We've got our tests for angularjs code using Jasmin and currently running with Karma. The tests are now using phantomjs.
Is there a way to run these tests using selenium grid?
It seems there is 'https://github.com/karma-runner/karma-webdriver-launcher' which can do the trick; however, this is not an option for us. Is there another way to run our tests using the selenium grid?
I have started using playwright automation tool from last few weeks, I want to understand, Is it possible to run playwright test using selenium grid? how I can point my test cases to grid hub endpoint using playwright?
In case of selenium we simply use RemoteWebdriver but I am not finding similar option in playwright.
Yes it is. You can use BrowserType.connect_over_cdp() to connect to your existing Chromium browsers over the Chrome DevTools Protocol. But this has the downside that you can't use WebKit or Firefox with it.
from selenium docs https://www.seleniumhq.org/docs/03_webdriver.jsp#webdriver-and-the-selenium-server we don't need to run selenium-server if we are using webdriver but almost all javascript automation frameworks need selenium-server to be started before running tests. why do we need to run selenium standalone server for webdriverjs tests ?
This is not true. Given your browser/ driver pair supports directConnect. It will run without the selenium server regardless of the language binding.
For instance, Here is the directConnect reference for protractor. https://github.com/angular/protractor/blob/master/docs/server-setup.md#connecting-directly-to-browser-drivers
Currently, we are using selenium for the automation test within our projects. We are using PhantomJs WebDriver to be able to run headless browser tests on bamboo. We want to be able to see the data(or content) which are created and saved by tests using PhantomJs but looks like the content will be gone after that tests are passed.
If we run the tests on Firefox driver without PhantomJs, we can see the content (or data) which is created by tests.
How we could config Phantomjs WebDriver in selenium to be able to see new content (or data) after running tests?
Any suggestion?
I am using Geb framework to execute the testcases on browserstack.Currently I am able to execute my test on single browser(Say Firefox) on browserstack.I need to run the same test on multiple browser
You can use the 'Gradle geb-browserstack Plugin' to run your tests on multiple browsers on BrowserStack. More details available here.
Using this plugin, the capabilities are passed as follows:
For example, to run tests on Firefox 32 on MAC, the capabilities are:
If you have any BrowserStack related queries, you can always get in touch with them at support#browserstack.com
I have created a sample project here, that can help you get started with running Geb Tests in parallel on multiple browsers on BrowserStack.
I have recorded scripts through Selenium IDE and converted them to JUnit 4 Webdriver scripts.
Of course converted scripts had to be changed to run smoothly as Junits. Now my next goal is to make these scripts run on CI, So obviously I need some headless browser for this purpose. I found some threads, but I am looking for Junits specifically.
What could be the best solution/approach for this, any help in this regard is appreciated.
Take a look at PhantomJS. It is a headless WebKit-based browser and there is Selenium WebDriver for that called GhostDriver.
That's what i use and is OK but there is also the option of using a headed browser like Firefox or Chrome and then use Xvfb to ignore screen output.