EXCEL 2nd Enable Editing Button appears after already Enabling - vba

I have an excel workbook that I download using simple HTML portal that I coded. When I download the workbook it automatically renames it as "myWorkbook (27)" or whatever number of times it has been put in the downloads folder.
I have some code that changes the Save As location of the workbook to the original location that it was downloaded from. See:
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
'Check to see if another workbook with the same name is open -- close if so.
If IsOpenWorkbook("myWorkbook.xlsm", True) Then
Workbooks("myWorkbook.xlsm").Close saveChanges = False
End If
ThisWorkbook.SaveAs Filename:="\\999.9.9.99\folder\anotherFolder\myWorkbook.xlsm"
Application.DisplayAlerts = True
End Sub
This has worked fine for almost a month but recently has been performing erratically. When I first download the sheet, it has the regular "Enable Editing" prompt which I accept. After accepting, the name of the workbook changes suggesting the code as run, but then has another "Enable Editing" prompt which, if I accept, will crash Excel.
Any insights appreciated.


excel vba suppress "downloading file" message

I realize this question has been asked before, but the supplied answers did not solve the problem. I'm running VBA code from within Excel which does the following:
1.) Open a local worksheet (i.e. C:\desktop\AOR\Names.xlsx)
2.) Read down column B getting the names of files that need to be verified
3.) Open the filename (as taken from column B) from a Network drive.
4.) Verify some cells from the opened file
5.) Close the file.
6.) Iterate.
All this is working with no problems; my situation is that when the file is opened from the Network drive (i.e. step 3) I get the "Downloading File" message. The only option on this is "Cancel" or let it go to completion. Pressing cancel (or using SendKeys to do so) causes the file open to cancel, thus stopping the rest of the process. I've had users accidentally press this cancel enough times that I want to suppress the dialog box completely but cannot find anything that works.
Here is some code with the options I've tried all to no avail:
WhatName = Workbooks(AgencyNamesList).Worksheets("Agencies").Range("B" & i).Value ' get name of file from locally opened workbook.
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Application.EnableEvents = False ' Prevent code in workbook from running
' Application.SendKeys "{ESCAPE}", False ' Cancels subsequent file opens
' Application.SendKeys "{ESCAPE}", True ' Cancels the file open
' Application.SendKeys "~", True ' Cancels the file open
QuarterDueDate = Workbooks.Open(SourceFolder & WhatName).Worksheets("YTD").Range("I6").Value ' open book get value of I6
This page shows a picture of the dialog box along with someone else trying to find a solution (since 2012) to this problem.
OPSYS: Windows 7 Enterprise SP1
EXCEL: MS Office Professional Plus 2013
I'm sure hoping someone has found a way to prevent this pop-up box from popping!
NOTE: When this code is run against the same files stored locally, the dialog box does NOT display.

Catching FileFormat property of .XLAM without confusion with .XLSM

I have developed a .xlam add-in that contains user-data inside. In other words, the user can decide to show the add-in file through a ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False to edit the content, which is functional to the add-in itself.
However, the user should not be able to perform some operations when he's/she's working on the add-in's spreadsheets rather than on the normal workbook where the Add-In is running.
Need to check for file extension
From here, it comes my need of checking for the file extension and validate it when some specific "forbidden" procedures might get called. I have made the following tests:
If ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = True, then ThisWorkbook.FileFormat = 55;
If ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False, then ThisWorkbook.FileFormat = 52;
The source of confusion
This is not what I was expecting. By simply executing a FullName request when the Add-In is set visible:
ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False
MsgBox ThisWorkbook.FullName
I can read that my file is still named C:\myFile.xlam, even if in that moment is visible to the user. So, I would expect ThisWorkbook.FileFormat to raise a 55 even if visible at run-time. But it doesn't do that, apparently.
The question
I need to make sure to distinguish between modifications on the Add-In (.xlam) and modifications on a possible .xlsm file that the user created, from which is using my Add-In.
Why is the FileFormat of my add-in being equal to the one of an xlsm, if the file is clearly xlam to which is associated a 55 instead of a 52? Where am I being wrong?
EDIT - Example of the action to forbid
On the ribbon there's a button created and added from the add-in, which is connected to a macro that cannot be run into the Add-In. So the check I had in mind was something like this:
If ActiveWorkbook.FileFormat = 55 Then
Exit Sub
End If
However, as said above, this check will not be performed because the Add-In has FileFormat = 52 in the moment in which is set to .IsAddIn = False; hence, even if the ActiveWorkbook is the add-in where I do not want to run the macro, the check will fail and the macro will run anyway.
The .IsAddIn workbook property simply indicates whether the file is being run as an Add-in. It does not change the file format. From the documentation:
When you set this property to True, the workbook has the following characteristics:
You won’t be prompted to save the workbook if changes are made while the workbook is open.
The workbook window won’t be visible.
Any macros in the workbook won’t be visible in the Macro dialog box (displayed by pointing to Macro on the Tools menu and clicking Macros).
Macros in the workbook can still be run from the Macro dialog box even though they’re not visible. In addition, macro names don’t need to be qualified with the workbook name.
Holding down the SHIFT key when you open the workbook has no effect.
I sense that this is the real problem you're trying to tackle:
However, the user should not be able to perform some operations when he's/she's working on the add-in's spreadsheets rather than on the normal workbook where the Add-In is running.
Perhaps it will be best if you can specify what actions you're trying to restrict? There may be a better way to solve this.
For the moment I have found four possible solutions, that I'm going to post here just in case someone would have my same issue:
Comparing the full names - credit to Tim Williams
The "special code" cannot run if the full names are different:
If ActiveWorkbook.FullName = ThisWorkbook.FullName Then
Exit Sub
End If
'"special code"
Comparing the isAddIn property - credit to David Zemens
The "special code" cannot run if this workbook is not currently an add-in:
If ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn = False Then
Exit Sub
End If
'"special code"
Comparing the two objects
The "special code" cannot run if the active workbook is the add-in workbook:
If ActiveWorkbook Is ThisWorkbook Then
Exit Sub
End If
'"special code"
Checking for "xlam" extension
The "special" code will not be run if the extension of the file is xlam:
If Right(ActiveWorkbook.FullName,4) = "xlam" Then
Exit Sub
End If
The four solutions above work fine for the purpose, but the question is still opened : why the FileFormat property changes over the same file depending on ThisWorkbook.IsAddIn being False rather than True?

