Serialization in Unreal vs Unity - serialization

In Unity you have to tell the engine which are the parameters to serialize.
Not only that, some of them are not serializable (like dictionaries, for instance), and you need to specify it very clearly and carefully.
I'm really confused to find nearly no documentation in any book or official page about it. Not even questions in the forums. Seems like a blueprint thing only... and not really it.
What I need to know if the state of the editor variables state are stored in the scene when you save it (serialized) and also when you enter Play Mode.
How about creating instances of a component whose UPROPERTIES values are also set in the editor but created using Macros from other files. Those are quite dynamic. Are those stored too?
(I understand that the constructor is executed everytime you open the scene. I'm only interested in this case... not creating the instance via code, since you can set those values hardcoded)
I'm running tests, but would help some information about all this. Maybe Unreal stores every single thing and that's why there's no info about it...

As far as I know about UE serialization, variables marked with UPROPERTY macro are subjects to a CDO mechanism (or at least those marked as EditDefaultsOnly, EditAnywhere and similar Attributes that lets you edit it's value in editor). CDO is Class Default Object and basically it holds initial data for UObjects.
Values of those properties could be set in C++ or editor and later changed (overridden) on actual instances or defaults of derived classes (meaning Blueprint classes as well). If you don't want to store value of a property, you can use Transient flag (c++) or checkbox (BP). I often use it for cached items which I find during gameplay.
Note, that in C++ constructor, those properties are not correctly initialized. And they are not correctly initialized until PostInitProperties() is called, which is after CDO initialization.
I found usefull reading about Actor's lifecycle UE Docs and it helped me a lot.


Storing Global Variables In App - Find Instance of Class or use Singletons?

Sorry for the title not being very informative. I'm working on a Qt app which has a lot of subwindows and menu items flying around everywhere. I want to be able to read and write to global variables from all various objects that sit in the app, and it's tedious and breaks easily if every object needs to carry a reference to a single class. There must be a better way of doing this.
My first guess was to use singletons, but does anyone have better suggestions?
My Current solution is to have a module which I never instance, only import. This module contains functions and variables which do not sit in any particular class. Are there any pitfalls here that I'm not aware of?

Data binding without a ViewModel

I am doing something I have never tried before. I am trying to create dynamic UI and bind it to a dynamic model. In other words, my web service is going to send back a small metadata description of my UI and the raw data to bind to it. Therefore, at build time, I don't know what UI I will be constructing and I don't know what my model will be. Binding them together seems VERY difficult if not impossible.
Mvx allows me to bind UI directly to a model WITHOUT it being an MvxViewModel. However, if I bind directly to the Model returned by the web service, I lose the ability to RaisePropertyChanged() since that only comes from MvxViewModel.
Normally, I would write a ViewModel that wraps the Model and have all the wrapped setters call RaisePropertyChanged(). However, in this case, my model is dynamic so I can't wrap it with a ViewModel at compile time since I don't know what it is until runtime.
Is there some cool trick I can use to construct a ViewModel that can wrap any C# model class and send out property changed events without knowing what properties the model class has until runtime?
I just discovered the DLR and the DynamicObject which seems to be perfect, but due to Apple restrictions, it will not work on Xamarin.iOS.
Without teasing DynamicObject into life on iOS, the main approaches that think of are:
You could change your webservice generation code so that it produces INotifyPropertyChanged - I've used libraries that do this - e.g. - and if you can't change the webservice code generation itself, you might still be able to wrap or pervert the generated code using some kind of t4 or other templating trick.
You could investigate some kind of code that maps the web service objects to some kind of observable collection (Kiliman has suggested this in comments)
You could look at some kind of valueconverter (or maybe valuecombiner) which does the binding - I can fairly easily imagine a valueconverter which takes a wrapped model object and a string parameter (the property name) and which uses those two together (with some reflection) to work out what to do. I'm not as sure how this one would work with nested model objects... but even that could be possible...
You could look at some kind of custom binding extension for MvvmCross. This isn't as scary as it sounds, but does require some reflection trickery - to understand what might be involved take a look at the FieldBinding plugin -
During the actual data-binding process, the plugin will be called via IMvxSourceBindingFactoryExtension - that would be your opportunity to hook into some other custom change event (rather than INotifyPropertyChanged). It might take a little experimentation to get this right... especially if you have nested objects (which then require "chaining" within the binding)... but I think it should be possible to produce something this way.
I am not sure if what I finalized on supports all possible functionality, but so far, it seems to satisfy everything that I need.
I really liked the idea of writing my own IMvxSourceBindingFactoryExtension. However, in investigating how to do that, I started playing with the functionality that already exists within MvvmCross. I already knew that MvvmCross would honor an ObservableCollection. What I didn't know was that I could use [] in my binding expressions AND that not only would integer indexers work, but also string indexers on a Dictionary. I discovered that MvvmCross sample code already has an implementation of ObservableDictionary within its GIT repo. It turns out, that is all that I needed to solve my problem.
So my model contains static properties AND an ObservableDictionary<string,object> of dynamic properties where the key is the name of the dynamic property and the value is the value of the property.
My ViewModel wraps this model class to send out PropertyChanged notifications on the static properties. Since the Dictionary of dynamic properties is observable, MvvmCross already handles changes to members of that dictionary, including 2-way.
The final issue is how to bind to it in my binding expression. That is where the [] comes in. If my ObservableDictionary property name is called UserValues and it contains a value at key user1, then I can 2-way bind to it by using: UserValues[user1] and everything seems to work perfectly.
One issue I see is that I am now requiring my dynamic data source to return an ObservableDictionary to me instead of just a Dictionary. Is that asking too much?

