Why I cannot create new xcode project here? - xcode8

In here I cannot go forward. I'm newer to the iOS and Xcode. So i can't get what's the problem,why 'Next' is disable.

You should set the organization identifier.
There is an example below that field:
Something like: com.yourcompany

Add your Organization Identifier and you should be able to create a project


Showing Status-field as dropdown in Directus 7?

is there a way to make a Status-field display like an dropdown/select-box instead of radio-buttons? I have about 10 status' and I would like to display them as a dropdown instead.
I wasn't able to find anything about this in the documentation, did I miss something?
Thank you in advance!
Not the "core" status interface, but you can duplicate the code and create a custom one in a select instead. The new interface would go into the custom extensions directory in the API. Should be pretty straightforward.

Checked use Core Data in new project

When I created my Xcode project i checked the checkbox "use Core Data" because I thought I was going to use that. Now however it turns out I never used Core Data and would like to disable it. My project is way to big to just simply create a new project and leave the checkbox unchecked.
Does anyone know what methodes and files I need to delete in order to have a project without Core Data? I think some project settings need to be changed as well.
Just create a new empty project and find out. Must of the methods will be in your App delegate. You also have to remove the Data model (.xcdatamodel) file from your project

How do I create a file with the iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class template in Xcode

Forgive how simple this might sound but I'm stuck and need help. I am putting In App Purchases into may first app, which is not yet released. (So I'm very new)
I have been using a tutorial by Ray Wenderlich. I have just finished starting the Master Detail Application Template. Now it says I need to create a IAPHelper class which will be my class for the IAP the step I am on says to "create a file with the iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class template". However when I open Xcode and I select new project, I don't see this option. It has Single View Application etc.. the closest thing I see is Cocoa Touch Static Library.
Can someone tell me how I "create a file with the iOS\Cocoa Touch\Objective-C class template". I'm lost, do I do it from inside the Master Application Template? Or do I use some other template name like utility or empty application or Cocoa Touch Static Library? Or do I not have this in my version of Xcode? Or am I totally coming at this the wrong way? ahhhh!lol
I have Xcode 4.3.2
I know this is probably a no-brainer for some but not for me :(
Thanks for the help :)
In the current project you are working in, right click on a file and click "New File..." or go to File>New>File and then you will probably want a Objective-c class objection under Cocoa Touch
You need to do this in the same project which you have done till now. What you are trying to do is to create new project where as the tutorial is asking you to create new file. You have to do this in the same project which you are working on. In order to do that there is an option in file menu to add a new file to project.

How to create a 2nd app from a 2nd target in XCode?

So I created a simple project, which I can test as an iPhone app. Now I'd like to make a slight variation of it, with an iAd. I was able to duplicate the target and test to the iPhone, by managing schemes (http://developer.apple.com/library/ios/#documentation/ToolsLanguages/Conceptual/Xcode4UserGuide/Building/Building.html).
The issue is that no matter what scheme I test, I overwrite the other app. I'd like to be able to have two apps
AppName (Free)
living at the same time on my phone.
I want to avoid duplicating source files, because only the storyboard and the view controller are different, they both use the same images and model otherwise.
Any help is welcome!
Have you tried changing the bundle identifier in the new target you just created? So your full version would have bundle identifier: "com.yourcompany.AppName" and your lite version will have a bundle identifier of: "com.youcompany.AppNameLite"
I'm not currently on my Mac partition so sorry if I'm a bit off.
I would add a new configuration for your app. Call it something like "Release Free". Add a gcc preprocessor symbol "FREE" to this configuration.
Then everywhere you initialize and instantiate your iads put the code within some "#if" statements.
Something like this.
#if FREE
// Init iAds

Custom key bindings Xcode 4?

Awhile back I asked a question about custom key bindings in Xcode. I ended up recreating some of TextMate's key commands in Xcode. Just updated to Xcode 4 and it appears that the PBKeyBinding file no longer has any effect. What's the new hotness for custom key bindings, specifically for Xcode 4?
Yes, it can be done (at least for the moment). After spending the better part of a day searching, experimenting and digging through the bowls of /Developer I finally figured out how to accomplish this.
Open IDETextKeyBindingsSet.plist located in /Developer/Library/PrivateFrameworks/IDEKit.framework/Resources/
This bindings plist is formatted differently than others used throughout the system, the most important distinction is that all the methods must be listed in the same string, i.e.
<string>moveToBeginningOfParagraph:, insertText:, foo</string>
I have not tested this, but it looks like the new location in Xcode is
You can use Keymando to create any keybinding you like in Xcode 4 and any other OSX application.
The answer now seems to be to use the idekeybindings files — these are tied to the custom keyboard shortcut sets you create in the preferences — stored at ~/Library/Developer/Xcode/UserData/KeyBindings/. More information can be found in the Key Bindings Preferences Help. However it sounds like people are having no luck trying to combine multiple actions under one keyboard shortcut (as you can do with the older-style key bindings dict files). But presumably you could still do this in DefaultKeyBinding.dict, as long as you don't mind the shortcut also working in other applications :) If this doesn't work, I think you're out of luck for now. Sorry; file a bug!
Kike here http://www.codedojo.com/?p=580
you use this binding set
unzip it and place MSVC.pbxkeys in YourUserName/Library/Developer/Xcode/userdata/keybindings
and rename it to msvc.idekeybindings
then from
Xcode -> preferences -> keybindings
just pick msvc
Go to Xcode 4 > Preferences > Key Bindings and fiddle with them all you like. :)