How to disable v-select options dynamically in Vuejs - vue.js

I'm trying to build an application on VueJs 2.0 where I'm having following codes
<div class="col-sm-6">
<label class="col-sm-6 control-label">With client*:</label>
<div class="radio col-sm-3">
<input type="radio" name="with_client" v-model="withClient" value="1" checked="">
<div class="radio col-sm-3">
<input type="radio" name="with_client" v-model="withClient" value="0">
I want to disable v-select i.e. element if v-model withClient = 0 and enable withClient= 1
<v-select multiple :options="contacts" :on-search="getOptions" placeholder="Contact name" v-model="contactParticipants"></v-select>

Vue-select allows this now with the prop :selectable
:selectable="car => car.disabled"

If "disabled" is not yet supported, it's pretty easy to add your own:
.disabled {
color: #bfcbd9;
cursor: not-allowed;
background-image: none;
background-color: #eef1f6;
border-color: #d1dbe5;
<v-select :options="['foo','bar','baz', 'hello']" v-bind:class="{ disabled: true }"></v-select>

Simply bind "disabled" HTML property to a boolean.
Here an exemple with Vuex (select have to be disabled from outside component).
<span slot="no-options">Pas de résulats</span>


How can I change the content of an element plus vuejs component?

I need to change the content of element plus components.
I tried using <template> and <slot>, but without success.
<ElInput v-model="" placeholder="Nome">
<input class="intro-x login__input form-control py-3 px-4 block"
If you want to pass some specific style to your component, you will need to use input-style as shown here. There is nothing similar to input-class so far, so you're stuck with something like this
:input-style="{ backgroundColor: 'red', height: '4rem' }"
<input />
There are no other slots related.
Meanwhile you can always hack the whole thing and style it with your own CSS as like this
<style scoped>
:deep(.el-input__inner) {
background-color: teal;
border: 2px solid coral;

How to use Vuetify for a Keycloak Login theme

I'm still quite new to web development, so there might be some very basic misunderstandings on my part.
What I'm trying to do:
We use Keycloak to manage access to a web app. The app is Vue project using Vuetify. To achieve a unified look, I want to use Vuetify to design the Keycloak theme for the login as well.
Here is the screendesign:
What I've done so far:
I created the folder keycloak/themes/my-theme, and added these files:
I took the two ftl files from the base theme, then I tried to rewrite the login with Vuetify classes.
To do so I inspected the code of the elements I want in the Vuetify docs and worked them into login.ftl. While this did work more or less for the Log In button, it seems to be completely wrong for the inputs.
Here is what it looks like:
The misalignment is probably fixable with a lot of fine tuning, but one thing I don't know what to do about is that the text inputs don't get activated when I click into them.
I'm pretty sure that copying code from the developer tools is the wrong way to do this. Is there any way to actually design a Keycloak theme with Vuetify? Without basically copying the Vuetify code?
Here is the current login.ftl:
<#import "template.ftl" as layout>
<#layout.registrationLayout displayInfo=social.displayInfo displayWide=(realm.password && social.providers??); section>
<#if section = "header">
<#elseif section = "form">
<div id="kc-form" <#if realm.password && social.providers??>class="${properties.kcContentWrapperClass!}"</#if>>
<div id="kc-form-wrapper" <#if realm.password && social.providers??>class="${properties.kcFormSocialAccountContentClass!} ${properties.kcFormSocialAccountClass!}"</#if>>
<#if realm.password>
<form id="kc-form-login" onsubmit="login.disabled = true; return true;" action="${url.loginAction}" method="post">
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
<div class="v-input rom__text--darkblue theme--light v-text-field v-text-field--is-booted v-text-field--enclosed v-text-field--outlined v-text-field--placeholder">
<div class="v-input__control">
<div class="v-input__slot">
<div class="v-input__prepend-inner">
<div class="v-input__icon v-input__icon--prepend-inner"><i aria-hidden="true" class="v-icon notranslate fas fa-user-circle theme--light"></i></div>
<fieldset aria-hidden="true">
<legend style="width: 188.25px;"><span>​</span></legend>
<div class="v-text-field__slot">
<label for="username" class="v-label v-label--active" style="left: -28px; right: auto; position: absolute;">
<#if usernameEditDisabled??>
<input tabindex="1" id="username" placeholder="Ihr Nutzername" type="text" value="${(login.username!'')}" type="text" disabled>
<input tabindex="1" id="username" placeholder="Ihr Nutzername" type="text">
<div class="v-text-field__details">
<div class="v-messages theme--light">
<div class="v-messages__wrapper"></div>
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!}">
<label for="password" class="${properties.kcLabelClass!}">${msg("password")}</label>
<input tabindex="2" id="password" class="${properties.kcInputClass!}" name="password" type="password" autocomplete="off" />
<div class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} ${properties.kcFormSettingClass!}">
<div id="kc-form-options">
<#if realm.rememberMe && !usernameEditDisabled??>
<div class="checkbox">
<#if login.rememberMe??>
<input tabindex="3" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" type="checkbox" checked> ${msg("rememberMe")}
<input tabindex="3" id="rememberMe" name="rememberMe" type="checkbox"> ${msg("rememberMe")}
<div class="${properties.kcFormOptionsWrapperClass!}">
<#if realm.resetPasswordAllowed>
<span><a tabindex="5" href="${url.loginResetCredentialsUrl}">${msg("doForgotPassword")}</a></span>
<div id="kc-form-buttons" class="${properties.kcFormGroupClass!} align-center justify-center">
<input type="hidden" id="id-hidden-input" name="credentialId" <#if auth.selectedCredential?has_content>value="${auth.selectedCredential}"</#if>/>
<button tabindex="4" name="login" id="kc-login" type="submit" class=" align-center justify-center v-btn rom__darkblue rom__text--white elevation-2 v-size--large">
<i class="v-icon v-icon--left fas fa-sign-in-alt"></i>
<#if realm.password && social.providers??>
<div id="kc-social-providers" class="${properties.kcFormSocialAccountContentClass!} ${properties.kcFormSocialAccountClass!}">
<ul class="${properties.kcFormSocialAccountListClass!} <#if social.providers?size gt 4>${properties.kcFormSocialAccountDoubleListClass!}</#if>">
<#list social.providers as p>
<li class="${properties.kcFormSocialAccountListLinkClass!}"> <span>${p.displayName}</span></li>
<#elseif section = "info" >
<#if realm.password && realm.registrationAllowed && !registrationDisabled??>
<div id="kc-registration">
<span>${msg("noAccount")} <a tabindex="6" href="${url.registrationUrl}">${msg("doRegister")}</a></span>
It looks like you are using Vuetify styles only. I would try to use Vue with the top element:
new Vue({
el: "#kc-form",
vuetify: new Vuetify(),
And then I would create all inputs with Vuetify, e.g. username:
<v-text-field label="Username or email" id="username" />
But you need to mimic those original HTML inputs, so you need to add also some parameters, e.g. name - I would use mounted for that - naive implementation:
mounted() {
document.getElementById("username").setAttribute("name", "username")
It may need also changes in the layout template and more tweaks to have naive Vuetify feel and full Keycloak functionality. It will be nice if you share your results (even incomplete) on the GitHub.
Proof of concept: :

