How to enable Diagnostics for existing Azure Storage Account using PowerShell?
Thank you
You can use PowerShell to configure Storage Metrics in your storage account by using the cmdlet Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty to change the current settings.
Example 1:
$context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName <your storageacount name>
Set-AzureStorageServiceMetricsProperty -MetricsType Minute -ServiceType Blob -MetricsLevel ServiceAndApi -RetentionDays 5 -Context $context
I enabled the diagnostics like this:enable Blob metrics
If you want to enable the below Blob,Table,Queue logs, you can use the cmdlet Set-AzureStorageServiceLoggingProperty to change the current settings.
Example 2:
$context = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName <your storageacount name>
Set-AzureStorageServiceLoggingProperty -ServiceType Queue -Context $context -LoggingOperations read,write,delete -RetentionDays 5
I enabled the Queue logs like this:
enable Queue logs
Update: If you just want to enable storage of diagnostic logs in a storage account,use this command:
Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting -ResourceId [your resource id] -StorageAccountId [your storage account id] -Enabled $true
See more details about Set-AzureRmDiagnosticSetting ,refer to this:
I'm trying to update ACL through Azure PowerShell but I'm getting this weird error.
The script is pretty simple but don't understand what is wrong.
First I'm getting the Storage Container by name to be sure the
container already exists.
Then just trying to set ACL permission on
it but got an error saying the container doesn't exist.
Am I missing something?
Edit: Just to avoid confusion, I have full control on this storage account resource. I created it and I'm able to configure this setting through Azure portal but no with power shell.
Browse to Storage Account in the Azure Portal
Access Control (IAM)
Grant Access to this resource section (Add Role Assignments)
Role: Storage Blob Data Contributor
Assign Access to: Use the default values (I.e. User , Group , or Service Principal)
Select: User Name
I tried to reproduce the same in my environment to apply ACL permissions:
Here is the script to apply the ACL permission to your container.
You can get the Azure Storage Account Key
Azure Portal > Storage accounts > YourStorageAccount >Access keys
#Install Storage Module
Install-Module Az.Storage
#Connect to Azure AD
#Set Context to Storage Account
$StorageContext = New-AzureStorageContext -StorageAccountName 'venkatsa' -StorageAccountKey 'StorageAccount-key'
$Container = Get-AzureStorageContainer -Name 'thejademo' -Context $StorageContext
#Get Container ACL Permissions
Get-AzStorageContainerAcl -Container "thejademo" -Context $StorageContext
#Set ACL permission to Container.
Set-AzStorageContainerAcl -Container "thejademo" -Permission Off -PassThru -Context $StorageContext
Applied ACL permission to my container
I have a large number of Azure SQL Databases and I would like to create a list or report of some kind that shows what backup retention policies are in place for each one.
All I can find is how to check on per-database or per-server basis. This would take me a long time and is error-prone and not something I can check on a regular basis or easily provide to an auditor/manager who wants confirmation that everything is being backed up and retained properly.
Is there a way to obtain all this information in one place? A PowerShell solution would be acceptable.
You can use Powershell commands to get the Long-term retention policies for your SQL Server or even for each database using below commands:
# get all LTR policies within a server
$ltrPolicies = Get-AzSqlDatabase -ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup -ServerName $serverName | `
# get the LTR policy of a specific database
$ltrPolicies = Get-AzSqlDatabaseBackupLongTermRetentionPolicy -ServerName $serverName -DatabaseName $dbName `
-ResourceGroupName $resourceGroup
You can also use CLI command to get LTR policies for each database.
az sql db ltr-policy show \
--resource-group mygroup \
--server myserver \
--name mydb
In the above code only you can write the code for each database to get the LTR policies.
Refer: Manage Azure SQL Database long-term backup retention
I have a Gen2 Azure storage account and try to create a stored access policy on a container using Powershell. I am signed into the account and the relevant subscription is selected. I save the context in a variable for further use by the following statements.
