-SQL query that spans multiple databases in Azure SQL
Database. It allows you to perform cross-database queries to access
remote tables, and to connect Microsoft and third-party tools (Excel,
Power BI, Tableau, etc.) to query across data tiers with multiple
You could follow the tutorial and it may be more complex than on-premise SQL Server:
Get started with cross-database queries (vertical partitioning) (preview)

Best way to update one SQL Server with data from another SQL Server?

I would like to run a job that automatically snapshots a DB1 (a stored procedure) and merges the result with a table in DB2. Basically I would like to query DB1 from DB2.
What is the best way to do this? They are run on two different SQL Servers in two different resource groups in Azure.
At the moment it won't let me created a linked server - tells me the sp does not exist when I try create it.
You have two databases run on two different SQL Servers in two different resource groups in Azure.
Basically you would like to query DB1 from DB2.
For Azure SQL database, you want to query across different database, you can use Azure SQL Database elastic query.
The elastic query feature (in preview) enables you to run a Transact-SQL query that spans multiple databases in Azure SQL Database. It allows you to perform cross-database queries to access remote tables, and to connect Microsoft and third-party tools (Excel, Power BI, Tableau, etc.) to query across data tiers with multiple databases. Using this feature, you can scale out queries to large data tiers in SQL Database and visualize the results in business intelligence (BI) reports.
You can using the bellow code to query from the remote database:
EXEC sp_execute_remote
N'select count(w_id) as foo from warehouse'
For more details, please see: Stored procedure for remote T-SQL execution: sp_execute_remote.
You can also reference this blog: Is it Possible to call Functions and Stored Procedures of One database In another database- Azure Sql server.
With elastic query, you can call the stored procedure in DB1, merges the result with a table in DB2
Hope this helps.

Azure SQL Data Migration Assistant (DMA) Error - Three or Four Part Names

I'm using the MS Data Migration Assistant tool to move a SQL Server 2016 DB to Azure. I'm getting the following error on 80+ stored procedures:
Queries or references using three- or four-part names not supported in Azure SQL Database. Three-part name format, [database_name].[schema_name].[object_name], is supported only when the database_name is the current database or the database_name is tempdb and the object_name starts with #.
All of these stored procedures are using the current database and referencing the current database name. For example, this instruction is causing the error:
DELETE FROM [STDR].[dbo].[report] WHERE [report_id] = #xid
and when I run the command:
I get:
Could this be an error in the DMA tool? It's preventing me from executing the migration. I'd rather not have to modify all of these procedures. Thanks.
1.Queries or references using three- or four-part names not supported in Azure SQL Database.
It's not the error in the DMA tool. Cross database queries using three or four part names is not supported in Azure SQL Server.
You can read more in the official documentation:Resolving Transact-SQL differences during migration to SQL Database。
2.Three-part name format, [database_name].[schema_name].[object_name], is supported only when the database_name is the current database or the database_name is tempdb and the object_name starts with #.
About this question, I have an idea and I think you can try it. You can specify target Azure Database instance which has the same database name and the same schema objects with your on-premises SQL Server. Otherwise, when your SQL Server 2016 DB is migrated to Azure, the current database is not [STDR] and cause the error.
Reference: Migrate on-premises SQL Server or SQL Server on Azure VMs to Azure SQL Database using the Data Migration Assistant.
Hope this helps.
It's just the four-part name or three-part name that is not compatible with Azure SQL Database. You can script all your programing objects and then change the three part name format to two-part name format (dbo.[NameOfTheObjet]) on the script using Find and Replace on a text editor like Notepad++, then run that script on your Azure SQL Database to migrate your programming objects.
After that you can use DMA only to migrate the schema and data of your tables.

Ways to access table data from different servers

I need the data for reportviewer in .NET However the final report involves inner join between different tables in different databasea and different servers. I am currently using XML and dynamic SQL to centralize my code query. What other better methods can i use other than creating multiple similar stored procedures or linking servers (new servers will be added anytime and mapped in a table in one of the server database)
In your main server that contains a table that has your databases information you can use dynamic SQL with one of this functions:
Provides ad hoc connection information as part of a four-part object name without using a linked server name.
OPENDATASOURCE ( provider_name, init_string )
The following example creates an ad hoc connection to the Payroll instance of SQL Server on server London, and queries the AdventureWorks2008R2.HumanResources.Employee table. (Use SQLNCLI and SQL Server will redirect to the latest version of SQL Server Native Client OLE DB Provider.)
'Data Source=London\Payroll;Integrated Security=SSPI')
Includes all connection information that is required to access remote data from an OLE DB data source. This method is an alternative to accessing tables in a linked server and is a one-time, ad hoc method of connecting and accessing remote data by using OLE DB.

How can I select data in the same query from two different servers and databases from SQL Server Management Studio?

How can I select data in the same query from two different databases that are on two different servers, one DB2 Server and the other a SQL Server?
On your sql server, set up a linked server to the db2 database.
Then write your query on sql server. I suggest that you use openquery for the db2 stuff. If you have to combine the data, populate a sql server temp table with the openquery results and work from there.
The reason I suggest this is performance. I have found that if you use this syntax
select somefields
from server.database.owner.table
where whatever
sql server will bring back the entire table from the linked server and apply the where clause afterwards.
You can set up a linked server
How to create a linked server