Split 2 dates into 2 row isq - sql

I want to split holiday between 2 month into 2 row in sql for example :
EmpId StartDate EndDate TotalDays
1 2017/5/25 2017/6/10 16
I need to split it into 2 row like the following :
EmpId StartDate EndDate TotalDays
1 2017/5/25 2017/5/31 6
1 2017/6/1 2017/6/10 10
Thanks you

Assuming holidays only have one month split (as in your example):
select empid, startdate,
(case when eomonth(startdate) < enddate then eomonth(startdate) else enddate end) as enddate
from t
union all
select empid, dateadd(day, 1, eomonth(startdate)), enddate
from t
where eomonth(startdate) < enddate;
Well, that doesn't give TotalDays, but you can do that using a subquery and datediff().


Calculate Experience without overlapping

I'm trying to come up with the correct query to calculate the employment experience time but, I can't get it right. Here's the data I have:
Case 1:
EmployeeID PoisitionID StartDate EndDate
1 15 5/22/2017 5/22/2018
1 17 7/14/2018 8/10/2019
Case 2:
EmployeeID PositonID StartDate EndDate
1 15 5/22/2017 8/10/2019
1 17 3/8/2019 8/10/2019
Case 3:
EmployeeID PositonID StartDate EndDate
1 15 5/22/2017 NULL
1 17 3/8/2019 NULL
In the first case, my expected result in months would be: 27 months for both positions.
In the second case, my expected result in months would be:27 months for positonid 15 and 0 months for positionid 17 because positionid 17 falls during the date range of the first position and therefore, the employee will not be awarded with any years of experience.
In the third case, my expected result in months would be:30 months using today's date as an enddate for positonid 15 and 0 months for positionid 17 because positionid 17 falls during the date range of the first position and therefore, the employee will not be awarded with any years of experience.
You don't have any gaps, so I think this does what you want:
select employeeid,
datediff(month, min(startdate), coalesce(max(enddate), getdate())) as months
from t
group by employeeid;
This is what I have:
Your table 1:
select 1 as EmployeeID , 15 as PositonID , cast('5/22/2017' as date) as StartDate, cast('5/22/2018' as date) as EndDate into t2
union select 1, 17, '7/14/2018', '8/10/2019'
And the query to get the result
with a as
select EmployeeID, isnull(StartDate, cast(getdate() as date)) as sedate from t2
select EmployeeID, isnull(EndDate, cast(getdate() as date)) from t2
select a1.*, a2.sedate, case when datediff(month,a1.sedate, a2.sedate)< 0 then 0 else isnull(datediff(month,a1.sedate, a2.sedate), 0) end as months from a a1 left join a a2 on a1.EmployeeID = a2.EmployeeID and a1.sedate < a2.sedate
and not exists(select 1 from a a3 where a3.EmployeeID = a2.EmployeeID and a3.sedate > a1.sedate and a3.sedate < a2.sedate )
I changed the table to the values of Case2 and Case 3 and it seemed to work.
Let us know if that helps

