how to disable word highlighting in Intellij idea? - intellij-idea

some words are automatically highlighted in intellij how can I disable them,words which have been highlighted are in use,and it only gets highlighted when they are in use by some other piece of code.How can i disable this?
in the pic there are some words which are highlighted

Activating automatic highlighting of usages
Open the Settings dialog box (File | Settings for Windows and Linux or IntelliJ IDEA | Preferences for macOS), and click General under the Editor node.
On the General page that opens, select the Highlight usages of element at caret check box in the Highlight on Caret Movement area.
Or you can select highlighted text and press Ctrl+Shift+F7(Windows or Linux).


my IDE is shown as simple text editor. No colors and no auto-complete

I tried everything written here.
setting root folder
checking power safe
But it was not solved
My screen does not show any color. Everything is white and black.
Control space is not working and there is no code completion.
File->Settings->Editor->Colors &Fonts and choose your scheme
On IntelliJ press 'Ctrl Alt + S' [ press ctrl alt and S together], this will open 'Setting popup'
In Search panel 'left top search 'Theme' keyword.
In left panel itself you can see 'Appearance', click on this
Right side panel you can see Theme: and drop down with following option
Check associations for "Text" in Preferences | Editor | File Types, if it contains .java, remove it.

Intellij, Thymeleaf, recognise instanceof during code inspection

I was wondering if it was possible to have Intellij code inspection recognise "instanceof" and mark it as correct.
The code i provided in the picture works, I just want to stop Intellij from drawing the red line
Picture of the code
You can ignore and supress inspections for Intellij from the Settings menu.
Settings/Preferences dialog (Ctrl+Alt+S), select Editor | Inspections.
Or you can supress/disable inspections by selecting the statement and pressing Alt + Enter and then pressing Disable inspection (if this is provided) . You can read the official documentation from Intellij.
You can find the full list of Java inspections for Intellij here.

Intellij IDEA highlight all occurrences of selected text

Currently, intellij highlights all occurrences of the word under the caret. How can I change it so that it doesn't do that, and instead will highlight all occurrences only when I select the word (eg: similar to sublime text) ?
From the plugin description:
Allows to easily browse next/previous word at caret and highlight
other appearances of selected word.
I'm using it and it works perfectly.
The following worked for me in IntelliJ 2018.2.3:
Disable automatic highlighting of usages by unchecking:
Preferences | Editor | General | Highlight usages of element at caret
Add mouse shortcut for Highlight Usages in File:
Preferences | Keymap | Main menu | Edit | Find | Highlight Usages in File
My mouse shortcut was: Shift + Control + Double Click
I am using Webstorm 2021.2 at the moment and this feature is working. Just for your information. Hope you also already updated to the latest.
Settings -> Editor -> Code Editing -> Highlight on Caret Movement -> Usages of element at caret

Unable to type > character in Intellij IDEA

Whenever I am using the Canadian Multilingual Standard Keyboard, I can't type the greater than character which are the keys AltCar + period. A dialog box shows
There are no custom foldings in the current file.
Removing/changing the shortcut for Fold selection/ Remove region in the Keymap did not work. I've also tried to add to bin/ but I can't apply changes to
Press Ctrl-Alt-Shift-Slash (Cmd-Alt-Shift-Slash if you're using Mac OS X), select "Registry" from the menu that appears and enable the "" checkbox in the menu that appears.
Go to File | Settings | Keymap. On the top of the screen, in a dropdown box you will see that one of the default keymap is selected. You need to make a copy of it. This is important becasue you can't change the default keymaps. To copy it, click on the Copy button on the right of the dropdown box and name your new layout however you want.
Now, with your new Keymap selected, search for the "Custom Fo...". Right click on any shortcut that is mapped to either Alt+. or Ctrl+Alt+. to delete it. Hit OK and you should be good to go.

Intellij - what is this strange selection, and how do I turn it off?

See the screenshot below to see what I mean. Basically, Intellij only highlights the box I draw with the cursor, but leaves the rest of the editor untouched. I have no idea why it happens, and the only way to resolve it for now is to close and reopen the editor. I have observed the same behavior on a Linux box and a MacBook, both when editing Java and PHP files, so I am not sure it's a bug.
The desired behaviour is standard row selection, i.e. highlight all rows which I drag the cursor over.
I think you have enabled 'column selection'.
Option can be toggled via these methods:
Menu Bar -> Edit -> Column selection mode
Document Body -> Right Click -> Column selection mode
Keyboard Shortcut -> ALT + SHIFT + INSERT
The column select mode is enabled, use Alt+Shift+Insert to enable or disable this mode.
Shift-command-8 to toggle it back and forth on OSX.