Is there a way to clone data from CrateDB into Crate running on a new container? - cratedb

I currently have one container which runs Crate, and stores all its data in the /data/ directory. I am trying to create a clone of this container for debugging purposes -- ideally, the clone would be running Crate (which I can query) using the exact same data. I've tried mounting the same data directory into the /data/ directory of the cloned container and starting Crate, but when I run any queries, I notice that Crate shows 0 tables (that is, it doesn't recognize the data in the folder as database tables). How do I get around this? I know I can export and import data using COPY TO and COPY FROM, but I have so many tables that that would be quite cumbersome to write.

I’m a little bit wondering why you want to use the same data directory for debugging purposes, since you then modify data, which you probably don’t want to change. Also, the two instances would overwrite each others data, when using the same data directory at the same time. That’s the reason why this is not working.
What you still can do, is simply copying the folder in your file system and mount the second debugging node to the cloned folder.
Another solution would be to create a cluster containing both nodes as documented here:
Hope that helps.


how to add a new repository outside graphdb.home

I am cloning a large public triplestore for local development of a client app.
The data is too large to fit on the ssd partition where <graphdb.home>/data lives. How can I create a new repository at a different location to host this data?
GraphDB on startup will read the value of parameter. By default it will point to ${graphdb.home}/data. You have two options:
Move all repositories to the big non-SSD partition
You need to start graphdb with ./graphdb or edit the value of parameter in ${graphdb.home/conf/
Move a single repository to a different location
GraphDB does not allow creating a repository if the directory already exists. The easiest way to work around this is to create a new empty repository bigRepo, initialize the repository by making at least a request to it, and then shutdown GraphDB. Then move the directory $gdb.home/data/repositories/bigRepo/storage/ to your new big drive and create a symbolic link on the file system ln -s /mnt/big-drive/ data/repositories/bigRepo/storage/
You can apply the same technique also for moving only individual files.
Please make sure that all permissions are correctly set by using the same user to start GraphDB.

U-SQL : How to merge two usql files with same import statement

I want to deploy multiple tables creation script as one adla job to save on cost. I am using packages to get set of defined partition keys for all tables. When i try to deploy as merged script it complains that import statement is declared multiple times and fails.
While i can still deploy script one by one but wanted to see if we can merge script for faster deployment.
I am not sure I completely get your scenario. If you want to deploy a single object by itself, then that file needs to include all the dependencies (e.g., your package). If you want to deploy several objects, you should include the dependencies only once.
You probably should set up something that generates your script from the underlying "fragments". One fragment would be the reference to the package, the other fragments would be the creation of one object. And your deployment system would concatenate the files as needed.

SQL Database in GitHub

I am building a Java app that uses an SQLite database to hold most of its data. For the end-user, the database would be almost entirely read-only, with very occasional edits. I'll (theoretically) be displaying/distributing it through my GitHub page, so my question is:
What's the best way to load the database into GitHub? (I'm using IntelliJ with DataGrip.)
I'd prefer to be able to update the database when I commit/push, instead of having to overwrite the whole file. The closest question I can find is How to include MySQL database schema on GitHub? but there could potentially be hundreds or thousands of entries, so I can't just rebuild the tables when the user installs the app.
I'm applying for entry-level developer jobs, and this project is going to be my main portfolio piece during job-hunting. I'm trying to make sure it is not only functional but also makes a good impression. Any help is (very) greatly appreciated.
After moving my .db file into the folder connected to GitHub (same level as my src folder) apparently I can now commit/push it with the rest of my files. How do I make sure that the connection from my Java code to the database stays valid once it is loaded onto another user's system? Can I just stick with
connection = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:sqlite:mydatabase.db");
or do I need to rework the path?
Upon starting, if your application can't find a corresponding sqlite database file, have it create one. Then do initial load of your tables from either CSV, JSON or XML files.
You can upload these files to Git, as they are text formats.

FlywayDB ignore sub-folder in migration

I have a situation where I would like to ignore specific folders inside of where Flyway is looking for the migration files.
I want to ignore everything inside of the 'oldScripts' sub folder. Is there a flag that I can set in Flyway configs like ignoreFolder=SOME_FOLDER or scanRecursive=false?
An example for why I would do this is say, I have 1000 scripts in my migration folder. If we onboard a new member, instead of having them run the migration on 1000 files, they could just run the one script (The new base) and proceed from there. The alternative would be to never sync those files in the first place, but then people would need to remember to check source control to prior migrations instead of just looking on their local drive.
This is not currently supported directly. You could put both directories at the same level in the hierarchy (without nesting them) and selectively configure flyway.locations to achieve the same thing.
Since Flyway 6.4.0 wildcards are supported in flyway.locations. Examples:
More info at

Start external process several times simultaneously

I need to start an external process (which is around 300MB large on its own) several times using System.Diagnostics.Process.
The only problem is: once the first instance starts, it generates temporary data in its base folder (where the application is located), so I can't just start another instance - it would corrupt the data of the first one and mess up everything.
I thought about temporarily copying the whole application folder programmatically, so that each instance has its own, but that doesn't feel right.
Could anybody help me out? Thanks in advance!
Try starting each copy in a different directory.
If the third-party app ignores the current directory, you could make a symlink to it in a different folder. I'm not necessarily recommending that, though.
Pass an argument to your external process that specifies the temp folder to use.