Importing CSV files to access using VB or Batch [closed] - vba

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a bunch of excel files that need to imported into MS access tables everyday. I was looking for a way to automate this using Batch or VB. Is this possible using batch only? If not, how do i come about doing this with vb, i have no experience with vb and have no clue where to start. Can vb scripts be written on access only or requires any other programs?

VBA will best suited for this task. Every MS Offfice program have developer section on the ribbon (but you have to enable it), where you can enter VBA editor and wirte scripts there.

Related visual [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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I want to create a simple Visual Basic.NET solution using LUCENE.NET, indexing files in a folder.
I have searched all day, but the example code that I find is in C#.
Can someone please help?
I wish I had a better answer for you but I suspect the best approach is to use a C# to VB.Net code conversion tool. Like you, I have never seen a VB code example for using Lucene.Net. With one of these tools, you can paste the C# code into a text box, hit the convert button and it will display the theoretically equivalent VB.Net code.
Here are a couple code converters that may be useful for you:

How to really protect VBA code in dotm file? [closed]

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Closed 2 years ago.
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We can set password to our project:
In VBA Editor: Tools > Properties > Protection (Set pass and check "lock for viewing protection").
But there is easy way to get access to code.
I don't want to describe, but its easy (with hexeditor).
Is the way to really secure my code in .dotm file (without loosing .dotm functionality as Word template)?
There is not really a way to make VBA code secure beyond using password protection. There is an article I found in doing a Web Search on Obstrafication for VBA, but if it was me, I wouldn't do it.
I recommend that you investigate building your solution .Net and VSTO. With compiled code, you can then Obstrficate it with products like .Net Reactor.

How do I embed a batch file in a vb program? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I'm trying to make a simple VB program. I just want it to embed into it a running batch program. I'm asking if there is a way to do that.
So to break it down could i take a batch file and embed it into the program.
So it would kind of be like this except its not two windows:
1) It's probably silly to have a separate .bat file if you can do everything you want directly in the VB program. Have you considered just incorporating the functionality directly in VB?
2) To run a separate .bat file from VB.Net, perhaps the easiest way is to use Process.start().
EXAMPLE: System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("c:\path\to\myfile.bat")
3) Finally, you can always a) create a text file (with a .bat suffix and your .bat commands) on the fly, then call "Process.Start()" on your dynamically-created .bat file.
I assume by "VB" you probably mean "VB.Net". If you mean "VB6", the API would be "Shell()". For example: Shell("c:\path\to\myfile.bat", vbHide).

VS2013 Virtual Database how to use [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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Im wondering for what the SQL database project template exists. I have created one and inserted a table with some col. Now i saved that, so i want to write Into that mdf-file Form a Windows forms project. I dont know how to acces that or even if this SQL project template is ment for that sort of usage. Is this a good solution for a local database?
Sry for that kind or basic question
The database project exists so that you can store the database structure in source control, generate and deploy the database (or upgrade scripts).

Creating programs in objective-c for excel files [closed]

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking to create a program that will sift and sort through tabular data created in excel format. I would like to be able to iterate through several .csv files within a folder, and create dictionaries of information that can be used to generate metrics and reports. I've been developing for a couple of years now, and I've never had to use xcode for anything like this.
I am curious if this is an easy solution to manipulating data or is there a preferred way of dealing with data in this form?
You can use CHCSVParser to read and parse the .csv files.