Apache mod_wsgi python variable persistance - apache

For some time I have been using mod_wsgi with global variables. The global vars have been persistant across sessions in the past. Suddenly now they are not persistant. Each request loads a fresh instance and persistence is lost.
I want to enforce wsgi (for now) remembering the variables from previous requests. Is there an Apache config option such as daemon option or middleware that can enforce the behavior I had going previously?

It sounds like the issue may be that you were using daemon mode of mod_wsgi previously, with default of a single process, and then mucked up the Apache/mod_wsgi configuration and have fallen back to use embedded mode of mod_wsgi, which means you are subject to whatever Apache configuration is. The Apache configuration is generally multiprocess though.
So confirm whether you are working in embedded mode or daemon mode.
You can also verify whether in multi process or multi threaded configuration.
You can also do:
import mod_wsgi
to confirm what configuration you are running under.


Running a Raku Cro app as a persistent service

I'd like to run a perl6/raku Cro app as a service behind a frontend webserver.
Just running cro run won't handle restarting after segfaults & reboots.
Previously with perl5 I've used FastCGI - however Cro::HTTP::Server's Cro::HTTP::Server.new().start() idiom doesn't look compatible with FastCGI::Native's while $fcgi.accept() {} example.
The service.p6 generated by cro stub does have a SIGINT handler, however I'm unsure whether this is sufficient to point to it in a systemctl service, i.e.
ExecStart = /path/to/service.p6
How are people currently hosting Cro apps?
cro run is intended as a development tool, not a deployment one, and so is indeed not a good choice for hosting the services.
All of the Cro services I directly take care of are containerized (some guidance on that here) and then run on a hosted Kubernetes cluster. Kubernetes takes care of the automatic restarts, rolling out new versions, etc. I'm also aware of docker-compose being used in place of Kubernetes, which I guess works, though I believe that's also considered as primarily a development tool.
Setting it up as a systemctl service should also work fine, provided that's configured to always restart. However, it seems that you'd want to handle SIGTERM for the clean shutdown to work instead of SIGINT (nothing wrong with handling both).
I do also place a frontend web server in front of Cro (using Apache, though nginx would be a fine choice too), and also use that to do some caching of static content also (using content-control in my routes to describe the cachability).

mod_wsgi DaemonProcess mode gets problem with httpd graceful reload

I'm using httpd -k graceful to dynamically reload my server, and I use time.sleep in python code to make a slow request, and I expected the active requests would't be interrupted after apache reload. But it did.
So I tried a simple python server using CGI, it works well. Then I tried mod_wsgi using apache process (only specifying WSGIScriptAlias), and it works well, too.
So I found that the problem is the WSGIDaemonProcess, which I originally used.
Then in the mod_wsgi doc I found this:
When a daemon process is sent the graceful restart signal, usually SIGUSR1, to restart a process, this timeout controls how many seconds the process will wait, while still accepting new requests, before it reaches an idle state with no active requests and shutdown.
If this timeout is not specified, then the value of the graceful-timeout will instead be used. If the graceful-timeout is not specified, then the restart when sent the graceful restart signal will instead happen immediately, with the process being forcibly killed, if necessary, when the shutdown timeout has expired.
when I thought I'm going to find the reason, I found that these arguments(and i tried graceful-timeout too) didn't work at all.The requests were still interrupted by graceful reload. So why?
I'm using apache 2.4.6, with mpm mode prefork. And modwsgi 4.6.5, I compiled it myself and replaced my old-version mod_wsgi.so with it.
answer from GrahamDumpleton#Github: (https://github.com/GrahamDumpleton/mod_wsgi/issues/383)
What you are seeing is exactly as expected. Apache does not pass graceful restart signals onto managed sub processes, it only passes them onto its own child worker processes. For managed processes it will send a SIGTERM and it will brutally kill them after 3 or 5 seconds (can't remember exactly how long) if they haven't shutdown. There is no way around it. It is a limitation of Apache.
The eviction timeout thus only applies as the docs say to when a 'daemon process' is sent a graceful restart signal directly. That is, restarting Apache as a whole gracefully doesn't do anything, but send the graceful restart signal to the pid of the daemon processes themselves will.
So the only solution if this behaviour is important is to ensure you use display-name option to WSGIDaemonProcess directive so daemon processes named uniquely compared to Apache processes, and then send signals to them direct only.
Usually this only becomes an issue because some Linux systems completely ignore the fact that Apache has a perfectly good log file rotation system and instead do external log file rotation by renaming log files once a day and then attempting a graceful restart. People will see issues with interrupted requests they don't expect. In this case you should use Apache's own log file rotation mechanism if it is important and not rely on external log file rotation systems.

Does Apache really "fork" in mod_php/python way for request handling?

I am a dummy in web apps. I have a doubt regaring the functioning of apache web server. My question is mainly centered on "how apache handles each incoming request"
Q: When apache is running in the mod_python/mod_php mode, then does a "fork" happen for each incoming reuest?
If it forks in mod_php/mod_python way, then where is the advantage over CGI mode, except for the fact that the forked process in mod_php way already contains an interpretor instance.
If it doesn't fork each time, how does it actually handle each incoming request in the mod_php/mod_python way. Does it use threads?
PS: Where does FastCGI stands in the above comparison?
With a modern version of Apache, unless you configure it in prefork mode, it should run threaded (and not fork). mod_python is threadsafe, and doesn't require that each instance of it is forked into its own space.

Many php-fpm: pool www processes running but Apache isn't

I'm using CentOS 6.4 (x86) VPS with Nginx.
In Webmin Running processes table I found up to 8 "php-fpm: pool www" running processes that "Apache" is the owner, but Apache isn't running!
This consumes a lot of RAM memory.
It is necessary for the nginx jobs or not? Sorry for this (stupid?) question but I'm newbie about Server management.
Thank you in advance.
The processing running will be needed and won't be being wasted.
One of the first things that should be defined in your PHP-FPM config file is what user and group PHP-FPM should be running under.
Presumably your config file says to run PHP-FPM under the user 'Apache'. You can change this to whatever you like, so long as you get the file permission right for PHP-FPM to access your php files.
However if PHP-FPM is taking up a lot of memory then you should tweak the values for the number of pools and how much memory each one can use. In particular you could reduce the settings:
pm.start_servers = 4
pm.min_spare_servers = 2
To not have as many PHP-FPM processes sitting around idle when there is no load.
PHP-FPM has it's own separate process manager and really isn't connected to anything other than itself. Other software will connect to it, IE: nginx / apache. You probably see the "Apache" user running the process because of the pool configuration you have. You can easily change the configuration and then restart the FPM Process.
If you do not wish to have stale processes running while they are not used, then I would recommend that you change the PM option in the pool configuration from Static/Dynamic to ondemand. This way, FPM will only spool up when it is needed.
Many people use the Static/Dynamic options when they need specific variations for the processes they are running, IE: a site that receives a lot of constant traffic.
Depending on your FPM installation you'll normally find the configurations in /etc/php. I keep my configurations in /usr/local/etc/php-fpm/ or /usr/local/etc/fpm.d/

WSGI / Apache clarification

I have a Pyramid application running on apache with mod_wsgi.
What exactly is the lifeline of my application when a request is made?
Does my application get created (which entails loading the configuration, creating the database engine) every time a request comes in? When using paste serve, this isn't the case. But with mod_wsgi - how does it work? When does the application "terminate"?
For a start, read:
Initialisation is not done on a per request basis. In generally the application should persist in memory between requests. In the case of embedded mode then you may be at the mercy of Apache as to when it recycles processes.