How to Calculate Employment Experience with Special Case

I am trying to calculate the years of experience
Let's say someone has multiple employments as follow:
startdate enddate
2007-08-27 2008-05-09
2007-08-27 2008-05-09
2012-01-01 2018-07-31
2013-01-06 2019-03-25
What would be the correct sql syntax to just select startdate, enddate which will be later pluged in a function to calculate the number of days for each employment?
Here's my expected result:
1st row: startdate 8/27/2007, enddate 5/9/2008
2nd row: startdate 1/1/2012, enddate 3/25/2019
The second employment took place during the same time for the 1st employment so, it will not be counted. The fourth employment started before the third employment ended so we should use the startdate for the third employment and enddate for the fourth employment
Use Distinct to remove dplicated records. Then you can use this query:
Select totaldays / 365 from
(Select Sum(
DATEDIFF(day, srartdate, enddate )
) As totaldays
This query returns the dates without overlapping:
v.startdate startdate,
min(vv.enddate) enddate
from view_appemployment v
inner join view_appemployment vv
on v.startdate <= vv.enddate
and not exists (
select * from view_appemployment vvv
where vv.enddate >= vvv.startdate and vv.enddate < vvv.enddate
where not exists (
select * from view_appemployment vvvv
where v.startdate > vvvv.startdate and v.startdate <= vvvv.enddate
group by v.startdate
See the demo
startdate | enddate
------------------ | ------------------
27/08/2007 00:00:00 | 09/05/2008 00:00:00
01/01/2012 00:00:00 | 25/03/2019 00:00:00
This is a Gaps & Islands in Sequences problem, the following query should do what you want:
CREATE TABLE #emp (empid int, startdate date,enddate date)
;WITH starts AS (
SELECT em.*,
FROM #emp em2
WHERE em2.EmpID = em.EmpID AND
em2.StartDate < em.StartDate AND
em2.EndDate >= em.StartDate
) THEN 0 ELSE 1 END) AS [IsStart]
FROM #emp em )
,MIN(StartDate) AS [StartDate]
,MAX(EndDate) AS [EndDate]
FROM (SELECT s.*, SUM(isstart) OVER (PARTITION BY EmpID ORDER BY StartDate) AS [grp]
FROM starts s
) s
Please try this:
SELECT concat(id," row: start date ",date_format(start_date,'%d/%m/%y')," end date ",date_format(end_date,'%d/%m/%y'))as dateinfo FROM `dates`

Insert creating multiple register from one table to another

I have the following table
Eployee ID Start Month End Month
1 3/4/2013 26/11/2017
2 20/12/2014
3 1/8/2017 30/01/2018
I need to create a new table that will contain one register for each month an employee has worked up to date (if there is no end month it's still working)
I need to get something like this
Month Employee ID
4/2013 1
5/2013 1
11/2017 1
12/2014 2
1/2015 2
current month 2
8/2017 3
1/2018 3
If, you are working with SQL Server, then recursive cte is one option :
with t as (
select EmployeeID, StartMonth, EndMonth
from table
where EndMonth is not null
union all
select EmployeeID, dateadd(mm, 1, StartMonth), EndMonth
from t
where StartMonth < EndMonth
select EmployeeID, concat(datepart(mm, StartMonth), '/', datepart(year, StartMonth)) as Month
from t
union all
select EmployeeID, concat(datepart(mm, getdate()), '/', datepart(year, getdate()))
from table
where EndMonth is null
order by EmployeeID;

SQL Server: Count days difference between previous date and current date

I've been trying to find a way to count days difference between two dates from previous and current rows which counting only business days.
Example data and criteria here.
ID StartDate EndDate NewDate DaysDifference
0 04/05/2017 null
1 12/06/2017 16/06/2017 12/06/2017 29
2 03/07/2017 04/07/2017 16/06/2017 13
3 07/07/2017 10/07/2017 04/07/2017 5
4 12/07/2017 26/07/2017 10/07/2017 13
My end goal is
I want two new columns; NewDate and DayDifference.
NewDate column is from EndDate from previous row. As you can see that for example, NewDate of ID 2 is 16/06/2017 which come from EndDate of ID 1. But if value in EndDate of previous row is null, use its StartDate instead(ID 1 case).
DaysDifference column is from counting only business days between EndDate and NewDate columns.
Here is script that I am using atm.
select distinct
,isnull(p.EndDate,c.StartDate) as NewDate
,count(distinct cast(l.CalendarDate as date)) as DaysDifference
(select *
from table) c
full join
(select *
from table) p
on c.level = p.level
and c.id-1 = p.id
left join Calendar l
on (cast(l.CalendarDate as date) between cast(p.EndDate as date) and cast(c.EndDate as date)
cast(l.CalendarDate as date) between cast(p.EndDate as date) and cast(c.StartDate as date))
and l.Day not in ('Sat','Sun') and l.Holiday <> 'Y'
where c.ID <> 0
group by
And this's the current result :
ID EndDate NewDate DaysDifference
1 16/06/2017 12/06/2017 0
2 04/07/2017 16/06/2017 13
3 10/07/2017 04/07/2017 5
4 26/07/2017 10/07/2017 13
Seems like in the real data, I've got correct DaysDifference for ID 2,3,4 except ID 1 because of the null value from its previous row(ID 0) that printing StartDate instead of null EndDate, so it counts incorrectly.
Hope I've provided enough info. :)
Could you please guide me a way to count DaysDifference correctly.
Thanks in advance!
I think you can use this logic to get the previous date:
select t.*,
lag(coalesce(enddate, startdate), 1) over (order by 1) as newdate
from t;
Then for the difference:
select id, enddate, newdate,
sum(case when c.day not in ('Sat', 'Sun') and c.holiday <> 'Y' then 1 else 0 end) as diff
from (select t.*,
lag(coalesce(enddate, startdate), 1) over (order by 1) as newdate
from t
) t join
calendar c
on c.calendardate >= newdate and c.calendardate <= startdate
group by select id, enddate, newdate;