VBA Dialogs.Show doesn't display warning message

Have Excel (2010 in my case but I think it will be the same also in other versions) with two workbooks. Save first one with name "1.xlx" (example) via Save As dialog. Save second one with the same name "1.xlx" to different location. Excel will not allow it with following warning message:
"You cannot save this workbook with the same name as another open workbook or add-in. Choose a different name, or close the other workbook or add-in before saving."
So far so good. But my problem is that I need to invoke dialog via VBA. I am using following code:
Sub test()
End Sub
Now I am trying to save second workbook (with the same name to different location) but when I click to 'Save' button nothing happen, no warning message. If I wouldn't know what is wrong it would be very difficult to tell. I didn't change any setting (there is nothing as DisplayAlerts set to true or so). Any idea how make SaveAs dialog invoked via VBA to display similar warnings?
I'm not sure why that doesn't give you an error, but it doesn't me either. If you use Application.FileDialog, you can get that error.
Sub testts()
With Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogSaveAs)
End With
End Sub
Or you could use GetSaveAsFileName and check the names of all the open workbooks and generate the error yourself.
Can you try with the below code on starting on your code.
Application.DisplayAlerts = True

Saving file with macro

I entered the following code into Visual Basic.
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Target, Range("$D$10:$S$29")) Is Nothing Then
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 80
ActiveWindow.Zoom = 100
End If
End Sub
It works well to zoom in when a certain range is selected, and to zoom out when anywhere else on the page is selected.
When I go to save the workbook, the following message comes up:
"The following features cannot be saved in macro-free works:
- VB project
To save a file with these features, click No, and then choose a macr-enabled file type in the File Type list.
To continue saving as a macro-free workbook, click Yes."
When saving I have changed the "save as type" to "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook". This saves the text in the editor, but when I re-open the file, the macro doesn't work.
I have also saved the file without the macro entered as an "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook" and then copied the macro into the workbook, checked to see if the macro works (it does), then save the file, close and re-open.
The say outcome of the macro being saved but not working.
How can I save this workbook so that the macro is saved with it and works each time I open the file?
Thank you very much in advance for your help.
#user2879835, After you saved the workbook as "Excel Macro-Enabled Workbook" and while opening the same does it asking any security warnings like "Macros have been disabled"?...and also Worksheet_Change occur when cells on the worksheet either changed by the user or by any link.

How do I disable and enable macros on the fly?

I would like to test an Excel VBA app I made.
However the VBA code messes around with the visibility of cells and that's a pest when editing the sheet.
Is there an option is enable and disable macro's on the fly without having to
Close the sheet
Change the macro settings
Reopen the sheet
Close the sheet
Change the macro settings.
As far as I know, you can't enable / disable macros from an opened workbook on the fly.
Yet, you shouldn't have to because macros are only triggered thanks to a user click.
The only case I would see is for the Event Procedures (Worksheet_Change or else).
You could then create procedures to activate / deactivate events and call them from buttons in your worksbook:
Sub enableEvents()
Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub
Sub disableEvents()
Application.EnableEvents = False
End Sub
You can also try these tips from Chris Pearson website using global vars you would change depending on your needs:
Public AbortChangeEvent As Boolean
And check if afterwards:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If AbortChangeEvent = True Then
Exit Sub
End If
' rest of code here
End Sub
To disable macros on the fly, use "Application.EnableEvents = False" via the Immediate window in the VBA editor (and "Application.EnableEvents = True" to turn them back on).
You can also hold down SHIFT when you open a document to disable macros.
As of Excel 2010* there's actually an option on the "Developer" tab which allows you to disable macros as easy as ABC. Design Mode lets you do just that!
*Maybe even earlier versions.
I often fire Macros when opening a workbook but sometimes I don't want the Macro to fire so I can work on the code. So what I put a Macro in a separate workbook that does the following:
Disables macros
Opens the workbook in question
Enables macros
Then closes the original workbook
Leaves the second workbook open
Here's the code:
Sub OpenClose()
'Opens Workbook below with Macors disabled
'After it is open Macros are enabled
'This Workbook then closes without saving changes, leaving only the workbook below open
'User only needs to change the workbook name on the next line
WorkbookToOpenNoMacros = "Gaby.xlsm"
Dim wb As Workbook
Set wb = Application.ThisWorkbook
Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Workbooks.Open (ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & WorkbookToOpenNoMacros)
Application.EnableEvents = True
wb.Saved = True
wb.Close SaveChanges:=False
End Sub
I have Office 2013 and I found a button on the VBA window that did this for me very easily.
There's a play, pause and stop button on the toolbar. In Excel, they are actually called, Run Macro, Break and Reset.
Click the Break button (pause) and any running macros should stop running. I only tested it on one macro but seems reasonable to presume that this will work in general.
Also, I believe those buttons were there for many versions of Excel, so it's worth checking earlier versions.