I have a key which has fields and values. All the fields have string values.
One of these fields I want it to be a table or set or list (meaning holding multiple values). This field is called zonetable
I only know how to use hset but as far as I know it cannot do what I want. I would like to do something like that
hmset L0001:ad65ed38-66b0-46b4-955c-9ff4304e5c1a field1 blabla field2 blibli zonetable [1,2,3,4]
Key : L0001:ad65ed38-66b0-46b4-955c-9ff4304e5c1a
field1: "string value"
field2: "string value"
zonetable: [1,2,3,4] ---- the table
Maybe you can make use of Json. use json serialize your table (list or something) into a json string, then use hset to save it into your redis.
When you want to retrieve it, first get it from redis and then deserialize it from json to list.
If you use python, you can do it like this:
table = json.dumps(zonetable)
redis.hset(Key, 'zonetable', table)
when you want to retrieve it :
table = redis.hget(Key, 'zonetable')
zonetable = json.loads(table)
As you say, you use the native command, you can also do this.
first, convert your zonetable to json string using python interpreter
>>> import json
>>> table = [1,2,3,4]
>>> json.dumps(table)
'[1, 2, 3, 4]'
then use this in redis-cli
hmset L0001:ad65ed38-66b0-46b4-955c-9ff4304e5c1a field1 blabla field2 blibli zonetable '[1,2,3,4]'
Yes, one more thing I want to say, if you know the rule of how to convert object to json, you could do it by yourself.
I have a string object in a table column with structure:
[{"__food": "true"},{"item": "1"},{"toppings": "true"},{"__discount_amount": "4.95"},{"__original_price": "24.95"}]
How can I extract the value true from the toppings key from this?
I tried turning it into JSON first but json_extract(parse_json(string_object_column), '$.toppings') just returns null
The closest I got was keeping it as a string and doing
json_extract(string_object_column, '$[0]')
Which gets me:
Is this doable without unnesting?
You may try and consider below approach using REGEXP_EXTRACT:
SELECT REGEXP_EXTRACT('[{"__food": "true"},{"item": "1"},{"toppings": "true"},{"__discount_amount": "4.95"},{"__original_price": "24.95"}]', r'"toppings": "(\D+)"}') as EXTRACT_TOPPINGS
You may just update the REGEX to make it more strict based on your use case.
I want to display data from SQL Server where the data is in JSON format. But when the select process, the data does not appear:
I've written a query like this, but nothing appears. Can anyone help?
Query :
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list, '$.satuan') AS Name
FROM [cisea.bamedika.co.id-hisys].dbo.medicine_alkes AS medicalkes
Your Path is wrong. Your JSON is an array, and you are trying to retrieve it as a flat object
SELECT id, JSON_Value(item_pieces_list,'$[0].satuan') AS Name
FROM [cisea.bamedika.co.id-hisys].dbo.medicine_alkes
Only in the case of data without the [] (array sign) you could use your original query '$.satuan', but since you are using an array I change it to retrieve only the first element in the array '$[0].satuan'
Imported database tables :
id | JSON
Signed 32int | Raw JSON
It is easier to search via the properties of the JSON data than by id of the row itself. Each piece of JSON data contains (for this demo):
json: {
displayProperties: {},
hash: "foo"
itemType: "bar"
When I select I would like to matching hash, and then filter those results by a matching itemType.
My query :
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash' AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
However this returns every item that has a matching hash value. From here, I would like to also filter by key: itemType and value: "19". So I tried :
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash' AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
AND WHERE json_tree.key = 'itemType' AND json_tree.value = 19
But this isn't syntactically correct, let alone output what I am looking for. Error:
SQLITE_ERROR: near "WHERE": syntax error
The title of the question turned out to not be accurate to what I was looking for. I miss-understood what json_tree actually did. json_tree actually builds a new object with values that are filled in by the database.
What I was actually looking for was to filter by a specific value in the json column, which can be achieved by json_extract. json_extract('{column}', $.{filterValue}) will pull the raw json object out of the json column
This is the query that is working for me now:
SELECT json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
FROM ItemDefinition, json_tree(ItemDefinition.json, '$')
WHERE json_tree.key = 'hash'
AND json_tree.value IN ${hashList}
AND json_extract(ItemDefinition.json, '$.itemType') = 19
This selects the json column from ItemDefinition
Creates a json_tree from the json column
Filters results by json tree key and value
Finally filters by the property itemType from the raw json column
I am trying to use Redis for my realtime search queries. After reading the article mentionedb below I tried the python scripts and it worked fine. But in database, I'm having two fields:
i) country_name
ii) country_id
How can I insert the country_id and make it searchable as discussed in the article.
The elements in a Redis Sorted Set are just strings. You can concatenate the name and id for storage purposes, and after querying you split the string back into fields.
Pseudo example:
# Store it
redis.zadd('countries', 0, 'Italy:6379', 0, 'foobar:42', ...
# Query
q = redis.zrangebylex('countries', ...
f = q.split(':')
print 'name: {}, id: {}'.format(f[0], f[1])
I'm looking for a way to pluck values from a JSONB object using an array of keys. Here's my JSON:
"Foo1": 1,
"Foo2": 2,
"Foo3": 3,
"Foo3": 4
I have a variable called "#Fields" which is of type TEXT[]. The array contains the name of the keys I'd like to pluck from the object ie. {'Foo1', 'Foo2'}. The result should be:
"Foo1": 1,
"Foo2": 2
I was using JSONB_EXTRACT_PATH("Data"::jsonb, "#Fields") however it seems the function requires passing in the paths as individual parameters whereas I want to give it an array somehow. Here's how it looks in my query:
WHEN ARRAY_LENGTH("#Fields", 1) = 0 THEN "Data"
) AS "Data"
I suspect I'll have to use JSON_EACH or something similar?
You can only remove keys one-by-one with the - operator. For everything else, you'll need a sub-select, where you extract each key-value pair, filter them (here comes your logic; which can be anything BTW), then aggregate the values together:
(select jsonb_object_agg(key, value)
from jsonb_each(data)
where key = any(keys_should_stay)) sub_select
Example use in context:
EDIT: If you want specific meaning to an empty array (i.e. retain all of the keys), use this predicate instead:
where key = any(keys_should_stay)
or cardinality(keys_should_stay) = 0