T/SQL - Group/Multiply records

Source date:
CREATE TABLE #Temp (ID INT Identity(1,1) Primary Key, BeginDate datetime, EndDate datetime, GroupBy INT)
SELECT '2015-06-05 00:00:00.000','2015-06-12 00:00:00.000',7
SELECT '2015-06-05 00:00:00.000', '2015-06-08 00:00:00.000',7
SELECT '2015-10-22 00:00:00.000', '2015-10-31 00:00:00.000',7
SELECT *, DATEDIFF(DAY,BeginDate, EndDate) TotalDays FROM #Temp
ID BeginDate EndDate GroupBy TotalDays
1 6/5/15 0:00 6/8/15 0:00 7 3
2 6/5/15 0:00 6/12/15 0:00 7 7
3 10/22/15 0:00 10/31/15 0:00 7 9
Desired Output:
ID BeginDate EndDate GroupBy TotalDays GroupCnt GroupNum
1 6/5/15 0:00 6/8/15 0:00 7 3 1 1
2 6/5/15 0:00 6/12/15 0:00 7 7 1 1
3 10/22/15 0:00 10/29/15 0:00 7 9 2 1
3 10/29/15 0:00 10/31/15 0:00 7 9 2 2
Group the records based on ID/BeginDate/EndDate.
Based on the GroupBy number (# of days) and TotalDays (days diff),
if the GroupBy => TotalDays, keep a single group record
else multiply the group records (1 record per GroupBy count) while staying within TotalDays limit.
Apologies if it's confusing but basically, in the above example, there should be one record for each group (ID/BeginDate/EndDate) for the record where days diff b/w Begin/End date = 7 or less (GroupBy).
If the days diff goes above 7 days, create another record (for every additional 7 days diff).
So since 1st two records have days diff of 7 days or less, there's only one record.
The 3rd record has days diff of 9 (7 + 2). Therefore, there should be 2 records (1st for the first 7 days and 2nd for the additional 2 days).
GroupCNT = how many records there're of the grouped records after applying the above records.
GroupNum is basically row number of the group.
GroupBy # can be different for each record. Dataset is huge so performance does matter.
One pattern I was able to figure out was related to the modulus b/w GroupBy and days diff.
When the GroupBy value is < days diff, modulus is always less than GroupBy. When the GroupBy value = days diff, modulus is always 0. And when the GroupBy value > days diff, modulus is always equals GroupBy. I'm not sure if/how to use that to group/multiply records to meet the requirement.
, BeginDate
, EndDate
, GroupBy
, DATEDIFF(DAY,BeginDate, EndDate) TotalDays
, CAST(GroupBy as decimal(18,6))%CAST(DATEDIFF(DAY,BeginDate, EndDate) AS decimal(18,6)) Modulus
, CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY,BeginDate, EndDate) <= GroupBy THEN BeginDate END NewBeginDate
, CASE WHEN DATEDIFF(DAY,BeginDate, EndDate) <= GroupBy THEN EndDate END NewEndDate
FROM #Temp
Forgot to mention/include that the begin/enddate, when the records gets multiplied, will change accordingly. In other words, begin/end date will reflect the GroupBy - desired output shows what I mean more clearly in the 3rd and 4th record.