Set-AzContext -Subscription "<subscriptionid>"
$context = New-AzStorageContext -StorageAccountName "MyStorageAccount" -UseConnectedAccount
Creating a stored access policy failed so I added one manually through the portal and tried to get a list of the policies:
Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy -Container "MyContainer" -Context $context
This resulted in an error Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy: The specified resource does not exist., the same error that the "New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy" command yielded. Adding the name of the existing policy with the -Policy parameter did not change the outcome, neither did changing the access level on the container.
I think I can also rule out typos as Get-AzStorageContainer "MyContainer" -Context $context gives me the details of the container as expected.
I am unclear as to what resource it is that does not exists, as the container clearly exists and it also contains at least one stored access policy. Can the container stored access policy command not be used on a Gen2 storage account or am I missing something else?
This is because Get/New-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy isn't supported by Oauth. You can find all operations supported by Oauth
As a workaround, you can use connection string to do this:
Set-AzContext -Subscription "<subscriptionid>"
$context = New-AzStorageContext -ConnectionString "<Connection string>"
Get-AzStorageContainerStoredAccessPolicy -Container "<Container Name>" -Context $context
Same issue in Github:
I want to create a container (or container group) in Azure Container Instances, pulling the image(s) from Azure Container Registry - but with using a SystemAssigned identity. With that I want to avoid using ACR login credentials, a service principal or a UserAssigned identity.
When I run this script (Azure CLI in PowerShell) ...
$LOC = "westeurope"
$RG = "myresourcegroup"
$ACRNAME = "myacr"
az configure --defaults location=$LOC group=$RG
$acr = az acr show -n $ACRNAME -o json | ConvertFrom-Json -Depth 10
az container create --name app1 --image $($acr.loginServer+"/app1") `
--assign-identity --role acrpull --scope $ `
... ACI does not seem to recognize that it should be already authorized for ACR and shows this prompt:
Image registry username:
Azure CLI version: 2.14.0
Does this make sense? Is the ACI managed identity supported for ACR?
In your code, when you create an Azure container with a managed identity that is being created at the ACI creating time to authenticate to ACR. I am afraid that you can not do that because there are limitations
You can't use a managed identity to pull an image from Azure Container
Registry when creating a container group. The identity is only
available within a running container.
From Jan 2022 on managed identity is supported on Azure Container Instance to access Azure Container Registry:
#minus_one -solution do not work in my case. Runbook to make container registry. It does need more priviledges than stated in here...
This solution will not use managed identity, and it is important to note that we will need owner role at least on the resource group level.
The main idea is to use service principals to get the access using the acrpull role. See the following PowerShell script:
$resourceGroup = (az group show --name $resourceGroupName | ConvertFrom-Json )
$containerRegistry = (az acr show --name $containerRegistryName | ConvertFrom-Json)
$servicePrincipal = (az ad sp create-for-rbac `
--name "${containerRegistryName}" `
--scopes $ `
--role acrpull `
| ConvertFrom-Json )
az container create `
--name $containerInstanceName `
--resource-group $resourceGroupName `
--image $containerImage `
--command-line "tail -f /dev/null" `
--registry-login-server "${containerRegistryName}" `
--registry-username $servicePrincipal.appId `
--registry-password $servicePrincipal.password
Please note that we have created a service principal, so we also need to remove that:
az ad sp delete --id $servicePrincipal.appId
There is a documentation on how to do that:
Deploy to Azure Container Instances from Azure Container Registry
I think the --registry-login-server ${containerRegistryName}" option was missing.
Is there a way to configure Azure Activity logs to be forwarded to a Log Analytics instance using PowerShell? Essentially the same that can be performed using the Portal as outlined on this page:
You may use the PowerShell cmdlet New-AzureRmOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource.
New-AzureRmOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource -ResourceGroupName <LogAnalyticsOMSWorkspaceResourceGroupName> -WorkspaceName <LogAnalyticsOMSWorkspaceName> -Name <NameOfThisOperationalInsightsAzureActivityLogDataSource> -SubscriptionId <SubscriptionId>
For more information refer
Hope this helps!!