polymer 2.0 web app doesnt work on firefox and Edge - polymer-2.x

Hi why could be that whis web page works fine in Chrome but not in firefox and Edge? Example
I cant find why :( and I dont know how to search the problem :(

Can you try to replace your line
<script type="text/javascript" src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/custom-elements-es5-adapter.js"></script>
<script src="bower_components/webcomponentsjs/webcomponents-loader.js"></script>


Vuejs work on old browsers if using vue via cdn?

i wonder that Vue.js will work on old browsers if i import vue to my html via cdn?
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/npm/vue"></script>
doubtful. If the website is not working when you building it with Webpack or load the vue code from your own server, then loading from a CDN will now not make any difference. It is the exact same code.
your best bet is to use Webpack, and polyfill the code to work with older browsers.
I suggest you this reading for all your questions.

Looking for a HLS/MPEG-DASH Quality selector that works with for videojs 7.5

I'm trying to find a quality selector for Videojs 7.5 that automatically lists the available bandwidth versions in a HLS and MPEG-DASH manifest. A bit like YouTube where you can select a quality, but without having to manually place resolutions in the embedding code.
I tried several options listed in https://videojs.com/plugins/ but they all seem to be made for much older versions.
Anybody an idea?
I found it. https://www.npmjs.com/package/videojs-http-source-selector does the trick.
It fills in all resolutions retrieved from the manifest and it works with videojs 7.5.0
You need to install videojs-contrib-quality-levels.js as well.
With other quality level plugins, you have to fill in all resolutions yourself (dynamic), which I liked to avoid.
Use these libs. It automatically picks up the qualities. Works smoothly with dash or hls link.
<!-- Brightcove quality picker -->
<link href="//players.brightcove.net/videojs-quality-menu/1/videojs-quality-menu.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//players.brightcove.net/videojs-quality-menu/1/videojs-quality-menu.min.js"></script>
Demo player here: https://sahilkashyap64.github.io/hls/index5.html

Slider module doesn't work

I have an issue with my slider module, hope anyone can help.
Slider does not work in Chrome 45.0.2454.101 nor in Microsoft Edge, this module: https://addons.prestashop.com/en/sliders-galleries/26873-multi-layer-slider-pro-visual-drag-drop-slider.html
I can't drag the object and the console does not output any error.
I can't test with Microsoft edge, but it seems to be working for me in the version of Chrome that you mentioned GitHub
Could you double check by navigating to the documentation site on Chrome?

Kendo RangeSlider breaks in chrome

I have implemented kendo range slider for eCommerce store. It works fine when changes made in firefox. But it goes disappeared or breaks in chrome after slide.
Kendo version is 2014.1.318 and uses jQuery JavaScript Library v1.10.2.
Please help to overcome this issue as soon as possible.
It is because of Chrome doesn't support ".contains()" method of jQuery. Instead of using .indexOf() method, it works perfectly in Chrome & Safari browser.
Refer this links:
Error using .contains() JQuery function in Chrome
jquery "contains" code doesn't work on chrome

IE 11 displaying some strange characters in Dojo content pane

I am using Dojo Accordian Container, the content panes inside the accordian are just displaying text. Everything works fine in firefox, chrome except for IE 11. Below are snapshots of the issue
When I do something on the browser, like say If I open developer tools, the correct text gets displayed
Have you tried using this in your HTML??
<META HTTP-EQUIV="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=Edge" />
I've had many problems with IE and dojo in the past. Firefox and Chrome always seem to work perfectly. It's just a stab in the dark but the line above fixed many similar problems for me.