Also, GroupCnt/GroupNum are not as important to calculate as grouping/multiplying the records.
You could do something like this using a recursive CTE..
;WITH cte AS (
DATEDIFF(DAY, BeginDate, EndDate) AS TotalDays,
1 AS GroupNum
FROM #Temp
GroupNum + 1
FROM cte
WHERE GroupNum * GroupBy < TotalDays
BeginDate = CASE WHEN GroupNum = 1 THEN BeginDate
ELSE DATEADD(DAY, GroupBy * (GroupNum - 1), BeginDate)
EndDate = CASE WHEN TotalDays <= GroupBy THEN EndDate
WHEN DATEADD(DAY, GroupBy * GroupNum, BeginDate) > EndDate THEN EndDate
ELSE DATEADD(DAY, GroupBy * GroupNum, BeginDate)
FROM cte
the cte builds out a recordset like this.
ID BeginDate EndDate GroupBy TotalDays GroupNum
----------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2015-06-05 00:00:00.000 2015-06-08 00:00:00.000 7 3 1
2 2015-06-05 00:00:00.000 2015-06-12 00:00:00.000 7 7 1
3 2015-10-22 00:00:00.000 2015-10-31 00:00:00.000 7 9 1
3 2015-10-22 00:00:00.000 2015-10-31 00:00:00.000 7 9 2
then you just have to take this and use some case statements to determine what the begin and end date should be.
you should end up with
ID BeginDate EndDate GroupBy TotalDays GroupCnt GroupNum
----------- ----------------------- ----------------------- ----------- ----------- ----------- -----------
1 2015-06-05 00:00:00.000 2015-06-08 00:00:00.000 7 3 1 1
2 2015-06-05 00:00:00.000 2015-06-12 00:00:00.000 7 7 1 1
3 2015-10-22 00:00:00.000 2015-10-29 00:00:00.000 7 9 2 1
3 2015-10-29 00:00:00.000 2015-10-31 00:00:00.000 7 9 2 2
since you're using SQL 2012, you can also use the LAG and LEAD functions in your final query.
;WITH cte AS (
DATEDIFF(DAY, BeginDate, EndDate) AS TotalDays,
1 AS GroupNum
FROM #Temp
GroupNum + 1
FROM cte
WHERE GroupNum * GroupBy < TotalDays
BeginDate = COALESCE(LAG(BeginDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY GroupNum) + GroupBy * (GroupNum - 1), BeginDate),
EndDate = COALESCE(LEAD(BeginDate) OVER (PARTITION BY ID ORDER BY GroupNum) + GroupBy * GroupNum, EndDate),
FROM cte
CREATE TABLE dim_number (id INT);
INSERT INTO dim_number VALUES ((0), (1), (2), (3)); -- Populate this to a large number
CASE WHEN dim_number.id = 0
THEN #Temp.BeginDate
ELSE DATEADD(DAY, dim_number.id * #Temp.GroupBy, #Temp.BeginDate)
END AS BeginDate,
CASE WHEN dim_number.id = parts.count
THEN #Temp.EndDate
ELSE DATEADD(DAY, (dim_number.id + 1) * #Temp.GroupBy, #Temp.BeginDate)
END AS EndDate,
#Temp.GroupBy AS GroupBy,
DATEDIFF(DAY, #Temp.BeginDate, #Temp.EndDate) AS TotalDays,
parts.count + 1 AS GroupCnt,
dim_number.id + 1 AS GroupNum
(SELECT DATEDIFF(DAY, #Temp.BeginDate, #Temp.EndDate) / #Temp.GroupBy AS count) AS parts
ON dim_number.id >= 0
AND dim_number.id <= parts.count