input field prefilled with vuejs and a reactive character count - vue.js

As a vuejs component, I want to be able to display a character counter next to my input field.
The field is initially set up using a prop (this.initialValue).
When the method this.updateCounter is called the input textfield is blocked : typing into the field won't update its value. If I don't set the maxlength prop, the field is working fine : I can update the textfield.
Usage in a template :
<textfield maxlength="50" name="title" initialValue="Test"></textfield>
Here is the component code :
<div class="input">
<div class="input__field">
<span class="input__limit f--small">{{ counter }}</span>
<input type="text" :name="name" :maxlength="computedMaxlength" v-model="currentValue" />
export default {
name: 'Textfield',
props: {
name: {
default: ''
maxlength: {
default: 0
initialValue: {
default: ''
computed: {
hasMaxlength: function () {
return this.maxlength > 0;
computedMaxlength: function () {
if(this.hasMaxlength) return this.maxlength;
else return false;
currentValue: {
get: function() {
return this.initialValue;
set: function(newValue) {
this.$emit("change", newValue);
data: function () {
return {
counter: 0
methods: {
updateCounter: function (newValue) {
if(this.maxlength > 0) this.counter = this.maxlength - newValue.length;
mounted: function() {
I have fixed my issue by not using v-model but instead using a value and an input event.
data: function () {
return {
value: this.initialValue,
counter: 0
methods: {
updateCounter: function (newValue) {
if(this.maxlength > 0) this.counter = this.maxlength - newValue.toString().length;
onInput: function(event) {
const newValue =;
this.value = newValue;
this.$emit("change", newValue);


How to reset v-model

i have toggle and reset button:
<label :for='id + "_button"' :class='{"active": isActive}' class='toggle__button'>
<input type='checkbox' :id='id + "_button"' v-model='checkedValue'>
<span class='toggle__switch'></span>
<button #click='reset()'>reset</button>
export default ({
props: {
defaultState: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
id: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
data() {
return {
currentState: this.defaultState
computed: {
isActive() {
return this.currentState;
checkedValue: {
get() {
return this.defaultState;
set(newValue) {
this.currentState = newValue;
this.$emit('change', newValue);
methods: {
reset() {
this.checkedValue = false ;
toggle works well. But when you press the reset button, a bug appears. At which, toggle works only from the 2nd time. What needs to be added/fixed?
Your component is a custom component which could interact with parent one using two-way binding by defining a value as prop and emit the new value when the checkbox changes state :
<label :for='id + "_button"' :class='{"active": isActive}' class='toggle__button'>
<input type='checkbox' :id='id + "_button"' :value='value' #change="emitVal($event)">
<span class='toggle__switch'></span>
<button #click='emitVal(false)'>reset</button>
script :
export default ({
props: {
value: {
type: Boolean,
default: false
id: {
type: String,
default: 'primary'
methods: {
emitVal(val) {
in parent :
<customCheckbox id="secondary" v-model="someValue"/>

Vue.js: Child Component mutates state, parent displays property as undefined

I have a parent component that lists all the tasks:
<div class="tasks-wrapper">
<div class="tasks-header">
<h4>{{ $t('client.taskListingTitle') }}</h4>
<b-button variant="custom" #click="showAddTaskModal">{{ $t('client.addTask') }}</b-button>
<AddTaskModal />
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
import AddTaskModal from '#/components/modals/AddTaskModal'
import moment from 'moment'
export default {
name: 'TaskListing',
components: {
data () {
return {
tasks: [],
fields: [
{ key: 'createdOn', label: this.$t(''), formatter: 'formatDate' },
{ key: 'domain', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.task') },
{ key: 'comment', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.comment') },
{ key: 'status', label: this.$t('tasks.tableFields.status') }
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
formatDate: function (date) {
return moment.utc(date).local().format('DD.MM.YYYY HH:mm')
showAddTaskModal () {
async mounted () {
const currUserId = this.$
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
Inside this component there is a child which adds a task modal.
<form ref="form" #submit.stop.prevent="handleSubmit">
required />
<b-button-group class="float-right">
<b-button variant="danger" #click="$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal')">{{ $t('common.cancel') }}</b-button>
<b-button #click="addTask">{{ $t('modals.addTask.sendMail') }}</b-button>
import { mapActions, mapGetters } from 'vuex'
export default {
name: 'AddTaskModal',
data () {
return {
comment: '',
commentState: null,
taskTypesOptions: [
{ value: null, text: this.$t('modals.addTask.taskType') },
{ value: 'OnBoarding', text: 'Onboarding' },
{ value: 'Accounts', text: 'Accounts' },
{ value: 'TopUp', text: 'Topup' },
{ value: 'Overdraft', text: 'Overdraft' },
{ value: 'Aml', text: 'Aml' },
{ value: 'Transfers', text: 'Transfers' },
{ value: 'Consultation', text: 'Consultation' },
{ value: 'TechnicalSupport', text: 'TechnicalSupport' },
{ value: 'UnblockPin', text: 'UnblockPin' },
{ value: 'Other', text: 'Other' }
taskType: null,
taskTypeState: null
computed: {
...mapGetters('users', ['user']),
...mapGetters('tasks', ['tasks'])
methods: {
...mapActions('tasks', ['addNewTask', 'fetchTasks']),
...mapActions('users', ['fetchUserById']),
async addTask (bvModalEvt) {
if (!this.checkFormValidity()) { return }
const currUserId = this.$
if (this.user || this.user.userId !== currUserId) {
await this.fetchUserById(currUserId)
const data = {
clientPhone: this.user.phoneNumber,
comment: this.comment,
clientReferenceNumber: this.user.clientNumber,
domain: this.taskType
await this.addNewTask(data)
if (this.user.clientNumber !== null) {
const filters = { clientReferenceNumber: { value: this.user.clientNumber } }
this.tasks = await this.fetchTasks({ filters })
// this.tasks may be useless here
this.$nextTick(() => { this.$bvModal.hide('addTaskModal') })
checkFormValidity () {
const valid = this.$refs.form.checkValidity()
this.commentState = valid
this.taskTypeState = valid
return valid
resetModal () {
this.comment = ''
this.commentState = null
this.taskTypeState = null
When I add a task I call getalltasks to mutate the store so all the tasks are added. Then I want to render them. They are rendered but the property createdOn on the last task is InvalidDate and when I console log it is undefined.
The reason I need to call gettasks again in the modal is that the response on adding a task does not return the property createdOn. I do not want to set it on the front-end, I want to get it from the database.
I logged the store and all the tasks are added to the store.
Why is my parent component not rendering this particular createdOn property?
If I refresh the page everything is rendering fine.
If you add anything into a list of items that are displayed by v-for, you have to set a unique key. Based on your explanation, I assume that your key is the index and when you add a new item, you mess with the current indexes. Keys must be unique and unmutateable. What you need to do is to create a unique id for each element.
id: Math.floor(Math.random() * 10000000)
When you create a new task, use the same code to generate a new id, and use id as key. If this doesn't help, share your d-table and related vuex code too.

