How to concatenate password with mysql:// protocol in Rebol? - rebol

I have a password that contains "]" so rebol doesn't accept mysql://user:password
How to concatenate a string with mysql:// ?

You can use the block form to open the port:
my-database: open [
scheme: 'mysql
host: "localhost"
user: "user"
pass: "pass"
path: "/dbpath"
You can examine output from the DECODE-URL function to see how Rebol turns a URL into a port specification:
probe decode-url foo://bar:baz#foobar.qux:999/quux


How to disable Ansible's password obfuscating feature

I have a simple Ansible playbook to
Fetch a database connection config from an RestAPI,
Extract the config object from the payload,
Using the config JSON (as request body) to create a PUT request to another RestAPI.
At the 3rd stage I found that the database username and password combination is wrong. Later, while I print the outputs, I have found that the password has been replaced with a string named "VALUE_SPECIFIED_IN_NO_LOG_PARAMETER".
After some googling, I found that this is a security feature by Ansible. Unfortunately, I haven't found any configuration or something like this to disable this feature. Is it possible to disable this feature? Or any other workaround?
- name: my-playbook
gather_facts: no
hosts: all
- secret
- name: Fetch the config payload from the API
url: "{{get_config}}"
method: GET
user: "{{username}}"
password: "{{password}}"
validate_certs: no
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
body_format: json
register: config
- name: Extract the config object
config_raw: "{{ config.json | json_query(jmesquery) }}"
jmesquery: '{{name}}.config'
- name: print the config
msg: "{{config_raw}}"
- name: Creating object using config
url: "{{create_ocject}}"
method: PUT
user: "{{username}}"
password: "{{password}}"
validate_certs: no
body: "{{config_raw}}"
body_format: json
return_content: yes
status_code: 200
Content-Type: "application/json"
register: test_res
- name: output value
msg: "{{test_res.json}}"

Hashicorp Vault API - Create User - unsupported path

Can we create a user in vault API using special characters. For example below POST url is used to create users.
POST : http://localhost:8200/v1/auth/userpass/users/myuser-1#beta_1.0$
Paylod :
"password": "myPassword",
"policies": "myuser-1#beta_1.0$",
"ttl": "120",
"max_ttl": "120"
Result :
"errors": [
"1 error occurred:\n\t* unsupported path\n\n"
the user myuser-1#beta_1.0$ contains special characters # _ $. I think the # $ chars should be encoded before passing to vault. However there is no information about url encoding in below documentation.
Is encoding supported here or should it be replaced with other char before sending it to vault??
Note: Removing # $ chars, api works fine.

Rewriting log data

I am sending syslog data to my LogZilla server and am unable to rewrite the data using the
Event message:
{"event_type":"Threat_Event","ipv4":"","hostname":"","source_uuid":"df4df304c3-93f2a-41f89-8dfefd-7f54bdsf5e429f","occured":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","severity":"Warning","threat_type":"test file","threat_name":"Eicar","scanner_id":"Real-time file system protection","engine_version":"1498036 (20190805)","object_type":"file","object_uri":"file:///home/admin/g4.txt","action_taken":"cleaned by deleting","threat_handled":true,"need_restart":false,"username":"root","processname":"/usr/bin/vi","circumstances":"Event occurred on a newly created file.","firstseen":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","hash":"CF8BD9DFDDFF007F75ADF4C2BE48005CEA317C62"}
Code for automatic key value detection to rewrite message above:
"rewrite_rules": [
"match": {
"field": "program",
"value": "ESServer"
"update": {
"message": "${event_type}, ${ipv4}"
"kv": {"separator": ":", "delimiter": ","
I am expecting the message to be parsed so that I can setup dashboards based on various fields from the message.
LogZilla doesn't parse kv pairs within quotes, so first you'll need to strip those out. Here's a syslog-ng rule that will do that:
filter f_program {program("ESServer")};
rewrite r_quotes { subst("\"", "", value("MESSAGE") flags("global") condition( filter(f_program))); };
log {
rewrite (r_quotes);
# Uncomment line below for debug/testing of incoming events
You should create a 'rules' directory to store any custom configurations in. Save the above in that directory as syslog.conf (or any name you prefer). The copy it to the conainer and restart syslog-ng:
docker cp syslog.conf lz_syslog:/etc/logzilla/syslog-ng
docker restart lz_syslog
Now those events should have the quotes removed when they come in. Next, create a LogZilla parser rule with the following:
first_match_only: true
- comment:
- 'Name: ESET Security Manager KV'
- 'Sample: "event_type":"Threat_Event","ipv4":"","hostname":"","source_uuid":"df4df304c3-93f2a-41f89-8dfefd-7f54bdsf5e429f","occured":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","severity":"Warning","threat_type":"test file","threat_name":"Eicar","scanner_id":"Real-time file system protection","engine_version":"1498036 (20190805)","object_type":"file","object_uri":"file:///home/admin/g4.txt","action_taken":"cleaned by deleting","threat_handled":true,"need_restart":false,"username":"root","processname":"/usr/bin/vi","circumstances":"Event occurred on a newly created file.","firstseen":"06-Aug-2019 02:38:44","hash":"CF8BD9DFDDFF007F75ADF4C2BE48005CEA317C62"'
- 'Description: ESET K/V Detection and User Tag creation'
field: program
op: =~
value: 'lzadmin'
delimiter: ""
separator: ":"
pair_separator: ","
ut_event_type: ${event_type}
ut_ipv4: ${ipv4}
ut_hostname: ${hostname}
Then add the rule:
logzilla rules add kv.json

How to fix "errno":"ENOTFOUND" error in smtp configuration using express js

I am trying to configure node mailer in express js application. During the time of sending mail, I got an error ENOTFOUND.
My smpt configurations are,
smtpServer: {
host: "",
port: 587,
secure: false,
user: "",
pass: "password",
fromName: "",
fromAddress: ""
Error :
I suspect this error came because of proxy issues. So, I checked the smpt hostname in my machine nslookup table.
That is returned following result:
$ nslookup
Non-authoritative answer:
*** Can't find No answer
Other than else what I missed here?

Where do I find amqp_userinfo of amqp_URI for connecting to RabbitMQ

So I'm trying connect to my local RabbitMQ server through a java application using the amqp_URI which is of the following format
amqp_URI = "amqp://" amqp_authority [ "/" vhost ] [ "?" query ]
amqp_authority = [ amqp_userinfo "#" ] host [ ":" port ]
amqp_userinfo = username [ ":" password ]
the question is where do I find the amqp_userinfo in my server for the connection.
the user: guest and pwd: guest of the http://localhost:15672/ doesn't work. I have also tried creating a new user in http://localhost:15672/ and using it, it doesn't help.
Thanks in advance
Got it, apparently the password length was too short, was successful when I created longer password for the user