How to Override Enterprise mode of IE settings? - internet-explorer-11

I've been running into rendering issues with IE11 lately where html pages are not getting rendered as expected even though they show up fine in Chrome, Firefox, and Safari. I'm still digging into this but it seems like it could be due to Internet Explorer being put into Enterprise Mode for "internal" web sites, (where "internal" means any web site matching the domain name of the organization--for example, * Has anyone else come across this?
Enterprise Mode defaults to sending an IE8 user agent instead of an IE11 user agent and the meta tag that developers are encouraged to place in their html (<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=edge">) is designed to tell the browser to use the best rendering mode of the browser. If IE11 sends an IE8 user agent because Enterprise Mode is enabled, does it then get rendered as IE8 even though the HTML could be standards compliant and rendered with IE11's standards compliant engine?


Force Blazor WebAssembly app to open an Edge window from IE11

I am fiddling with Blazor WebAssembly to make a PoC and try to convince some people to start using it to develop Intranet web apps. However, our standard browser for Intranet content is IE11. Since Blazor WebAssembly is not supported in IE11, it may as well be the best thing in the world but I believe we will not get off to a good start by saying "This does not run in IE11, so people must use Edge for this particular app".
In order to minimize this issue, I was wondering how to make some URLs open on Edge. I know this is possible because if I paste a Teams meeting URL onto IE11, the page is not rendered and a new Edge window opens up automatically instead. Does anyone have any idea how to accomplish this?
From your description, it seems that you want to open an Edge window from IE 11 browser and view the website, right?
In this scenario, I think you could try to use the URL Scheme: microsoft-edge:{website url}. Then, it could open the Edge browser from IE 11 browser.
Sample code as below:
[Note] If you are viewing the website on IOS , the URL scheme should like this: microsoft-edge-http:// or microsoft-edge-https://.

VB webbrowser control will not load HTTPS pages

I put together a simple little program for my own personal use in VB2010 that uses an embedded webbrowser control, that allows me to click through pre-selected websites one at a time. It's something I have been using for years with no problem.
Apparently one of the websites which contains a number of pages that I view daily has switched to HTTPS format, and the webbrowser control just says The website cannot display the page. None of the other pages are secure, so I am assuming that this is what's causing the problem. The pages will come up fine on a regular web browser, like IE or Firefox; just not in my embedded web browser.
A Google search for this problem has turned up nothing.
The emulation mode is set to IE11 edge mode through the registry key, but I have also tried setting it for standard IE11, with no change.
What needs to be done to allow secure pages for this simple application?

Leaflet.js - can't get my current location on some browsers

I have made this application using Leaflet.js with these plugins: MarkerCluster, Leaflet Map Fullscreen, it's hosted in a Linux server, HTTP apache2.
For some reason, I can't get my current location on the following browsers:
Mozilla Firefox (latest version)
Google Chrome (latest version)
Microsoft Edge
In IE, it gives me the popup to give permission to locate myself, and it works... only once. If I try to locate myself again it behaves like the other browsers above.
And, if I open the link in Instagram dm's it works just fine...
It works also in localhost or if I use location guard browser extension to make my location a fixed point.
What's causing this issue? Is it because it isn't https?
You will have to switch to https if you want to support geolocation on most if not all modern browsers.
For Chrome
Starting with Chrome 50, Chrome no longer supports obtaining the
user's location using the HTML5 Geolocation API from pages delivered
by non-secure connections. This means that the page that's making the
Geolocation API call must be served from a secure context such as
For Firefox
This feature is available only in secure contexts (HTTPS) [...]
And according to the nice support grid on MDN, Opera and Safari should also require https to enable geolocation.

Asynchronous KendoUI Upload in IE 10 windows authentication

I have a Kendo File Upload control on a page that uploads some files to the server.
The control is working fine on Chrome or Firefox, but on IE 10 there is a weird bug. It works if I upload files continuously, but if I leave the window inactive for like 1-2 min, the browser gets into a pending state.
Looking with Fiddler at what is actually happening, I can observe a 401 response received. There seems to be an issue with the Kendo control (or the specific environment I have) that has some sort of timeout and cannot authenticate the user, therefore we see that 401 response.
Environment specifics:
Kendo UI Upload Control
Windows Authentication
browser: IE10
Do you have a suggestion regarding this issue ?
Kindly appreciated.
I am having the same problem. The problem seems to affect only IE10 and IE11.
After some investigation and guesswork, I found a workaround that works for me.
Add this into the <head>
<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=9" />
I must warn that this may introduce other incompatibilities so please test everything else thoroughly.

Windows Authentication not prompting on Firefox or iOS Safari

I have two WCF WebHttpBinding-bound self-hosted services. One is set to WebHttpSecurityMode.TransportCredentialOnly and HttpClientCredentialType.Windows. The other is set to None and None.
This service is serving the exactly the intended authentication prompt behavior on Chrome and IE, with correct content types and content. Testing on localhost and remotely (not on a domain). In IE, the default settings for integrated authentication send my credentials immediately to the authenticated service. In Chrome, the default settings prompt me for my windows authentication credentials.
But in Firefox I get no such prompt - just an error in Firebug of 401 Unauthorized and a blank page otherwise. I assume iOS has the same 401 Unauthorized problem, although the debugger console doesn't show any errors - I just get a blank page.
I don't know how relevant the WCF WebHttpBinding is versus a standard IIS-hosted website, but all the other googles I find are about someone trying to STOP the Windows Auth prompt in favor of Integrated Security mode in non-IE browsers. I kind of have the opposite problem - it's not showing up for me.
Is there something nuanced about the webservice response that Firefox and Safari are sensitive to that Chrome and IE are not sensitive to?
I'm testing on Windows 8 with IE 10 and the latest releases of the other browsers at the time of writing.
If I set it to HttpClientCredentialType.NTLM then all browsers work. But as I understand it, NTLM disallows the more secure Kerberos domain credentials (if they're available). I don't want to force a less-secure option!
Kerberos works well with IE and since Chrome shares stuff with IE, it works for Chrome too. For Firefox, you have to enable it. See here. Safari on Mac OS should work but not sure about other OS'.