Is is possible to autorun even when value doesn't change? - mobx

For example
var x = observable({lastPressedKey:""});
autorun(() => console.log(x.lastPressedKey));
x.lastPressedKey = "spacebar"
x.lastPressedKey = "spacebar"
x.lastPressedKey = "spacebar"
I want that console.log prints "spacebar" three times.
I can do something like this
x.lastPressedKey = ["space",]
x.lastPressedKey = ["space",]
x.lastPressedKey = ["space",]
Is there a better way?

The whole point of an observable is to actually avoid what you are trying to achieve. However, you could change the lastPressedKey from a string to an object that includes the datetime, so it would trigger a rerender when the datetime changes even if the string stays the same.


Getting the name of the variable as a string in GD Script

I have been looking for a solution everywhere on the internet but nowhere I can see a single script which lets me read the name of a variable as a string in Godot 3.1
What I want to do:
Save path names as variables.
Compare the name of the path variable as a string to the value of another string and print the path value.
Eg -
var Apple = "mypath/folder/apple.png"
var myArray = ["Apple", "Pear"]
Function that compares the Variable name as String to the String -
if (myArray[myposition] == **the required function that outputs variable name as String**(Apple) :
print (Apple) #this prints out the path.
Thanks in advance!
I think your approach here might be a little oversimplified for what you're trying to accomplish. It basically seems to work out to if (array[apple]) == apple then apple, which doesn't really solve a programmatic problem. More complexity seems required.
First, you might have a function to return all of your icon names, something like this.
func get_avatar_names():
var avatar_names = []
var folder_path = "res://my/path"
var avatar_dir =
avatar_dir.list_dir_begin(true, true)
while true:
var avatar_file = avatar_dir.get_next()
if avatar_file == "":
var avatar_name = avatar_file.trim_suffix(".png")
return avatar_names
Then something like this back in the main function, where you have your list of names you care about at the moment, and for each name, check the list of avatar names, and if you have a match, reconstruct the path and do other work:
var some_names = ["Jim","Apple","Sally"]
var avatar_names = get_avatar_names()
for name in some_names:
if avatar_names.has(name):
var img_path = "res://my/path/" + name + ".png"
# load images, additional work, etc...
That's the approach I would take here, hope this makes sense and helps.
I think the current answer is best for the approach you desire, but the performance is pretty bad with string comparisons.
I would suggest adding an enumeration for efficient comparisons. unfortunately Godot does enums differently then this, it seems like your position is an int so we can define a dictionary like this to search for the index and print it out with the int value.
var fruits = {0:"Apple",1:"Pear"}
func myfunc():
var myposition = 0
if fruits.has(myposition):
output: Apple
If your position was string based then an enum could be used with slightly less typing and different considerations.
Can't you just use the str() function to convert any data type to stirng?
var = str(var)

FireStore Multiple where query

I have the following firestore query below. I am trying to perform multiple
where query on the Book collection. I want to filter by book name and book age range. However i am getting the following error
"uncaught error in onsnapshot firebaseError: cursor position is outside the range of the original query" can someone please advise.
const collectionRef = firebase.firestore().collection('Books')
collectionRef = collectionRef.where('d.details.bookage',"<=",age)
collectionRef = collectionRef.orderBy('d.details.bookage')
const geoFirestore = new GeoFirestore(collectionRef)
const geoQuery = geoFirestore.query({
center: new firebase.firestore.GeoPoint(lat, long),
radius: val,
geoQuery.on("key_entered",function(key, coords, distance) {
Internally geoFirestore gets its results by
Laying it out sequentially, expanding your collectionRef, something like this is happening:
const collectionRef = firebase.firestore().collection('Books')
collectionRef = collectionRef.where('d.details.bookage',"<=",age)
collectionRef = collectionRef.orderBy('d.details.bookage')
The problem happens because .startAt is referring to your first orderBy which is d.details.bookage, so it is doing start at the cursor where d.details.bookage is query[0].
Seeing that query[0] is a geohash, it translates to something like start at the cursor where d.details.bookage is w2838p5j0smt, hence the error.
There are two ways to workaround this limitation.
Wait for an update on Geofirestore which I think #MichaelSolati is already working on.
Sort the results after getting results from Geofirestore's onKey

How to convert Object(with value) into Map

I have a object that I want to print it into string [key1=value1&key2=value2...etc] without the null value key value pair and comma into &.
So first of all i think of putting it into a map but it won't work and I don know how it work either.
val wxPayOrderObj = WxPayOrder(appid = "wx0b6dcsad20b379f1", mch_id =
"1508334851", nonce_str = UUID.randomUUID().toString(),sign = null,
body = "QQTopUp", out_trade_no = "20150806125346", total_fee = req.total_fee,
spbill_create_ip = "",
trade_type = "JSAPI", openid = "oUpF8uMuAJO_M2pxb1Q9zNjWeS6o")
so the output will be
anyone please help me, thanks in advances.
I don't really get your question, but you want to convert object to string (to a format that you want)?
Override the object's toString() to return "[key1=value1&key2=value2...etc]"
override fun toString(){
// make sure you compute the data first
val answer = "[key1=$value1&key2=$value2...etc]"
return answer
The $ is used in string templates (That's directly writing the name of a variable, the value will be used later to be concatenated) with other strings)