How to share/reuse a Lua script for multiple entities?

I'm in the design/skeleton coding phase of my C++ game with Lua scripting, but I have run into a design issue:
The game will have many copies of the same kind of entities, with behavior controlled by the same script. Is there a straightforward way I can share the script between entities of the same type in a single lua_state? I have only been able to find this question asked a couple of times on the Internet; I have read mixed feedback on whether or not it's a good idea to load the same script in different lua_state's, and not in-depth feedback on alternatives.
It's simple and bullet-proof, but I think loading, compiling, and storing addition copies of the same byte code with each instance of the same entity type created is a tragic waste, so I would like to figure out a smarter solution.
These are the two solutions I have thought of. I'm not new to programming or C or OO concepts but I am still learning when it comes to Lua and especially the Lua/C API. I think my ideas are sound but I am not even sure how I would go about implementing them.:
Implement OO in the Lua script and have each entity be represented by a Lua object; all the Lua logic would act on the object. This would also have the benefit (or the "benefit") of allowing the global environment to be changed by anything single entity.
Encapsulate each entity in its own environment using setfenv and copy references of all of the functions from the global space. As I understand it the env is just a different table than the default global, but I've looked into setfenv but I don't know how I would do that.
1 and 2 are just different sides of the same coin, more or less. It's simply a matter of where the object goes. In type 1, the object is an explicit part of the Lua script. Which means the script decides how it wants to set up its objects.
In type 2, the object is the environment. It is still a Lua table, but one created for it by the external code. The script cannot break free of the confines of this object, except in the ways that the external code allows.
The easiest way for me to implement type 1 would be with Luabind. I'd have an AI object as a C++ class, which Lua would be able to derive from. Running the "main script" for that AI would create an instance of that class. You would pass the script parameters, like the name of the entity it controls, maybe a reference it can use to control it, etc.
Type 2 is fairly simple. First, you create the new environment by creating an empty table and populating it with the global variables that you want the user to be able to have access to. These would be for things like talking to game-state (find other objects in the scene, etc), ways to move the entity in question around, and so forth. There are metatable tricks you can play to effectively make these values immutable and constant, so the user can't modify them later.
Then, you load the script with lua_loadstring or lua_loadfile. This puts a function on the Lua stack that represents that Lua script. Then you apply this table as that script function's environment with lua_setfenv. You can then run that script, passing whatever variables you wish (the name of the entity, etc).

"Finding" an object instance of a known class?

My first post here (anywhere for that matter!), re. Cocoa/Obj-C (I'm NOT up to speed on either, please be patient!). I hope I haven't missed the answer already, I did try to find it.
I'm an old-school procedural dog (haven't done any programming since the mid 80's, so I probably just can't even learn new tricks), but OOP has my head spinning! My question is:
is there any means at all to
"discover/find/identify" an instance
of an object of a known class, given
that some OTHER unknown process
instantiated it?
eg. somthing that would accomplish this scenario:
(id) anObj = [someTarget getMostRecentInstanceOf:[aKnownClass class]];
for that matter, "getAnyInstance" or "getAllInstances" might do the trick too.
Background: I'm trying to write a plugin for a commercial application, so much of the heavy lifting is being done by the app, behind the scenes.
I have the SDK & header files, I know what class the object is, and what method I need to call (it has only instance methods), I just can't identify the object for targetting.
I've spent untold hours and days going over Apples documentation, tutorials and lots of example/sample code on the web (including here at Stack Overflow), and come up empty. Seems that everything requires a known target object to work, and I just don't have one.
Since I may not be expressing my problem as clearly as needed, I've put up a web page, with diagram & working sample pages to illustrate:
Any help or guidance will be appreciated! Thanks.
I have the SDK & header files, I know what class the object is, and what method I need to call (it has only instance methods), I just can't identify the object for targetting.
If this is a publicly declared class with publicly declared instance methods (i.e., you have the header for the class and it has instance methods in it), there is probably a way in this application's API to get an instance of the class. Either you are meant to create one yourself, or the application has one (or more) and provides a way to get it (or them). Look at both the header for the class in question and the other headers.
I initially said “there must be a way…”, but I changed it, because there is an alternative reason why the header would have instance methods: The application developer does not intend those instance methods for plug-in use (and didn't mark them appropriately), or did not mean to include that header in the application/SDK (they included it by accident). You may want to ask the application developer for guidance.
If it is not a publicly declared class or its instance methods are not publicly declared, then the application does not support you working with instances of the class. Doing so is a breach of the API contract—not a legal contract, but the expectations that the application has of its plug-ins. If you breach the API contract, you will cause unexpected behavior, either now (not necessarily on your own machine/in your own tests) or in the future.
If the class's public declaration contains only class methods, then perhaps what you're after is not an instance at all—you're supposed to send those messages to the class itself.
This is not possible without having you register each instance in a dictionary as it is created. I.e., override some common factory method at a higher level which does this bookkeeping work. This will fall down when you use delegates that you may not control though, keep that in mind.
I do question the need to even do this at all, but I don't know your problem as well as I perhaps would need to, to recommend a different, more apt way of accomplishing the actual task at hand.
Just as a corollary to the above; I did look at the runtime to see if there was anything that I actually forgot about, but there is not. So my above statement with regards to you requiring to do that bookkeeping yourself, still holds I'm afraid.
Based on your diagram (my apologies, just noticed the link after I posted this answer); I would suggest that if you control the classes that are being returned to you, just add a property to them. I.e., add a "name" property that you can set and keep unique. Then just pass the message to each instance, checking whether or not that object is the one you want. It's not particularly clever or anything like that, but it should work for your purposes.

Redefining instance variables of a Smalltalk class

I've never used Smalltalk, but I've read a lot about it and it has always intrigued me. I've seen the cool demos where a program is running and simply by changing the methods of the classes the program's objects are using alters the running program's behavior. It's clearly powerful stuff and I understand how that can work the way it does. What I can't seem to nail down for certain is what happens to the existing instances of a class when you want to add, remove, or rename instance variables of that class.
I can't imagine how one can alter the instance variables that all the classes are using in a running program and still expect the existing instances of that class to function correctly afterward. Perhaps I'm adding a new instance variable that I need to have initialized and where previously existing methods have been altered to depend on this variable. Couldn't I end up with a horrible malfunction of any running code that has live instances of that class? Or what if the meaning of an instance variable has changed and I now expect a different kind of object to be stored there than was previously? Is there some kind of "upgrade" mechanism? Or is the usual practice to just let the previous instances crash and burn? Or is this simply a case of "we don't do that sort of thing on running programs and expect them to survive?"
The only reasonably clean approach I can think of is that when you alter the instance variable definitions perhaps it actually creates an entirely new class and the old instances, prior to the change, continue to function just fine with the old class definition (which is now inaccessible by name since the name was redefined to the new class definition). Perhaps that is the most logical explanation - but since I haven't found anything that directly explains this process, I figured I'd ask here and see what kind of fun information that got me. :)
According to this paper, it is like you said:
It also automatically manages class redefinition, guaranteeing system consistency in terms of object structures and preventing name conflicts, especially instance variable name conflicts. When a class definition changes, existing instances must be structurally modified in order to match the definition of their new class. Instead of modifying an existing object, the ClassBuilder creates a new one with the correct structure (i.e., from the new class that replaces the old one). It then fills this new object with the values of the old one. The ClassBuilder uses the become: primitive (cf 2.1.1) to proceed with the strutural modifications, by replacing the old objects with the new ones throughout the entire system.