Handle interaction between vue fields

I have prepared a functional code example in JSFiddle of VUE field interaction.
I have a custom autocomplete component that works properly, a normal input field, and a 'Load' button which objetive is to load the value entered in the normal input in the autocomplete field.
This 'load' button is not working.
<div id="app">
<p>Selected: {{test1}}</p>
<autocomplete v-model="test1" v-bind:key="1" :items="theItems">
<label>Display this in 'test1':</label>
<input type="text" v-model=anotherField>
<button type="button" v-on:click="loadField()">Load</button>
<button type="button" v-on:click="displayVals()">Display vals</button>
<script type="text/x-template" id="autocomplete">
<div class="autocomplete">
<input type="text" #input="onChange" v-model="search"
#keyup.down="onArrowDown" #keyup.up="onArrowUp" #keyup.enter="onEnter" />
<ul id="autocomplete-results" v-show="isOpen" class="autocomplete-results">
<li class="loading" v-if="isLoading">
Loading results...
<li v-else v-for="(result, i) in results" :key="i" #click="setResult(result)"
class="autocomplete-result" :class="{'is-active':i === arrowCounter}">
{{ result }}
const Autocomplete = {
name: "autocomplete",
template: "#autocomplete",
props: {
items: {
type: Array,
required: false,
default: () => []
isAsync: {
type: Boolean,
required: false,
default: false
data() {
return {
isOpen: false,
results: [],
search: "",
isLoading: false,
arrowCounter: 0
methods: {
onChange() {
// Let's warn the parent that a change was made
// Is the data given by an outside ajax request?
if (this.isAsync) {
this.isLoading = true;
} else {
// Let's search our flat array
this.isOpen = true;
filterResults() {
// first uncapitalize all the things
this.results = this.items.filter(item => {
return item.toLowerCase().indexOf( > -1;
setResult(result) { = result;
this.isOpen = false;
onArrowDown(evt) {
if (this.arrowCounter < this.results.length) {
this.arrowCounter = this.arrowCounter + 1;
onArrowUp() {
if (this.arrowCounter > 0) {
this.arrowCounter = this.arrowCounter - 1;
onEnter() { = this.results[this.arrowCounter];
this.isOpen = false;
this.arrowCounter = -1;
handleClickOutside(evt) {
if (!this.$el.contains( {
this.isOpen = false;
this.arrowCounter = -1;
watch: {
items: function(val, oldValue) {
// actually compare them
if (val.length !== oldValue.length) {
this.results = val;
this.isLoading = false;
mounted() {
document.addEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);
destroyed() {
document.removeEventListener("click", this.handleClickOutside);
new Vue({
el: "#app",
name: "app",
components: {
autocomplete: Autocomplete
methods: {
displayVals() {
alert("test1=" + this.test1);
loadField() {
data: {
test1: '',
anotherField: '',
theItems: [ 'Apple', 'Banana', 'Orange', 'Mango', 'Pear', 'Peach', 'Grape', 'Tangerine', 'Pineapple']
Any help will be appreciated.
See this new fiddle where it is fixed.
When you use v-model on a custom component you need to add a property named value and watch it for changes, so it can update the local property

