Confusion in using SSL virtualMIN and wordpress website - ssl

I have a domain (e.g.)
I am using a virtual machine in a cloud having public IP. on this VM i am also using VirtualMin for shared hosting. so i have multple URLS to access different services such as email,wordpress, virtualmin console, and website address. now i need to use SSL on all these addresses however all these address does not change the sub domain. so do i need to buy wildcard (which is very expensive) or i can use simple SSL.
here are the site links that i need to encrypt.
Website (hosted via virtualmin)
Email (hosted via virtualmin)
Wordpress (hosted via virtualmin)
virtualmin (virtualmin console)
virtualmin email (virtualmin email console)
as you can see all these URLS has no change in sub domains rather port and landing directories are change. so do i need Normal SSL for all these links or i need wildcard ?

A Normal SSL will be fine for your needs, I would suggest creating a self signed certificate to test out your setup. Another tip is to look into the Let's Encrypt option as that will allow you to set up a Let's Encrypt certificate.
Virtualmin > Server Configuration > Manage SSL Certificate > Let's Encrypt
And then you will need to follow this guide:
Once you have the SSL installed you then need to apply it to all the parts of the server via
Virtualmin > Server Configuration > Manage SSL Certificate > Current Certificate > Copy to Webmin / Copy to Usermin / Copy to Dovecot / Copy to Postfix


How to create an ssl for a domain that is pointed from the hosts file?

Let's say I edit my hosts file on my computer to make point to my VPS server IP, and the server has virtual host/server block for configured trough Apache or Nginx.
So when I visit it'll load whatever is configured on the server through HTTP, how can I make it HTTPS? can I do it with Let's Encrypt? I have tried to edit the hosts file on the VPS itself and then run cert-bot, but that didn't work.
in simple words: I don't own the domain, but would like to own it on my machine only trough https.
I don't own the domain, but would like to own it on my machine only trough https.
You can't do it with a publicly trusted certificate. You can create your own PKI with your own trusted root CA which you import as trusted in your own browser. Then you can create the server certificates you want with this CA and since your browser trusts this CA it will also accept your own certificates.
There are many resources online which describe how to create your own CA, like here or here or here.

SSL certicicate not working in cpanel

Im using hostgator as my host.They do not provide free ssl certificate.So im using cloudflare free ssl certificate for my site.SSL certificate working everywhere except Cpanel.
I tried manually adding ssl through cpanel option.But not really working!Is there any way i can add it there?
Or it will be really good if my cpnael url won't just show up to that address.
If you want to use the CloudFlare SSL certificate then there is no need to add that SSL certificate to yoru cpanel nor to your site. Read the cloudflare documentation in order to see how to create and use Page Rules and their SSL certificate. cPanel has nothing to do with it. CF works just fine with cPanel/WHM and pretty much with any other related hosting panel. Your site can be http only in cPnel and then you do the HTTPS redirection from Clouflare using their Flexible SSL and page rules ssl is related to server side. If your host allow autossl with Let's Encrypt (for example) then it will install ssl for all your necessary subdomains like webmail, cpanel, mail, www etc. If you are installing ssl manually, then you cannot install it for cpanel subdomain. However if you want to use cpanel securely and have enabled ssl with the you can use it:

Will Comodo SSL work on a subdomain which points to external server using DNS zone editor?

I have a domain called and I have a cpanel for this domain.
In cpanel I created a sub domain -
In this cpanel in DNS zone editor I pointed this sub domain to my server1 like shown in image below -
Now I can access my http://server1 IP address. My link as
If I install ssl on my domain which comes with unlimited sub domain option, then do I need to do anything on my server1 server or not? Will my subdomain link work with https?
SSL should be installed on domain from the server where your domain is pointing. As your sub-domain is pointing to other provider's server, you should install the SSL from that server.
It will not work, if you will install it from the server where your main domain is pointing.

SSL for multiple domains in single website

Is it at all possible to install multiple SSL certificates for each domain on the same website?
I've got the following setup running via IIS. > IP ( Has SLL already installed > IP ( I want to install SSL for this domain > IP ( > > IP (
All domains have to point to the same website as that is how the solution is meant to work. We are using nopCommerce 3.5 and have a multi store setup. So that's why it's not an option to have separate websites for each domain.

Installing SSL for sub domain which pointing to another server

I have domain with dedicated IP,SSL for is already installed and working fine.
now through plesk panel i am able to create 10 sub domains.
I have created one sub domain named which is pointing to totaly different server.
I want to add SSL certificate for
where i have to add SSL certificate, on the the server that sub domain is pointing or i can add SSL for from plesk panel.
the subdomain is pointing to solaris server
You will need to install the SSL certificate on the actual server that is responding to your HTTPS requests (meaning, the one the subdomain points to). However, keep in mind that if you have a regular SSL certificate, then the certificate would have to be issued to the specific subdomain. For example, a regular SSL certificate for does not validate against
As an alternative, you can purchase a wildcard SSL certificate for your domain that will cover the new subdomain and any others you add later. More info on that here: