Cant start multiple Rabbitmq instance in single machine - rabbitmq

I am try to setup a rabbitmq cluster in my Mac OS X 10.11.6(single machine).
It is fail for me to start a second instance of rabbitmq even i try ways on internet. what command i used is following:
export RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit#localhost
rabbitmq-server -detached
export RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit2#localhost
rabbitmq-server -detached
Only the first instance can be started.
here's the error_log from rabbitmq and i save it to github:
link for error log

Apart from the AMQP port (5672). RabbitMQ also binds the port 15672 for the management API. In the error log you can see that the two instances of rabbitMQ are trying to bind that same port, so you have to bind a different management port in each instance


RabbitMQ cluster on a single machine

I want to create a three node RabbitMQ cluster on a single RHEL8 machine for testing purposes. I tried instructions given in RabbitMQ official guide and also tried to follow this guide.
The first node works fine and it's running. However, the second node cannot be started and throws up an error.
I used below commands as mentioned in the guide.
RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT=5672 RABBITMQ_NODENAME=rabbit rabbitmq-server -detached
RABBITMQ_NODE_PORT=5673 RABBITMQ_NODENAME=hare rabbitmq-server -detached
rabbitmqctl -n hare stop_app
This command throws up below error.
attempted to contact: [hare#localhost]
connected to epmd (port 4369) on localhost
epmd reports: node 'hare' not running at all
other nodes on localhost: [rabbit]
On further inspection of logs, it seems like that this node tries to use the same ports used by the first node (e.g. MQTT port 1883).
I think I might have to use the other option of declaring /etc/rabbitmq/rabbitmq.conf. Mainly because it seems to give more options to change ports etc.
A sample config file resembling the one needed in my case or a link to a proper guide is highly appreciated.
You didn't specify, but you must have the MQTT plugin enabled for there to be a conflict on that port, correct?
The easiest work-around would be to have two configuration files specifying different ports for MQTT, AMQP and anything else. Then, use the RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE environment variable to point to the appropriate file:
RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/rabbitmq-0.conf rabbitmq-server -detached
RABBITMQ_CONFIG_FILE=/path/to/rabbitmq-1.conf rabbitmq-server -detached
NOTE: the RabbitMQ team monitors the rabbitmq-users mailing list and only sometimes answers questions on StackOverflow.

facing the problems with dns-api-go setup in google cloud

I created the Ubuntu virtual machine on that I created the Go environment after that I successfully imported and installed the skx/dns-api-go
I followed this doc: for to set up the environment also I installed the required dependencies like
Dancer,Plack::Middle ware::Throttle::Lite,Net::DNS::Resolver,twiggy,
libdancer-perl ,libnet-cidr-lite-perl ,
after that, at last, I run the following command:
dns-api-go -redis-server localhost:6379
then am getting the following result :
Launching the server on redis: 2018/09/25
11:18:56 ring.go:263: ring shard state changed: Redis is down.
when I changed the port number in web preview in cloud shell it is showing as your server is not listing to 6379 port number, but in the instance level when I run the netstat -an command it is showing as the server is listing for 6379 port
please help me in resolving these issue.
6379 is redis server port which is there for rate limiting feature. If you go through the main.go file, you'll see go server port is 9999. Just run "dns-api-go" command and hit http://localhost:9999/

RabbitMQ accepting connections but closing them before accepting any input

So I just installed the latest version of rabbitmq and I've been trying to get it to work. The server is running and I've restarted it once just to be sure it's a consistent problem.
If I telnet localhost 5672, I get
Connected to localhost.
Escape character is '^]'.
Connection closed by foreign host.
As you can see, the connection is accepted but rabbitmq does not accept any input. The connection is closed immediately. No further information shows up in logs.
rabbitmqctl works without any problems.
This is running on Windows Subsystem for Linux / Ubuntu. I don't have any other options for a local dev environment because I'm on a work computer which is locked down pretty tightly.
I ran into the same issue, using Ubuntu(16.04) as a subsystem on Windows and rabbitmq 3.7.8. I noticed that when running sudo rabbitmqctl status the listeners showed the following:
I fixed this issue by creating a rabbitmq config file and specifying the localhost and port 5762
Here is what i did step by step.
Using sudo && vim, I created a 'rabbitmq.conf' file, located in
sudo vim /etc/rabbimq/rabbitmq.conf
I specified the localhost( and port(5672) for the default
tcp listener in the rabbitmq.conf file
listeners.tcp.default =
Restart rabbitmq
sudo service rabbitmq-server stop
sudo service rabbitmq-server start
Check sudo rabbitmqctl status and look at the listeners, you should see your new tcp listener with the localhost ip sepcified
Here is the config docs from rabbitmq that may help clarify some of these steps.
Telnet lets you confirm the system is listening and allows incoming connections.
But even an "out of the box" install of RabbitMQ expects credentials for connections.
rabbitmqctl list_users to see which users are configured.
If guest present, typical creds are guest / guest
Either install management plugin (or confirm it is installed),
or script your test, most languages have a package available for connecting to RabbitMQ.

