What is url for npm packages repository? - npm-install

I have installed node js and npm on my windows But when I try to install npm modules(packages) using
command>>npm install -g xxxx(package name)
It doesn't get installed, and it asked me to check proxy setting. As I am working on private network, so may be it doesn't allow me to access the url from which npm packages get downloaded.
Please tell me what is url for such npm packages from where it gets downloaded so that I can ask my network provider to give access for that site.

NPM packages are downloaded from https://registry.npmjs.org unless otherwise configured.
You can get the download URL for a package with npm view, for example JQuery:
npm view jquery dist.tarball
returns: https://registry.npmjs.org/jquery/-/jquery-3.5.1.tgz
You can change the default registry with npm set registry <new url>; this is typically used in large institutions or corporations with an internal registry mirror.

All npm packages are in fact downloaded from GitHub. However, npm resolves those GitHub dependencies via https://www.npmjs.com.
For example, express https://github.com/expressjs/express is the download link.
npm install -g express (or without -g).
The system does not know the GitHub location of the express package. So it must first lookup https://www.npmjs.com to get GitHub url. Then it will clone the package.


Is there a way to install an npm package locally but not affect package.json or package-lock.json?

I have a project that I'm working on for a client where I have two private packages (which I can't get access to npm install) are inside the package.json.
I do however have access to clone the repos for those said packages. If I simply run an npm install I'll get a permission denied error. Same if I run npm link to the packages.
I've been working around this by removing the packages from the package.json then running npm install ../some-package. This works but isn't a great solution because if I wanted to add a new package I'd have to deal with a bit of a mess with the package.json.
Is there a better way than this?
I have tried running npm link ../some-package but I still get access denied. The only way I've managed to complete an install is by removing the packages then installing them from a local dir.
I don't know the details of your situation, but I see at least two potential solutions to explore.
Option 1: Install the package from the repo
I do however have access to clone the repos for those said packages.
You can install from a git repo and package.json will record that git repo as the source of the package rather than the npm registry.
From the docs at https://docs.npmjs.com/cli/v8/commands/npm-install:
npm install :
Installs the package from the hosted git provider, cloning it with git. For a full git remote url, only that URL will be attempted.
Option 2: Install from the local file system with --no-save
If that approach doesn't work for you, you can try npm install --no-save ../some-package as a build step. The --no-save makes it so it doesn't modify package.json.

Using Gitlab as Proget's feed with a unique place to store packages

Is it possible to use gitlab's package repository to feed our npm packages as well as public packages online.
On proget it is possible to register common npm packages and my private npm packages under the same URL using a proxy. Is it possible to do the same with Gitlab so that pointing to gitlab's repository in the .npmrc would be enough to install all the dependencies ?
Yes, you can have a different registry for your personal packages and e.g. company packages. You can reference them by #my-gitlab-username/foo-package or #company/bar-package.
NPM packages hosted on npmjs.com which get installed by npm install <package> will always be resolved if the lookup on your provided Gitlab package registry fails. Usually you do not have to provide a separate proxy.
Multiple private/non-public registries can be targeted by using npm install #company/<package>. So there should be no issue in targeting multiple Proget and/or Gitlab npm registries at the same time.
Authentification is described here: https://stackoverflow.com/a/42648251/4236831

How do you install a repo by branch name in a github enterprise repo?

I would like to install repos to a parent repo and specify by branch name.
I have tried the following:
npm install username/repo#branchName --save
npm install username/repo#branchName --save
npm install username/repo#tag --save
npm install username/repo#tag --save
I'm getting an error that says:
Could not install from {theRepoWithBranch} as it does not contain a package.json file.
The repo definitely contains a package.json file.
I'm wondering if this is a permissions issue given I'm using an enterprise npm registry.
npm/npm issue 19788 does mention:
Currently, npm does not support installation of modules from git services hosted on private domain names.
That includes both Github for Enterprise on custom domains as well as instances of gitlab, gitea, gogs, bitbucket and many others, basically anything hosted on a custom domain name.
With the comment:
So, obviously you reference installing via an http(s):// URL directly, but just as an fyi, our GitLab Enterprise instance allows us to install using a slightly different format.
We have 2FA enabled, so it requires SSH to be used.
From the docs.
npm install <git-host>:<git-user>/<repo-name>
npm install <git repo url>
We were able to actually install our repos like this:
npm install git+ssh://git#gitlab.mydomain.com:user/repo.git
So this is more a URL format combined with permission issue.
Regarding the branch, as seen here, your syntax is correct.
if I prepend git+ on the HTTPS URL it works (I run gitea which accepts basic auth)
See also npm/hosted-git-info PR 30

How to install npm own local packages?

I have 2 projects(packages) in npm, I want to inject package_A as dependency to package_B. In package_A root folder, I run npm install -g, then npm install it to C:\Users\Myuser\AppData\Roaming\npm\node_moduls\package_A folder. Now in packages.json in package_B I add "package_A": "1.0.0" in dependencies. When in package_B root file I run npm install, its failed package_A#1.0.0 not found.
How can I identified npm to its my own local package?
We are a team, then I don't want to address package_A explicitly.
We are using nexus repository manager.
I don't want to publish my projects to http://registry.npmjs.org/.
I'm not 100% clear what you have tried. If you are going to use a custom module for another application you are developing, installing globally won't do the trick. You have to publish that module in npm.
Check this link for more info on publishing in npm
If you have completed the steps correctly, and still no good happens, please check your naming of the module in package.json file.
Instead of typing in the name and version number in package.json file and then npm install, try directly installing in the terminal with --save so that it will automatically be added to package.json file with correct spelling.

How can I remove the npm registry from my machine?

I published a module to npm. When I uninstall it and try to reinstall it, this is always done from a cache ( it is done even if I'm not connected to the internet, I just get a warning ). I would like to try if my module installs correctly from the remote npm repository on a fresh npm registry.
I tried to remove Node.js and reinstall it, but it does not help. There is no "npm" in the list of my applications that I could remove, only Node.js is listed. This is on a Windows 10 machine.
Where is the npm registry located and how can I remove it entirely?
You have to clean your NPM cache and then clear your registry using the below commands.
npm cache clean
npm config delete registry
npm config delete registry
This worked for me