Looking for a HLS/MPEG-DASH Quality selector that works with for videojs 7.5 - video.js

I'm trying to find a quality selector for Videojs 7.5 that automatically lists the available bandwidth versions in a HLS and MPEG-DASH manifest. A bit like YouTube where you can select a quality, but without having to manually place resolutions in the embedding code.
I tried several options listed in https://videojs.com/plugins/ but they all seem to be made for much older versions.
Anybody an idea?

I found it. https://www.npmjs.com/package/videojs-http-source-selector does the trick.
It fills in all resolutions retrieved from the manifest and it works with videojs 7.5.0
You need to install videojs-contrib-quality-levels.js as well.
With other quality level plugins, you have to fill in all resolutions yourself (dynamic), which I liked to avoid.

Use these libs. It automatically picks up the qualities. Works smoothly with dash or hls link.
<!-- Brightcove quality picker -->
<link href="//players.brightcove.net/videojs-quality-menu/1/videojs-quality-menu.css" rel="stylesheet">
<script src="//players.brightcove.net/videojs-quality-menu/1/videojs-quality-menu.min.js"></script>
Demo player here: https://sahilkashyap64.github.io/hls/index5.html


videojs v4.7.2 support for vast 3

We're using videojs v4.5.2 to show a preroll/postroll/midroll video. vast 2 is works well with video js 3.2.0 but not work with 4.5.2
Does videojs v4.5.2 has support for VAST 3?
VAST support depends on which plugins you use, as advertising isn't part of the core player itself. Try using Google's IMA plugin.

Brightcove video.js doesn't supported VAST tag

Brightcove 2013 video.js doesn't supported VAST tag. Its only supported 2011 Zencoder video.js. How to run Brightcove video.js with VAST tag. anyone know this, please help me.
I've bookmarked this on my computer for the future, but haven't been tracking it.
Theonion.com has put this on github. I'm not sure of how complete it is, or if it works but its a start.

Trouble port PhoneGap project to Windows Phone

Porting www.canterburymaps.govt.nz to PhoneGap has been successful for Android and iOS, but Windows Phone (8) is causing issues.
The site works if viewed through IE, but when hosted within Cordova the Windows Phone app loads but there's issues with the functionality. We've discovered it's failing on the JavaScript "dojo.require" e.g.
It doesn't seem to matter which library is passed in, so it seems to be an issue with the dojo.require function itself.
I've found this example online - http://dotnetspeak.com/2013/05/using-esri-arcgis-in-phonegap-applications - and have followed step 3 to change the root url in dojo, but this doesn't seem to help.
Anyone have any ideas what the issue might be?
Please mention the version numbers of both Dojo and PhoneGap.
If you are not using the latest available for both, can you try upgrading?
You mentioned that you tried changing the root URL, but did you try to configure the Dojo loader in sync mode (vs async)? Say data-dojo-config="async: 0, ..." in the script tag which loads dojo.js. Does it work better?

min-width:320px not firing correctly on Opera Mini for Android

Testing some media queries in various browsers on Android and noticed Opera Mini 6.5 on my Samsung Galaxy S does not seem to apply stlyes inside the following code.
#media screen and (min-width: 320px){
It seems if I lower the value to 282, Opera Mini will excute the styles inside the media query.
#media screen and (min-width: 282px){
I'm wondering if anyone else has run into issues with Opera Mini not handling media queries correctly on Android phones. All of the other browsers I've tested on Android seemed to work fine with min-width:320px as well as my tests of Opera Mini on iOS devices.
I've set up a few test pages to check out with variations on the viewport meta tag.
h5bp Mobile 2 meta tags - goo.gl/XfEVx
h5bp Mobile 2 meta tags with maximum-scale set to 1.0 - goo.gl/mgKJA
h5bp Mobile 3 meta tags - goo.gl/uxPsa
h5bp Mobile 2 meta tags with maximum-scale set to 1.0 and Opera CSS viewport tag - goo.gl/McNhj
Viewport meta tag only -goo.gl/QMnmp
I noticed this issue on my Samsung Galaxy S Epic 4G in portrait orientation on Opera Mini 6.5.
According to Opera docs, Opera Mini 6.5 supports Media Queries and using Presto 2.8. The support of media queries in Presto 2.8 seems to be complete.
Did you try to play with the initial scale or device-width
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width"/>
I searched our Opera bug reports but I didn't see anything related to this. Do you have a link to a Web page so we can test further.
Do you see the same problem in all versions of Opera and IE9? Do you use Modernizr and Respond.js? I had a very similar problem, Respond.js was the source.
I solved it by bundling Modernizr and Respond.js into single file via http://www.initializr.com/.
Maybe this helps.

Safari browser - Mac vs Windows vs iOS

Can anyone let me know what is the difference between testing a Safari 5 in Windows vs Mac? Are there significant changes in how the page is rendered between windows vs Mac for the same version of Safari? If I test a page in Windows Safari, can I expect the page works exactly same in Mac Safari as long as Safari version matches?
Not significant but there are subtle differences, it's difficult to list them as I think it will depend on the html/css and version.
I have noticed small differences on one of my sites in the past, but as I can't remember the details I've found another example that someone has documented.
Anyway, I've satisfied myself that the differences I've seen are too subtle to fully test every release on each machine (the budget is small!), only on major changes.
One small difference for instance is that the iOS version won't allow you autoplay of any media (audio or video) in its html5 player whilst the Windows and Mac versions do.
i notice few thing in windows safari and mac safari,when we choose an image in windows safari then its not display as preview but in mac safari its display as preview before upload.so File reader api is not supporting blog type.