Creating programs in objective-c for excel files [closed] - objective-c

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Closed 9 years ago.
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I'm looking to create a program that will sift and sort through tabular data created in excel format. I would like to be able to iterate through several .csv files within a folder, and create dictionaries of information that can be used to generate metrics and reports. I've been developing for a couple of years now, and I've never had to use xcode for anything like this.
I am curious if this is an easy solution to manipulating data or is there a preferred way of dealing with data in this form?

You can use CHCSVParser to read and parse the .csv files.


Importing CSV files to access using VB or Batch [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I have a bunch of excel files that need to imported into MS access tables everyday. I was looking for a way to automate this using Batch or VB. Is this possible using batch only? If not, how do i come about doing this with vb, i have no experience with vb and have no clue where to start. Can vb scripts be written on access only or requires any other programs?
VBA will best suited for this task. Every MS Offfice program have developer section on the ribbon (but you have to enable it), where you can enter VBA editor and wirte scripts there.

How to import JPEG file in MS SQL server? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to insert jpeg file in SQL. How to do this?
You probably want to use the binary, varbinary or varbinary(max) data type.
Of course, you have to convert the (JPEG) image to a byte array first in order to store it in the database. Depending on the programming language of your choice this can be easy or hard.
Not sure if you can read files from a T-SQL command and store/retrieve them from a database. Then again, I don't think you would want such a scenario in real-life.

How can I make a file that can only be read by my application? [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to know if there's a way to create a file that only my application can read but other programs (eg: notepad) can't
For example:
i create a config file from my application, and if i open it with notepad it will be garbled nonsense, like:
½ÁoLG0%­Ö9)9Ìm•~0ý<öKfƒ”ü9´~<ƒ\,Aëxzºv‡#u}ž¹ñ7µK³¨]fÛn {盞Ժî*Ò\úǃ«E%ñ
You're looking for encryption, if you want something readable only to your application but not the end user.
I don't know VB.NET but a quick google search shows me this question which has a pretty well written answer, that seems to explain how to encrypt a file in VB.NET

How do you store big objects using NSUserDefaults efficiently? [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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How do you store big objects using NSUserDefaults efficiently? Any help will be appreciated. Thanks!
I would avoid using NSUserDefaults for anything large that you want to store. You are better off either writing the data to a file or storing it in a db such as core data. Depending on what you are trying to store one of these can make more sense then the other.
You can look at NSKeyedArchiver or NSFileManager plus whatever type of data you are working with for more information about how to write it to a file.

How to create diagrams for papers [closed]

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Closed 5 years ago.
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I want to create some diagrams for some papers.
Diagrams will contain some text, e.g. some console output. I need images for using also in html files.
There is TikZ so can create images like this:
but as a result I get some ps/pdf files, not images.
What's more I want to generate the pictures from text files as I want to track changes in some VCS, any binary files are not suitable for that.
The program convert from the ImageMagick suite can convert PDF files to other formats, like PNG. In its simplest form:
convert diagram.pdf diagram.png
See the manual for additional options.