How to centre text in a Buefy input box?

I have a Buefy template which looks a little like this but I cannot work out how to centre the input box text so everything looks pretty.
I've tried adding 'has-text-centered' to basically everything and it still doesn't centre it!
<section class="hero is-info is-fullheight">
<div class="hero-body">
<div class="container">
<div class="columns is-centered">
<div class="column is-5-tablet is-4-desktop is-3-widescreen">
<div class="box">
<div class="login">
<b-field label="">
<b-input type="email"
<b-field label=""
<b-input type="password"
<div class="buttons">
<b-button #click="login" :loading="loading" type="is-info" expanded>Log In</b-button>
<p>Create an account <router-link to="/sign-up">here</router-link>!</p>
What am I missing here?
You could add a custom class to your input:
<b-input type="email"
And then write a CSS for that:
.input-text-center input {
text-align: center;
Please note since you are writing a CSS for a Buefy module you can't do it with scoped CSS as you would normally do in a Vue single file component. Instead you should add this CSS at a more global level.

How to use Bootstrap button-group radios with Vue's v-model?

I'm using vuejs with bootstrap 4.4. Refactoring the code I'd like to move from invoking methods to using v-model (some bootstrap markup omitted for clarity). The radios button group is modeled after
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle py-4 mb-2" data-toggle="buttons">
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="off" v-model="mode">Stop</input>
<input type="radio" name="mode" value="now" v-model="mode">Sofort</input>
mode is a simple property:
data: function () {
return {
Unfortunately, after changing from the previous implementation using v-on:click="setMode(...)" to v-model, mode is never updated, no error given.
The bootstrap docs state:
The checked state for these buttons is only updated via click event on the button
Might that conflict with vuejs's v-model handling? How can I make v-model work with bootstrap radio groups?
Issue is with data-toggle property, as long as you remove it, it will work. I have tried with following and it is working, you just need to manage active class with Vue variable's value.
<div id="app">
<div class="btn-group btn-group-toggle">
<label class="btn btn-secondary active">
<input type="radio" name="options" value="now" id="option1" v-model="mode" autocomplete="off" checked> Active
<label class="btn btn-secondary">
<input type="radio" name="options" value="off" id="option2" v-model="mode" autocomplete="off"> Radio

input range - send value in real time

Is there a way to send a range-type input's value to another element, for example a div, in real time?
<input type="range" oninput="myFunction(this.value)" value="0" min="0" max="1" step="0.01" />
<span id="currentValue">0</span>
function myFunction(myValue){
document.getElementById("currentValue").innerHTML = myValue;
You can do the following using jQuery
<input type="range" class="form-range" oninput="sliderAmount(this.value)" name="amount" min="500" value="500" step="500" max="100000">
<div class="d-flex justify-content-between">
<div class="min-val" style="font-size: 14px;">500</div>
<div class="max-val" style="font-size: 14px;">100000</div>
<h3 class="d-flex justify-content-center"><b><span id="displayValue">500</span></b></h3>
function sliderAmount(value) {