SSL for multiple domains in single website - ssl

Is it at all possible to install multiple SSL certificates for each domain on the same website?
I've got the following setup running via IIS. > IP ( Has SLL already installed > IP ( I want to install SSL for this domain > IP ( > > IP (
All domains have to point to the same website as that is how the solution is meant to work. We are using nopCommerce 3.5 and have a multi store setup. So that's why it's not an option to have separate websites for each domain.


configure two dydns websites of IIS with two different SSL ports and configure port forwarding for both

I have two iis websites. One I have a localhost on port 80 and was setup for dydns with ssl port forwarding external: 443 and internal port:1124 and the website is working perfectly with dydns access.
I wanted to setup another website with the ssl port but was unable to do so. As when I set the port forwarding external Ssl:443 and the internal ssl port:1129. the other dydns entry redirects to the first website. This website does not work without https.
So. How do I setup two websites for ssl port forwarding on the same machine?
Any help is appreciated.
You don't necessary need an entirely different port for each website you host on the same machine. You can use the same http/80 and https/443 to serve multiple website through virtual hosts.
I'm not familiar with IIS, but I do know that it's possible on IIS just like Apache and NGINX does. You can read about setting up virtual hosts on IIS here. Also I answered a similar question here.

SSL installation on both GoDaddy and External server

We have a wildcard ssl for * purchased from GoDaddy. is a managed wordpress website hosted in GoDaddy.
We also have couple of servers where other websites are hosted as subdomains,,
Currently only subdomains are loading without any errors on https. The main domain is throwing a warning that SSL is expired, though its not.
In order to make sure that the domain and subdomain all load on https, is the below sequence of steps correct?
1) Ask GoDaddy to rectify the problem mentioning that https is not working.
2) After 1 is resolved, Create a CSR from external server, download the certificate from GoDaddy and install it in the external server.
Will the certificate installed by 1 revoked after 2 is done?

LetsEncrypt on Domains

I've a domain name, My application is deployed on the server and the IP has been mapped with the domain name in GoDaddy domain registrar DNS settings. Also, it is https enabled using Letsencrypt which automatically refreshes my certificate after every 3 months.
Now, I purchase 5 more domains and just want to reroute those 5 domains to Nothing else. These are just URLs with no application server. So, I used domain-forwarding service.
However these 5 domains are not https secured. How do I apply letsencrypt certificated within my DNS settings itself, or do I have to separately purchase a SSL certificate from them?
PS: I'm skipping my option to add the domain name in my webserver (nginx)
config file and then map the IP to my DNS of new domain names. I dont want this.
I just want to install the certificate and it should start working.

Confusion in using SSL virtualMIN and wordpress website

I have a domain (e.g.)
I am using a virtual machine in a cloud having public IP. on this VM i am also using VirtualMin for shared hosting. so i have multple URLS to access different services such as email,wordpress, virtualmin console, and website address. now i need to use SSL on all these addresses however all these address does not change the sub domain. so do i need to buy wildcard (which is very expensive) or i can use simple SSL.
here are the site links that i need to encrypt.
Website (hosted via virtualmin)
Email (hosted via virtualmin)
Wordpress (hosted via virtualmin)
virtualmin (virtualmin console)
virtualmin email (virtualmin email console)
as you can see all these URLS has no change in sub domains rather port and landing directories are change. so do i need Normal SSL for all these links or i need wildcard ?
A Normal SSL will be fine for your needs, I would suggest creating a self signed certificate to test out your setup. Another tip is to look into the Let's Encrypt option as that will allow you to set up a Let's Encrypt certificate.
Virtualmin > Server Configuration > Manage SSL Certificate > Let's Encrypt
And then you will need to follow this guide:
Once you have the SSL installed you then need to apply it to all the parts of the server via
Virtualmin > Server Configuration > Manage SSL Certificate > Current Certificate > Copy to Webmin / Copy to Usermin / Copy to Dovecot / Copy to Postfix

Apache2 - Install several certificates for different domains without virtualhosts

I have an application written in Symfony2 which basically is a website builder. There are many domains pointing to the server IP, the php app inspects the request and displays the contents associated to that domain.
Is there a way to install ssl certificates on Apache for every domain, every domain should have its own certificate, whithout having any Virtuahost?
Apache is configured to answer to every request on port 80 and 443
Apache permits only 1 certificate per configured host.
So to achieve your goals, you will either need to use a multidomain certificate and include all domain in that certificate. By default, most vendors limit you to 100 domains per certificate. Note that and count as 2 different domains for the purpose of multi-domain certificates.
Otherwise, you will need to configure Vhosts for each domain. Depending on your OS, you may be able to use SNI with Apache so you don't need unique IPs for each domain.