How to integrate tensorflow into QNX operating system - tensorflow

I want to use the tensorflow in a QNX operating system? The very first step is to integrate the tensorflow into QNX. Any suggestions?

There is an issue on that on GitHub, unfortunately w/o a result but it's a starting point:
Depending on your objective, NVIDIA's TensorRT can load TensorFlow models and provides binaries for QNX, see for example


How to import tensorflow-GPU with AMD graphics card, or any workaround

I have AMD graphics card with me. Now, when I try to import tensorflow, I get the following error.
I think (as I understand) that if I use normal TF and not TF-GPU, then this issue may resolve. However, I do want to use the graphics card because my reinforcement learning algorithms are really very slow otherwise. Is there any workaround?
ImportError: Could not find 'nvcuda.dll'. TensorFlow requires that
this DLL be installed in a directory that is named in your %PATH%
environment variable. Typically it is installed in
'C:\Windows\System32'. If it is not present, ensure that you have a
CUDA-capable GPU with the correct driver installed.
Currently, right now with AMD, there are two ways you can go about it.
Either using the lastest AMD's ROCm to install tensorflow.
official ROCm install
official ROCm tensorflow install
check if you use the supported AMD GPU check it over here
or using the OpenCL implementation of TensorFlow if your video card does not support ROCm

gstreamer custom plugin for nvidia gpu

I want to develop a gstreamer plugin that can use the acceleration provided by the GPU of the graphics card (NVIDIA RTX2xxx). The objective is to have a fast gstreamer pipeline that process a video stream including on it a custom filter.
After two days googling, I can not find any example or hint.
One of the best alternatives found is use "nvivafilter", passing a cuda module as argument. However, no where explains how to install this plugin or provides an example. Worst, it seems that it could be specific for Nvidia Jetson hardware.
Another alternative seems use gstreamer inside an opencv python script. But that means a mix that I do not known how impacts performance.
This gstreamer tutorial talks about several libraries. But seems outdated and not provides details.
RidgeRun seems to have something similar to "nvivafilter", but not FOSS.
Has someone any example or suggestion about how to proceed.
I suggest you start with installing DS 5.0 and explore the examples and the apps provided. It's built on Gstreamer. Deepstream Instalation guide
The installation is straight forward. You will find custom parsers built.
You will need to install the following: Ubuntu 18.04, GStreamer 1.14.1, NVIDIA driver 440or later,CUDA 10.2,TensorRT 7.0 or later.
Here is an example of running an app with 4 streams. deepstream-app -c /opt/nvidia/deepstream/deepstream-5.0/samples/configs/deepstream-app/source4_1080p_dec_infer-resnet_tracker_sgie_tiled_display_int8.txt
The advantage of DS is that all the video pipeline is optimized on GPU including decoding and preprocessing. You can always run Gstreamer along opencv only, in my experience it's not an efficient implementation.
Building custom parsers:
The parsers are required to convert the raw Tensor data from the inference to (x,y) location of bounding boxes around the detected object. This post-processing algorithm will vary based on the detection architecture.
If using Deepstream 4.0, Transfer Learning Toolkit 1.0 and TensorRT 6.0: follow the instructions in the repository
If using Deepstream 5.0, Transfer Learning Toolkit 2.0 and TensorRT 7.0: keep following the instructions from
Starting page:
Deepstream download and resources:
Quick start manual:
Integrate TLT model with Deepstream SDK:
Deepstream Devblog:
Plugin manual:
Deepstream 5.0 release notes:
Transfer Learning Toolkit v2.0 Release Notes:
Transfer Learning Toolkit v2.0 Getting Started Guide:
Metropolis documentation:
TensorRT documentation:
TensorRT Devblog:
TensorRT Open Source Software: luck.

More than one GPU on

Anyone with experience using for cloud GPU computing knows if when renting more than one GPU do you need to do some setup to take advantage of the extra GPUs?
Because I can't notice any difference on speed when renting 6 or 8 GPUs instead of just one. I'm new at using for cloud GPU computing.
I am using this default docker:
Official docker images for deep learning framework TensorFlow (
Successfully loaded tensorflow/tensorflow:nightly-gpu-py3
And just installing keras afterwards:
pip install keras
I have also checked the available GPUs using this and all the GPUs are detected correctly:
from keras import backend as K
Finally I found the solution myself. I just used another docker image with an older version of tensorflow (2.0.0), and the error disappeared.

Running Tensorboard without CUDA support

Is it possible to run Tensorboard on a machine without CUDA support?
I'm working at a computation center (via ssh) which has two major clusters:
CPU-Cluster which is a general workhorse without CUDA support (no dedicated GPU)
GPU-Cluster with dedicated GPUs e.g. for running neural networks with tensorflow-gpu.
The access to the GPU-cluster is limited to Training etc. such that I can't afford to run Tensorboard on a machine with CUDA-support. Instead, I'd like to run Tensorboard on the CPU-Cluster.
With the TF bundled Tensorboard I get import errors due to missing CUDA support.
It seems reasonable that the official Tensorboard should have a mode for running with CPU-only. Is this true?
I've also found an inofficial standalone Tensorboard version (, does this work without CUDA-support?
Solved my problem: just install tensorflow instead of tensorflow-gpu.
Didn't work for me for a while due to my virtual environment (conda), which didn't properly remove tensorflow-gpu.
Tensorboard is not limited by whether a machine has GPU or not.
And as far as I know, what Tensorboard do is parsing events pb files and display them on web. There is not computing, so it doesn't need GPU.

How do I install tensorflow with gpu support for Mac?

My MacBook Pro doesn't have a NVIDIA gpu. So it's not possible to run CUDA. I'm wondering which of the earlier versions of TensorFlow have gpu support for Mac OS? And how can I install on Anaconda?
As stated on the official site:
Note: As of version 1.2, TensorFlow no longer provides GPU support on
Mac OS X. installing any earlier version should be fine. But since your hardware does not have NVIDIA graphics card with CUDA support, it doesn't matter anyway.
In terms of installing TensorFlow on Mac OSX using Anaconda, you can just follow steps nicely described in the official docs
TensorFlow relies on CUDA for GPU use so you need Nvidia GPU. There's experimental work on adding OpenCL support to TensorFlow, but it's not supported on MacOS.
On anecdotal note, I've heard bad things from people trying to use AMD cards for deep learning. Basically AMD doesn't care about deep learning, they change their interfaces without notice so things break or run slower than CPU.