Ramda: pass predicate equality argument last

I heve a static collection. And I want to check for any match by value each time, the value is changed.
Now I have:
var isOk = R.any(item => item.test(value), items);
What I want:
To store a function in other place and to call it like:
var isOk = checkMatch(value);
Any ideas? Thx.
I'm looking for solution in Ramda way. Something with changind call order of R.__
Wrap it in a closure that takes value.
var isOk = (value) => R.any(item => item.test(value), items);
var isOk_foobar = isOk('foobar');
I don't know for sure that your test items are regular expressions to use on
Strings, but if they are, you might try something like this:
const anyMatch = curry((regexes, val) => any(regex => test(regex, val), regexes))
const testFiles = anyMatch([/test\/(.)+\.js/i, /\.spec\.js/i])
testFiles('foo.js') //=> false
testFiles('test/foo.js') //=> true
testFiles('foo.spec.js') //=> true
And this looks clean to me, and very much in the spirit of Ramda. If you wanted to make it point-free, you could do this:
const anyMatch = useWith(flip(any), [identity, flip(test)])
But I find that much less readable. To me, point-free is a tool worth using when it improves readability, and to avoid when it doesn't.
You can see this in action on the Ramda REPL.

Sales Order Confirmation Report - SalesConfirmDP

I am modifying the SalesConfirmDP class and trying to add the CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt field into a new field I have created.
I have tried a couple of things but I do not think my syntax was correct i.e I declare the CustVendExternalItem table in the class declaration. But then when I try to insert CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt into my new field, it does not populate, I guess there must be a method which I need to include?
If anyone has any suggestion it would be highly appreciated.
Thank you in advance.
private void setSalesConfirmDetailsTmp(NoYes _confirmTransOrTaxTrans)
DocuRefSearch docuRefSearch;
// Body
salesConfirmTmp.JournalRecId = custConfirmJour.RecId;
if(_confirmTransOrTaxTrans == NoYes::Yes)
if (printLineHeader)
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = custConfirmTrans.LineHeader;
salesConfirmTmp.LineHeader = '';
salesConfirmTmp.ItemId = this.itemId();
salesConfirmTmp.Name = custConfirmTrans.Name;
salesConfirmTmp.Qty = custConfirmTrans.Qty;
salesConfirmTmp.SalesUnitTxt = custConfirmTrans.salesUnitTxt();
salesConfirmTmp.SalesPrice = custConfirmTrans.SalesPrice;
salesConfirmTmp.DlvDate = custConfirmTrans.DlvDate;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscPercent = custConfirmTrans.DiscPercent;
salesConfirmTmp.DiscAmount = custConfirmTrans.DiscAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.LineAmount = custConfirmTrans.LineAmount;
salesConfirmTmp.CurrencyCode = custConfirmJour.CurrencyCode;
salesConfirmTmp.PrintCode = custConfirmTrans.TaxWriteCode;
if (pdsCWEnabled)
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWUnitId = custConfirmTrans.pdsCWUnitId();
salesConfirmTmp.PdsCWQty = custConfirmTrans.PdsCWQty;
**salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText = CustVendExternalItem.ExternalItemTxt;**
if ((custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::Line)
|| (custFormletterDocument.DocuOnConfirm == DocuOnFormular::All))
docuRefSearch = DocuRefSearch::newTypeIdAndRestriction(custConfirmTrans,
salesConfirmTmp.Notes = Docu::concatDocuRefNotes(docuRefSearch);
salesConfirmTmp.InventDimPrint = this.printDimHistory();
Well, AX cannot guess which record you need, there is a helper class CustVendExternalItemDescription to deal with it:
boolean found;
str externalItemId;
[found, externalItemId, salesConfirmTmp.ExternalItemText] = CustVendExternalItemDescription::findExternalItemDescription(
The findExternalItemDescription method returns more information than you need here, but you have to define variables to store it anyway.
Well, the steps to solve this problem are fairly easy and i will try to give you a step by step approach how to solve this problem.
1) Are you initialising CustVendExternalItem properly? Make a record of the same and initialise it as Jan has shown above, then debug your code and see if the value is being initialised in your DP class.
2)If your value is being initialised correctly, but it is not showing up in the report design there can be multiple issues such as:
Overlapping of text boxes.
Insufficient space for the given field
Some report parameter/property not being set correctly which causes
your value not to show up on the report.
Check these one by one and you should end up arriving towards a solution