Problems with resolving dependency node-fetch from github - fork still necessary? - build-dependencies

While trying to install build dependencies in a docker environment (no git), we got follwing error:
npm ERR! git clone --template=/home/node/.npm/_git-remotes/_templates --mirror /home/node/.npm/_git-remotes/git-github-com-archilogic-com-node-fetch-git-1-x-03653294: undefined
Problem seems the dependency archilogic-com/node-fetch#1.x here.
Ok. We should be able to handle this.
On the other hand, the question is wether the fork is still necessary.
Imho the reason for forking was overriding the array-buffer,
which is already done in original node-fetch.
Maybe i'm wrong but using the original would help us a lot.
Many thanks in advance

Indeed looks like an update would be a good idea!
A Pull request is welcome:
Thank you!


React-Admin translations broken after upgrade to 3.18

Recently upgraded React-Admin in our project from 3.16.2 to 3.18.1 and noticed a bunch of the UI strings changed.
Where it previously said, 'ADD FILTER' or 'CREATE' it now says, 'RA.ACTION.ADD_FILTER' and 'RA.ACTION.CREATE'
We weren't passing an i18nProvider prop to the <Admin> component.
After the strings changed, I thought maybe it was required now, but adding one seems to have no effect.
package.json looks like this
"react-admin": "^3.18.1",
"ra-language-english": "^3.18.0",
"ra-i18n-polyglot": "^3.18.0",
Did some googling and found one similar sounding issue, but with no solution.
Has anyone else run into anything like this? Thanks.
Great suggestion by Gildas to use yarn.
For those wondering, got up and running very quickly by running:
npm install -g yarn
yarn start
Some additional helpful info in the yarn docs.

Using Ansible with Alibaba/Alicloud modules

I am relatively new to Ansible, and completely new to Alicloud. I am trying to figure out how I can use the list of modules found here:, or if there is, in fact, a way to do it.
Officially, it seems, Ansible supports only two modules of Alicloud (found here:, but the other modules I've seen on several websites before as part of tutorials, so I assume they are meant to be working. Can someone help me with this? I was specifically looking at this module:
My current issue with it is that when running the playbook with the module, it gives me the error
ERROR! couldn't resolve module/action 'ali_vpc'. This often indicates a misspelling, missing collection, or incorrect module path.
Any help is appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
You need to install the modules by doing pip install ansible-alicloud.
Then you will be able to get the ali_vpc module from /home/cheshi/.local/lib/python3.8/site-packages/ansible/modules/cloud/alicloud/

Cannot find module './src/data' with vue-cli

I created a project with vue-cli 4.1.1, and after running yarn serve, i got the following error
Error: [BABEL] C:\dev\vuestudy\src\main.js: Cannot find module './src/data' (While processing: "C:\\dev\\vuestudy\\node_modules\\#vue\\cli-plugin-babel\\preset.js")
Any tips on this?
Thanks in advance.
Kousha and Dave are right,after waiting for the core-js package update, I created a new project, and now it's working.
It looks like there's been a bad build of npm package core-js-compat. This is a deep-down dependency of Babel. Lots of things will be affected, things that use Babel.
You will experience this problem if you have core-js-compat v.3.4.6. You can check this by doing npm list core-js-compat. The problem is apparently fixed by v.3.4.7, which was pushed out pretty quickly, about half-an-hour later, but unfortunately it takes a while to spread out through the repositories. You can either wait until an npm update gets you v.3.4.7 or you can go manually download v.3.4.7 if you want to get going right away.
This is a bug with core-js-compat v3.4.6, but already the fix has gone with v3.4.7. See for more detail.
You may be able to force install the not-broken version with
npm i core-js-compat#3.4.7 --save
It worked on my machineā„¢
With Vue / Nuxt, you can delete package-lock.json and node_modules and do an npm install to fix this issue.

Vue Material postinstall failed

So I've been working on a Vue.js project for couple times now, and I am facing a problem I've never seen before.
Trying to git pull the project on another computer, or even downloading the project as a zip file, when it's time to npm install, vue-material module fails and the whole thing cannot be run.
It goes this way, with vie-material :
vue-material#1.0.0 postinstall C:\<my_things>\node_modules\vue-material
sh build/git-hooks/
Then I see this :
/usr/bin/bash: build/git-hooks/ No such file or directory
Then the modules' tree shows in the terminal, and at the end, I can see all the errors related to vue-material, with this statement :
Tell the author that this fails on your system:
sh build/git-hooks/
By the way, I tried to crate a brand new Vue project, and tried to add vue-material inside, no problem, so it has to do with my project.
Obviously though, /usr/bin/bash does not exist, since I'm running Windows 10.
Any knowledge on npm's installing routine ? I'm out of solution to try...
Can you share your package.json file?
I had this same problem just now and found that NPM could possibly be installing the incorrect version. Where I had "^vue-material": "1.0.0-beta-7" NPM was installing version 1.0.0 instead of 1.0.0-beta-7. If you remove the ^ then it may work for you. This is where I found the answer that helped me.
Well, after couple times figuring out what was wrong, I got this :
I tried to use yarn and it told me that my node version was too old (vue-material needed 7.0+ and my node was 6.9, or at least that is what yarn told me), so I got myself the 8.9.3 node.
After this I tried to use yarn again, and the error with that bash script showed again.... then I just tried to use npm install again, and it worked just fine...
I don't know about the bash script thing, but one thing to remember is to always check for node and npm's version when errors happend.... (and yarn looks very cool and simple imo ^^).
You kinda made me think about a version problem though, I got you that ! :D
Problem solved....

Publishing #progress/kendo-ui to nexus 3..5.1 npm pkg repository

We've migrated from Nexus 3.01.01 to 3.5.1-02. In the process we had to migrate internally published npms. One of those is the kendo-ui (commercial one) from Telerik/Progress. We have downloaded the licensed copy from Telerik and publishing it to our local nexus for consumption by our developers.
However the publishing fails with an error during payload parsing. I can publish the same tar without an issue to the older (3.01.01) nexus, so the tar/payload it self is OK.
The error seem to be at the point of trying to parse the npm payload. I can also publish a demo/simple npm (both scoped and non-scoped) without an issue. Spend the whole day trying to figure this out with no luck - appreciate any pointers or advice.
2017-09-06 18:49:09,160+0800 WARN [qtp762281666-4116] MIDALLE -
Failure servicing: PUT /repository/npm-hosted/#progress%2fkendo-ui
java.lang.IllegalStateException: Unexpected token VALUE_NULL at
[Source:; line: 1, column: 896] at
Here's the gist for the full error from the nexus log.
This issue was resolved in scope of
Fix Version/s:
There was a problem with parsing null values in package.json
I got this to work however I'm still trying to figure out the impact of the change. Please be cautious if you apply the same 'hack' to get this to work. I had to do this, because there was several other project teams that was getting affected.
In a nutshell I had to strip out few keys from the package.json of the kendo-ui package. My analysis is that these settings makes npm issue a network call that fails in our constraint environment.
The package.json keys that I removed are as follows.
First section
"_resolved": "",
"_shasum": "09a652ead21700716dd5a50f9e86e9bffcea640e",
"_shrinkwrap": null,
Second section
"dist": {
"shasum": "09a652ead21700716dd5a50f9e86e9bffcea640e",
"tarball": ""
I'd really appreciate if someone who know more about npm and npm definitions can inform the purpose of these settings in the package.json and potential impacts of removing them.