Is there any component or possibility to create charts/diagrams/plots in NativeBase? - react-native

I have huge problem. I'm complitly new to ReactNative, and I am forced to transfer entire project to NativeBase (Because company bought a layout, and they HAVE TO used it...), and I'm fine with it, it looks really good so far. But, there is a but. Application which I'm currently developing needs to contains chars, like this:
And my probles is that template which I've got, doesn't want to install victory-native.
I've got errors like "This is related to npm not able to find a file" Some delegates file inside node_module directory.
There is any way to get charts with using nativeBase components?
Sorry if this is trivial question, but I couldn't find anything connected to this matter in google.
Thanks for your help.
And last question, Is that true that templates bought with nativeBase are open only do developers on Mac's and Linux? Why not windows?

So, I we manage to add Victory-charts library to the project, after "npm install sqlite3#3.1.8" and then npm install victory-chart. I don't know why this issue existed, but maybe it would be usefull for someone in future.


NetSuite Suitelet/RESTlet to display VueJS app

I am attempting to build a popup Suitlete that displays a Vue app. It needs to have the ability to pass data back and forth into the transaction that opened it.
Has anyone done this in the past and if so what did the setup for the Vue files and the Suitelet/RESTlet look like? Can't seem to find examples.
You can find projects on GitHub that have great Vue/NetSuite project file setups, ones where you can use Vue CLI to work locally that still work with RESTlets. Here's one

How to integrate react native component into the native app?

I used to see lots of articles about native modules inside RN apps, but very few about RN inside native project. Let's say we have a project, in which we want to add a single screen fully developed using RN. As far as i know, instagram have something like this. I have read official documentation about this, but it left too many questions. Does anybody know the good step-by-step implementation guide?
Mostly, i'm interested in:
What is the structure. Do i really need to move all the project inside /ios and /android folder, wrapping the whole project? What if the project have separate repositories for both platforms?
Do native developers need to install node environment in order to continue working on the project, installing node_modules and staff?
How much is the influence on the app size?
UPDATE: 07.20.2021
I'm still not able to run an RN screen inside native projects. The docs i told about before doesn't contain actual info, steps are not properly described, and even writing exactly as they told, the project still cannot run and crash as fast as i change activity to RN one.
Here are some points related to the questions that you have which might help you.
No, You don't need to move the whole native code to the /android and /ios directory.
Yes if you are about to open the RN screen from the native app you should have set up the react-native environment properly.
The app size might increase as there is a bridge created with javascript and native code. but you should have a choice to upload the .aab bundle file which helps you to provide the platform-specific builds to the users.

FontFamily "Material Design Icons" is not a system font and has not been loaded through Font.loadAsync

* I am just a student and I am new to expo, react-native and mobile developpement *
So here's what happens
I am building a react-native app using Expo and react-native-paper for my Icon and everything was going fine with my application until I woke up yesterday and Expo started telling me the same error.
I have not load any Font in my app so I really dont understand where this error came from.
What is very interesting is that when I control Save one files of the project on VScode while running, I can see my app like this without the Icon, and when I switch to a different page, the App is replace by the same screen error.
My friend is working on the exact same code and he does not see the error so I am lost ...
App.js look like this
I use my Icon like this
The problem is clearly the icon because my login page work just fine, so I know the problem have somethings with, what should I do ? delete all my icon and recreate them with react-native-elements?
Honestly I just don't get it and I have been stuck on this for several hours and I don't want to lose any more time so here I am asking for help
Thanks guys,
Have a blessed day and stay safe you all
So there is a bug right now using Expo with using custom fonts. Check your node_modules/expo/node_modules folder and delete expo-font if it is there. That has been working for me.
Make sure to delete the expo-font inside the node_modules/expo/node_modules NOT the one in node_modules.
I know you said you are not using custom fonts but maybe it is an issue regardless.
Note: if you run expo install or npm install it will come back so you'll have to delete again.

I need help uploading something to expo

I want to create my own podcast app.
I found this pre-written code online ( and want to tweak it in order to create my own app.
How do I upload this code into expo?
Unfortunately that React-Native app was not built using Expo. You can tell because it has ios and android folders in its root directory.
Digging deeper you can see that it uses react-native-config as a dependency. This dependency requires access to native code, which Expo does not allow. You would have to go through and remove any dependency that requires native code if you wish to use Expo. This may remove functionality and could take some time to resolve issues.
Also this application was built using react-native: 0.47.2. Currently the most recent version of react-native is 0.57.8 with 0.58.0 just around the corner. That is quite a jump to make if you plan on upgrading the react-native version. Upgrading RN is not as simple as just changing a version code.
Similarly the repos last commit was over a year ago. That means that the majority of dependencies will be out of date and will need upgraded. Again, some dependencies aren’t a simple upgrade you would need to check every single one to make sure that it doesn’t cause unforeseen problems. You would also need to check their compatibility with Expo.
Personally I wouldn’t copy the project. I would look at how they have implemented the functionality and then in a new react-native project I would re-implement the functionality. That way all dependencies would be up to date and you would know that it would work.
Going down the path of editing an existing project like this one may be quite a challenge.
Either way good luck.
You can find more information about Expo here
And you can find a good explanation of the differences between Expo and react-native init here What is the difference between Expo and React Native?
The standard way to tweak an existing GitHub repository you don't own is to:
fork the repo (that is a GitHub operation, creating a copy of the repo in your account)
clone it and modify it: you can then push back to your GitHub fork.

Is there a way to run my existing React Native project on Snack locally?

I've got a React Native project that was recently upgraded to RN 0.56.
This is fine for the Mac users, but 0.56 is broken on Windows.
Since it's specifically the Metro bundler that seems to be the issue, I was wondering whether there was any way to run my project locally in something like Snack?
You can import a public git repository or javascript files. You can also export a project. All the import/export options are accessible from the project menu (as shown in the image below):
Given the age of this question and the lack of responses, I'm inferring that the answer is "no".
For any future explorers, it might be helpful to know that I searched pretty exhaustively for a way to make this work, without success.
In the end, RN 0.57 fixed Windows support, so this became a non-issue for me.