How to get a screen shot in jmonkey3 - screenshot

I am a newbie with jmonkey.
I have a simple app that i built following the jmonkey tutorials.
How can i grab a screenshot of what jmonkey is displaying. If i could select what of the nodes on the screen would be in the image that would be even better.

There's docs on the JME3 tutorial pages:

Just ran into this problem myself; in my case the standard print screen key worked on windowed JME3 apps, but not fullscreen. I searched & found this post, but the link #Chaotic provided seems to be dead. I was able to find the screenshot info in the JME3 wiki which states:
The enables your users to take screenshots of the running game.
You activate this feature as follows in your simpleInitApp() method:
ScreenshotAppState screenShotState = new ScreenshotAppState();
The default screenshot key is KeyInput.KEY_SYSRQ, also known as “System Request / Print Screen key. On Mac keyboards, this key does not exist, so on Mac OS you take screenshots using Command+Shift+3 (fullscreen) or Command+Shift+4 (windowed: press space to select a window and then click).
The screenshot is saved to the user directory.
Version Last updated 2016-07-22 07:15:15 UTC


Screen Recording in Mac using AVFoundation's documentation

I have been working on screen recording on MacOS. I have working code for the same based on Apple's Documentation ( The problem is that the resolution of the recorded video is very low. According to the logs generated it looks like SD 480x300 is the default resolution. I was unable to find any methods to change the resolution of the video quality. Can somebody help me out here?
I found the solution to the problem. You can set the screen resolution at mSession.sessionPreset = AVCaptureSessionPreset1280x720;
There are several values for the sessionPreset including

Can i get screenshot of desktop using vuejs

i am working on tracking app using vue.js. I am a new developer.i wanna know is it possible to track mouse click and capture screenshots even if person is on desktop or any where else on browser
This has nothing to do with VueJs specifically. However, you can use HTML5/Canvas/Javascript to take a screenshot, but that's still experimental.
Take a look at this answer: Using HTML5/Canvas/JavaScript to take in-browser screenshots
i have found the solution
i followed the steps here
these steps allowed me the screen sharing on my webpage and then i use html to canvas to get the image of the video tag smart banner is empty

My team released an Android app and asked for a smart banner directing users from our website to the app and specific content; to complete this task, we are using
According to this guide, I inserted the JavaScript snippet with the branch key found in the settings section of the dashboard and the SDK is correctly initialized.
In the dashboard we defined the styling of the banner and on which sites and devices it should appear. But the banner looks like this (on desktop):
No icon or text are set. Apparently when I use the preview link generated by it is displayed correctly.
Moreover when I initialize the banner via JavaScript and set the properties it is displayed correctly too:
const deeplink = `${window.location.pathname}${}${window.location.hash}`;
'$deeplink_path': deeplink
Somehow nothing from the dashboard is adopted.
Thank you for your help!
Alex from here: the branch.banner() function and the banner you set up on the dashboard are actually separate things. The dashboard option replaced the banner() approach, which has been deprecated.
You'll want to review the full details in the set up guide. One important note is that the dashboard version does not yet support banners on desktop, as we found almost none of our partners were using that function.
Try smartbanner.js. Has a lot of custom options and behaviour at very low footprint (~ 13 KB). Takes a few meta tags to set up.

Safari 6's New Developer Toolbar doesn't show Form Data in XHR/AJAX Requests

Safari recently went to version 6 (Lion/Mtn Lion) and they've changed over from the standard webkit dev tools to one that's much more XCode looking, my problem other than the OCD of not liking things change is that in the resource tab (or anywhere you can track down the DataService.aspx/AJAX calls) I can no longer see the form data that I am passing.
Can anyone point me to where I can find that data so I don't have to console out my params when I'm testing new data service/backend calls?
I've logged a bug with Apple, they've marked it as a duplicate so hopefully they've received enough requests to fix this, until then I'm continuing to use chrome as the webkit developer is the same as safari's old version.
You can find this info in Instrument tab (stop-watch icon). In the left sidebar thers Timelines row, click the grey circle (record button) on the right. Then click to Network Requests where you see all reqs, and you have to click small icon on the right oc request to display response headers and all form data are available in right panel. Panel can be hidden same as left one (in case you dnt see it).
Unfortunately there are no query pamaters listed, according to this disscussion. I belive its a bug in safari
Edit 15.May 2013: This bug was fixed in Safari 6.0.3.
As far as I can tell, there's no way to show the request parameters.
This goes even further. I can't see the JSON response data either (no clickable arrows to show the containing Javascript objects within the JSON, just pure text)
I think we have to switch to Firefox /w Firebug or regular Webkit in order to get XHR monitoring...
Guys if you want to see post data in safari 6 which is not possible right now, install the firebug lite extension and there you go you have the post data.
I used it and it works great with safari 6
Actually the request headers, response headers and query parameters are in the details sidebar on the right when using the resources view or if you click to see the content of a request in the Timelines/Network Requests view. Took me a few minutes to find that too.
If you need to see what the device is actually sending and your server is on a Windows Machine I use and check on the server side of things. No interpretation by any WebKit stuff and very valuable (such as issue with iOS and the 'Blob' data). Similar network snooping should exist on Mac as well.

Using Titanium.Platform.takeScreenshot

I'm evaluating using Titanium for a project that makes videos from browser based animations. I was hoping for a way to take screenshots from within the app for each frame. The documentation of takeScreenshot seems a little slim so I was hoping to ask before I build a prototype.
Does take screenshot get the full document, or just the visible content?
Does the screenshot include window chrome?
Someone from titanium QA was able to answer the question. takeScreenshot actually takes a screenshot of the whole desktop.