View Activemq Messages with Jolokia and

Though browsing several websites and here on stack overflow, there seems to be a way to view the messages in an Activemq queue using Jolokia and, but I have been unsuccessful to this point.
We are running our Activemq (version 5.12.0) as in embedded service in our Spring Webapp and exposed the Jolokia web services as explained in this webpage:
When looking that the Jolokia web services via, I can not figure out how to actually view the messages in the queue.
Here is a screenshot showing the queue size:
So, how can I view the messages in an Activemq queue using Jolokia and
The solution we ended up going with didn't actually use Jolokia or
We ended up using Jconsole.
When looking at ActiveMQ queues, if you used a java serialized object in the queue, the data won't be very readably, but if you serialize your object to json, it is quite easy to see what is in the queue.
It is terribly important to read these directions all the way though, carefully.
These instructions discuss SSH Tunneling and it is quite easy to mess something up and there are not very good log messages when things go wrong.
Remote Debugging
Due to security reasons, we have closed all the open debug ports on our remote virtual machines.
To get remote debugging to work, we will need to use SSH Tunneling to access the remote virtual machine debugging ports.
Remote Application Setup
The application that you want to remotely debug must have the JPDA Transport connector enabled.
After Java 1.4, to enable the JPDA Transport, add the following vm parameter when starting your java virtual machine:
The above attributes are hard to describe, but what is presented above works well. More information about the above attributes can be found on the Connection and Invocation Details page.
Local IDE Setup
In Intellij to connect to a remote java virtual machine, open the "Run/Debug Configurations" window.
Then select a new "Remote" configuration.
Enter the following values:
Debugger mode
Attach to remote JVM
Use module classpath
The <port_number> should be the local port number of the ssh tunneling session that you will be starting. It is recommended that the <remote_port_number> and the <local_port_number> are the same value.
** This value should be whatever your local project is named.
SSH Tunneling
To actually connect to the remote debugging port, we'll need to use SSH Tunneling.
Run the following command via a terminal command line:
$ ssh -L <local_port_number>:localhost:<remote_port_number> -f <username>#<remote_server_name> -N
$ ssh -L 10001:localhost:10001 -f <your_username>#<> -N
This command does the following:
Starts an ssh session with the <remote_server_name>.
Connects your <local_port_number> to the <remote_port_number> of the localhost of the remote machine. In this case, we're saying connect to localhost:10001 of the <> machine.
Start remote debugging in the Intellij IDE and you should then be connected to the remote java virtual machine.
Intellij IDEA remotely debug java console program
Remote debug of a Java App using SSH tunneling (without opening server ports)
Remote JMX
We use JMX to look at the Spring Integration Kaha DB Queues.
Remote Application Setup
Add the following vm parameters:
The jmxremote.port and jmxremote.rmi.port can be any number and they can be different values, it just helps if they are the same value when doing the ssh tunneling below.
SSH Tunneling
$ ssh -L 64250:localhost:64250 -f <your_username>#<> -N
JConsole Setup
This is done in a new terminal window.
$ jconsole -J-DsocksProxyHost=localhost -J-DsocksProxyPort=64250 service:jmx:rmi:///jndi/rmi://
Why Java opens 3 ports when JMX is configured?
Clean Up
To close the ssh processes above:
$ lsof -i tcp | grep ^ssh
Then perform a kill on the process id.
Using jps and jstack to Help Debug
List all java processes running on a machine:
$ sudo jps
List the threads of an application running:
$ sudo -u <process_owner> jstack <process_id>
$ sudo -u tomcat jstack <pid>

Remotely shut down RabbitMQ server

I have been trying to remotely kill a rabbitmq server but haven't been lucky so far. I can easily connect to it and publish and receive messages using the pika library.
Steps I have tried so far:
Used RabbitMQ's HTTP API to DELETE a connection
An individual connection. DELETEing it
willclose the connection. Optionally set the "X-Reason"
header when DELETEing to provide a reason.'
When I tried something like http://localhost:15672/api/connection/, I get an error:
{"error":"Object Not Found","reason":"\"Not Found\"\n"}
Used rabbitmqadmin locally
Tried to use rabbitmqctl to remotely shut down the rabbitmq server
Here is how to do that using rabbitmqctl
rabbitmqctl.bat -n rabbit#gabriele-VirtualBox stop
Here is one way to kill a remote node using Erlang:
erl -setcookie FXQUEISFFRECSKWCVB -sname thekiller#gabriele-VirtualBox
Eshell V6.4 (abort with ^G)
(thekiller#gabriele-VirtualBox)1> net_adm:ping('rabbit#gabriele-VirtualBox').
(thekiller#gabriele-VirtualBox)2> rpc:call('rabbit#gabriele-VirtualBox', init, stop, []).
Start erl console using your .erlang.cookie and with -sname
with same rabbitmq domain (in my case gabriele-VirtualBox).
Test if you reach the node using ping
call rpc:call('rabbit#gabriele-VirtualBox', init, stop, []).
Done, you killed the remote node.
After a bit of troubleshooting all over again, I was able to use the HTTP API to kill active connections. The trick was that the whole connection name was to be url encoded.
In my case the connection name was: ->
So when I tried the following I got an error:
http://localhost:15672/api/connection/ ==> object not found error
It worked only after I URL encoded the connection name and sending a CURL DELETE like this: