How to change screen resolution of Raspberry Pi for a 3.5'' TFT-LCD - raspbian

I am using a 3.5'' TFT LCD Display with the Raspberry Pi 3 (and latest Raspbian Stretch). Can anyone please tell me how I can change the screen resolution (on the screen it says 480x320) of my Rasperry Pi.
I installed the screen like they described in this tutorial. But now I have an overflow (parts of the screen are out of the provided Screen-Size (eg. Dialogs, System settings dialog, ...). Changing the /boot/config.txt values to (as described here):
did not helped. Any clues? Thank you.

Try by changing parameters this way in /boot/config.txt..


Aframe VR : Eyeoffset Settings

This SCREENSHOT gets loaded in my Oneplus 6 phone and is creating problem with the Stereoscopic vision, no one is able to create focus with such a high offset between left & right eyes.
Can anyone help me out in setting the eyeoffset parameters, since i haven't been able to figure them out neither on documentation nor Github
Or is there something that i can do from THREE.js Camera
The parameters for OnePlus 6 (A6000) are missing from the webvr-polyfill device database. You can fork the webvr-polyfill and database, add your device (you need to know dpi and bezel width) and see if the problem is solved in the examples. A-Frame will pick it up when we bump the polyfill version on next release. In the meantime you can do your own A-Frame build pointing to your webvr-polyfill fork.

Screen Recording in Mac using AVFoundation's documentation

I have been working on screen recording on MacOS. I have working code for the same based on Apple's Documentation ( The problem is that the resolution of the recorded video is very low. According to the logs generated it looks like SD 480x300 is the default resolution. I was unable to find any methods to change the resolution of the video quality. Can somebody help me out here?
I found the solution to the problem. You can set the screen resolution at mSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPreset1280x720;
There are several values for the sessionPreset including

Raspberry Pi and RCA(Analog Camera) Interface

I have an analog camera with AV output and I was looking to interface it with raspberry pi 3.
I am looking forward for some guidance on the same.
its very simply provided you follow the steps meticulous. First of all you should have the 3.5mm 4 pole cable connect the pole with yellow white red RCA cables respectively as shown in the image.
It should be as specified in the picture to work.
Second, once we have connected the RCA cable to TV set,
see to that we follow the exact instructions given here in this link.
click here
See to that hdmi_force_hotplug=1 is commented out. It is needed because you are bypassing the video output to RCA instead of HDMI. See to that the sdtv_mode=2, i.e. normal PAL, has been uncommented. Reboot and it is good to go...

Kinect 2 shows black screen while capturing Infrared Basics

I am trying to use Kinect 2 and SDK v2 for capturing Infrared Images/videos.
Kinect shows Depth and RGB images properly, But when i try to visualize Infrared Basics in Kinect for Window. It does not show any image, rather a black screen.
What is the reason for it. I reinstalled SDK v2, but still the same problem. In a similar post some one suggested that reinstall a newer version, which I did. But still the same problem. Can any one suggest any solution?
it is better to use "KinectConfigurationVerifierSetup" for test system requirements. and i suggest you that use Infrared Basic-WPF Samples in SDK Browser, also you could use that sample code and install them to your computer. if still infrared data source not show, you could test Kinect on other computer
I fixed my problem by updating GPU Driver. It has a conflict/bug/error with older version. However Nvidia removed it. And if one install new driver, it start showing infrared images.
Attention for your graphics card setting, Maybe changing your computer to auto or Inter HD Graphics will work.

How to get a screen shot in jmonkey3

I am a newbie with jmonkey.
I have a simple app that i built following the jmonkey tutorials.
How can i grab a screenshot of what jmonkey is displaying. If i could select what of the nodes on the screen would be in the image that would be even better.
There's docs on the JME3 tutorial pages:
Just ran into this problem myself; in my case the standard print screen key worked on windowed JME3 apps, but not fullscreen. I searched & found this post, but the link #Chaotic provided seems to be dead. I was able to find the screenshot info in the JME3 wiki which states:
The enables your users to take screenshots of the running game.
You activate this feature as follows in your simpleInitApp() method:
ScreenshotAppState screenShotState = new ScreenshotAppState();
The default screenshot key is KeyInput.KEY_SYSRQ, also known as “System Request / Print Screen key. On Mac keyboards, this key does not exist, so on Mac OS you take screenshots using Command+Shift+3 (fullscreen) or Command+Shift+4 (windowed: press space to select a window and then click).
The screenshot is saved to the user directory.
Version Last updated 2016-07-22 07:15:15 UTC