Vuejs Reactivity on Set Value

I have a custom table with actions via a modal popup that set values on Rows. Things are mostly working great (Updates to Foo and Bar get sent to the backend and are set in a database, reload of the page pulls the data from the database and shows foo/bar were correctly set). The only not-great part is on setting of Foo, the value in the table does not get updated. Bar gets updated/is reactive. (the template uses and Does anyone have any ideas on how to get Foo to update in the table? I've changed the moustache template to use {{ }} and it updates, but I need
title="Set Foo"
#cancel="foo_modal = null">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" v-model="">
<option v-for="foo in foos" :key="" :value="">{{ }}</option>
title="Set Rod/Stick"
#cancel="bar_modal = null">
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" v-model="">
<option v-for="bar in bars" :key="" :value="" v-if="bar.type === 'rod'">{{ }}</option>
<div class="form-group">
<select class="form-control" v-model="">
<option v-for="bar in bars" :key="" :value="" v-if="bar.type === 'stick'">{{ }}</option>
import fooModal from '../../components/fooModal.vue';
import barModal from '../../components/barModal.vue';
import CTablePaginated from "../../components/custom/cTable/cTablePaginated";
import cTooltip from '../../components/custom/cTooltip/cTooltip.vue';
import cDialog from '../../components/custom/cDialog/cDialog.vue';
import moment from 'moment';
export default {
components: { CTablePaginated, cTooltip, cDialog },
methods: {
loadData() {
let that = this;
that.$http.get('/things', { params: that.param || {} })
.then(function (things) {
that.things =; = that.things;
setBar(thing_id, options, cb) {
let that = this;
this.$http.patch(`/things/${thing_id}`, { rod_id: options.rod, stick_id: options.stick })
.then(function () {
setFoo(thing_id, options, cb) {
let that = this;
this.$http.patch(`/things/${thing_id}`, { foo_id: options.foo_id })
.then(function () {
data() {
return {
componentKey: 0,
things: null,
foos: [],
bars: [],
foo_modal: null,
foo_modal_options: {
actions: [
label: "Save",
class: "btn-primary",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
const thing = ctx.foo_modal.thing;
const options = {
ctx.setFoo(, options, function () {
ctx.foo_modal = null;
label: "Cancel",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
ctx.foo_modal = null;
bar_modal: null,
bar_modal_options: {
actions: [
label: "Save",
class: "btn-primary",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
const thing = ctx.bar_modal.thing;
const options = {
ctx.setBar(, options, function () {
ctx.bar_modal = null;
label: "Cancel",
action: (function (ctx) {
return function () {
ctx.bar_modal = null;
grid: {
data: [],
columns: [
label: "Foo",
value: function (row) {
if (! return "No foo set";
return `${ }`;
label: "Rod/Stick",
value: function (row) {
if (!row.rod && !row.stick) return "No rod/stick set";
if (!row.rod) return `No rod set/${}`;
if (!row.stick) return `${}/no stick set`;
return `${}/${}`;
actions: [
label: "Set Foo",
visible: function (thing) {
return !;
action: (function (ctx) {
return function (thing) {
if (! = {};
ctx.foo_modal = {
thing: thing
label: "Set Bar",
visible: function (thing) {
return !;
action: (function (ctx) {
return function (thing) {
if (!thing.rod) thing.rod = {};
if (!thing.stick) thing.stick = {};
ctx.bar_modal = {
thing: thing
props: {
title: {
type: String
param: {
type: Object,
required: true
events: {
type: Object,
required: true
created() {
let that = this;
.then(function (bars) {
that.bars =;
.then(function (foos) {
that.foos =;
There are two possibilities you can try both if any one of them can help you.
You can set value by using Vuejs this.$set method for deep reactivity. Click here.
You can use this.$nextTick(()=>{ // set your variable here }). Click here.

How to stop input event if my validation failed?

I have simple input and I only need integers, but if I use e.preventDefault() and return to stop input event, input event will be still work.
data() {
return {
fraction: {
numerator: '',
denominator: '',
methods: {
changeFraction(e) {
const el =;
if (!/[0-9]/g.test(el.value)) {
return null;
this.fraction[] = el.value;
Just use computed for validation and null for #input event when input is not valid.
For instance:
<input type="text" v-model="fraction.numerator" #input="numeratorValid ? changeFraction : null"/>
computed: {
numeratorValid () {
return Number.isInteger(this.fraction.numerator)
<div class = "fraction">
#change = "changeFraction"
name = "numerator"
type = "number"
v-model.number = "fraction.numerator"
#change = "changeFraction"
name = "denominator"
type = "number"
v-model.number = "fraction.denominator"
export default {
name: 'FractionItem',
data() {
return {
fraction: {
numerator: '',
denominator: '',
methods: {
changeFraction(e) {
const el =;
//need add plus before value, because writting letter in input change data value to string type
if (!/[0-9]/g.test(+this.fraction[])) {
[]: +this.fraction[],
<style lang = "scss" scoped></style>